İkonik yarı insan, yarı makine ve tümüyle polis kahraman olarak Eski Detroit'in tehlikeli, suç dolu sokaklarına adalet getir. GELİŞTİRİCİ:Teyon YAYINCI:Nacon Xboxyoutube Only RoboCop can clean up the crime-ridden streets of Old Detroit!
Follow the part man, part machine in this gameplay trailer combining detective work and gory shoot-outs. Reinforcements arrive on Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S and PC in September 2023! https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=i4FhgRu15AA5xQtx&v=8stRH2M2QJA&feature=youtu.beIGNyoutube Enjoy 16 minutes of exclusive gameplay from RoboCop: Rogue City, the upcoming first-person shooter For PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S that puts you in the metal boots of Murphy as he fights crime in future Detroit.
#IGN #Gaming #RoboCop https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=FjlHNIq01cpfO2N9&v=VNP4Sx3PtQI&feature=youtu.be |