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RozaMu 99.62T [1.0M]

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  • Server: RozaMu 99.62T [1.0M]
    Exp & Drops: 80x & 50%
    RozaMu 0.99.62T [1.0M] version
    Experience & Drop 80x & 50%
    Points per Level BK/SM/ELF - 5 | MG/DL - 7
    PK Clear Cost 10ml x Pk Count (command /pkclear or through the website) command /pkclear or through the website
    Guild create level 200 Level required
    Max items level +13 +28
    Server Events Mass Pk (every Friday), Hall of Fame (every Saturday), Castle Siege (Every Sunday)
    Bless Bug Off
    Webshop No, only Market and Premium Options
    Spawn All maps
    PVP Balanced Pvp - every character is equal (we've tested the balance on all max resets)
    Reset Info
    Max Level 400 Level
    Max Resets 50 (First max reset will be 10, Second 15 and from 20 it will increase +2 every week)
    Reset Level Resets at level 350
    Reset Cost 15,000,000 zen x Reset Number
    Keep stats after reset No
    Points per Reset BK/ELF 550/535
    Points per Reset SM/MG 570/625
    Points per Reset DL 625
    Speed Bug - this is tested without weapon!
    Magic Gladiator: 15 agility = 1 speed

    [Agility: 25 - 12,100] [Speed: 1-807 ]

    [Agility: 12,100 - 13,770] [Speed: 802-918] No Works
    [Agility: 13,771 - 17,085] [Speed: 919-1139] Works
    [Agility: 17,086 - 22,050] [Speed: 1140-1470] No Works
    [Agility: 22,105 - 26,805] [Speed: 1473-1787] Works
    After [Agility: 27,050] [Speed: 1805] No Works
    Soul Master: 10 agility = 1 speed

    [Agility: 1 - 4,460] [Speed: 1-446 ]

    [Agility: 4,461 - 4,850] [Speed: 447-485] No Works
    [Agility: 4,851 - 6,000] [Speed: 486-600] Works
    [Agility: 6,070 - 6,920] [Speed: 607-692] No Works
    [Agility: 6,921 - 8,530] [Speed: 693-853] Works
    [Agility: 8,531 - 11,050] [Speed: 854-1105] No Works
    [Agility: 11,051 - 13,530] [Speed: 1106-1353] Works
    After [Agility: 13,540] [Speed: 1354] No Works
    Success Rates
    2nd level Wings 90% Maximum possible
    Jewel of Soul 60% (45% if no luck)
    Jewel of Life 60% (70% if no luck)
    Item +10 75% (65% if no luck)
    Item +11 70% (60% if no luck)
    Item +12 60% (50% if no luck)
    Item +13 55% (45% if no luck)
    Mana Shield formula
    Start Percent 10%
    Agility per 1% 550 Agility
    Energy per 1% 950 Energy
    Mana Shield Max 75%
    Blade Knight Swell of Life
    Agility per 1% 400 Agility
    Energy per 1% 80 Energy
    Party bonus exp
    SM, BK, Elf Party bonus
    SM, BK, Elf, MG, DL Golden party bonus
    In-Game Commands
    /post (global message)
    Marry [/marry, /accept, /tracemarry, /divorce ] Only for VIP, here can buy vip
    /questinfo, /charinfo, /re (on/off), /exit, /time
    Off trade [/offtrade] Only for VIP, here can buy vip
    Vault [/vault (1/10)] Only for VIP, here can buy vip
    Add command [/addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /addcmd] Only for VIP, here can buy vipRozaMu

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