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  • Arcana :​

    Arcana Earthseeker

    Arcana Wraith King

    Arcana Queen of Pain

    Arcana Wind Ranger

    Arcana Spectre

    Arcana Drow Ranger 

    Arcana Faceless Void

    Arcana Razor

    Arcana Jugger 

    Arcana Pa

    Arcana Zeus 

    Arcana Ogre  

    Prestige Item :

    Persona Invoker + Set Dark Artistry

    Persona Pudge

    Persona AM

    Persona Mirana

    Persona Dragon Knight

    Persona Phantom Assassin

    Immortal Set Tiny 

    Immortal Set Axe 

    Immortal Set Hoodwink 

    Immortal Set Primal Beast 

    Abadon Echoes of the Everblack Set, + 4 more sets

    Alchemıst Beoilerplate Bruiser Set 

    Ancıent Apparıtıon Apocalypse Unbound Set + Immortal Shartterblast Rule, Immortal Shatterblast Core 

    Arc Warden Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Set 

    Axe Immortal Golden Crucible of Rile 

    Batrıder Charms of the FireFiend Set + Immortal Ghastly Nocturne 

    Beastmaster 3 normal set + Immortal Primal Peacemaker 

    Bloodseeker Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum Set 

    Bounty Hunter Heartless Hunt Set, + 1 Set More 

    Brewmaster Rumrunner's Carronade Set 

    Brıstleback Beast of the Crimson Ring Set, +2 set more + Immortal Blastmiit boreblade item 

    Broodmother Automaton Antiquity Set + 2 set more + Immortal Limbs of Lycosidae 

    Centaur Warunner Battle Dress of the Proven + Immortal Weapon, Immortal Shoulder 

    Chaos Knıght Talons of the Endless Strom + 1 more set + Immortal Shield Immortal Weapon 

    Chen Hounds Of Obsession Set + 3 more Set 

    Clınkz 2 Set + Immortal Weapon Immortal Back Immortal Burning Army 

    Clockwerk normal 3 Set 

    Crystal Madıden Immortal Weapon Immortal shoulder Immortal head 

    Dark Seer Immortal Head, Immortal Arms 

    Dark Wıllow Allure of hte Faeshade Flower Set + 1 more set + Immortal Head, Immortal off-hand 

    DawnBreaker 1 normal set 

    Dazzle Forbidden Medicine Set + 1 more set + Immortal Back 

    Death Prophet normal 4 Set + Immortal Head 

    Dısruptor Fury of the Rigteous Storm Set + 2 more set + Immortal mount

    Doom Wrath of the Fallen Set + Dread Ascendance Set + Immortal Arms 

    Dragon Knught Scorched Amber Set + Immortal Shıled 

    Earth Sprırıt Aodrnment of the Jade Emissary Set 

    Eartsaker Immortal Totem Immortal Arms 

    Ember Spırıt Master of the Searing Path Set 

    Enchantress Songs of Starfall Glen Set + Immortal Weapon Immortal Neck 

    Enigma The Arts of Mortal Deception Set 

    GrımStroke Herald of the ember eye Set + Papean of the Ink Dragon Set 

    Huskar Pursuit of hte ember Demons Set + Immortal weapon Immortal Head 

    Jakıro Fissured Flight Set + Immortal Left Head 

    Juggernaut Lineage of hte Stormlords Set 

    Kotl Wisdom of the midnight sun set + Immortal Weapon 

    Leshrac Immortal Head Immortal Weapon + 1 normal set 

    Lich 2 normal set + Immortal Head 

    Lifestealer All Immortal Set 

    Lina Glory of the elderflame Set + Immortal Belt 

    Lion İmmortal Head 

    Luna 2 normal set + Immortal weapon 

    Lycan 1 normal set + İmmortal head 

    Magnus Immortal Head 

    Mars 1 normal set + Immortal weapon 

    Medusa 2 normal set + Immortal Taıl 

    Mırana 3 normal set + Immortal Head 

    Monkey Kıng 3 normal set 

    Morphlıng 3 Normal set 

    Naga Sıren Immortal head Immortal Taıl 

    Nature's Prophet Signs of hte Allfather Set + 2 Normal set + Immortal weapon Immortal Back 

    Necro 3 Normal set + Immortal Head Immortal legs Immortal Beard 

    Nıght Stalker Origin of the Dark Oath Set + 2 Normal Set + Immortal Golden arms 

    Nyx Assasın 2 normal set + Immortal back 

    Omnıkıght 2 Normal set + Immortal weapon Immortal head Immortal Back + Immortal ARms 

    Oracle Riidle of the Hierophant Set + Immortal Head 

    Pangolıer PittFall Crusader Set 

    Phoenıx Blaze Of Oblivion Set + Crimson Dawn Set 

    Pudge Midnless Salugter Set + Dapper Disguise Set + Immortal weapon 

    Pugna 2 normal set + Immortal weapon Immortal head 

    Qop Immortal weapon Immortal Sshoulder 

    Riki Scarlet Subversion Set 

    Shadow Fıend Souls Tyrant Set + Immortal Arms 

    Shadow shaman 2 normal set + Immortal weapon 

    Silencer Silent slayer Set + Immortal Shıled 

    Skywarth Mage Secret of the Celestial + 2 normal set + Immortal wıngs 

    Slardar 1 normal set + Immortal back Immortal head 

    Slark 2 normal set 

    Snapfıre Whippersanpper Set 

    Snıper Blacksail Cannoneer Set + Immortal Back 

    Spectre Spoils of the Sadowveil Set 

    Sporot Breaker 2 normal set + Immortal weapon 

    Sven 2 normal set + Immortal Head 

    Techıes Primer of the Sapper's Guilde Set 

    Templar Assassın Steward of the Forbıdden set + 6 more set + Immortal Head 

    Terorblade Forgotten Station Set + Immortal back + Immortal weapon 

    Tıdehunter Poacher's Bane Set + Immortal back 

    Timersaw Clearcut Cavalier Set + Immortal weapon + Immortal off-hand 

    Tinker 3 Immortal item 

    Tıny Ancient Inheritance Set 

    Tusk Distinguished Expeditonary Set 

    Underlord Ravengous Abyss Set + Immortal head Immortal weapon 

    Undyıng Forlorn Descent Set + 2 more set + Immortal arms 

    Ursa Trophies of the hallowed Set + Immortal back 

    Venomancer 7 set + 4 Immortal Items 

    Warlock Beholden of hte Baneshed Set + Immortal Head 

    Weaver Immortal antennae Immortal back

    Dergi mapleri mevcuttur.

    Karlı ve yağmurlu hava durumu mevcuttur.

    BH SKOR: 10.000 En son rankı 4300lerdeydi şuan kapalı

    6500 tl toplam değerde bir kaç tane oyunda vardır

    Ankara içi eldende verilebilir.

    552 259 62 79 wp den mesaj atabilirsiniz.

    Düşük teklifler konuya kapalıdır

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi komutanlogar2323 -- 26 Aralık 2023; 14:21:52 >

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