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The Best Game... MUangels(dot)net SS8.3 Free RESET, Open today

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  • The Best Game... MUangels(dot)net SS8.3 Free RESET, Open today

    I do not know this post violates or not, but if it violets, I would like to have admin and mods deteted them for me, please do not ban my account, I highly appreciate it.

    Assert the level of gamers. Worthy hero!

    EXP: 999
    The rate of drop items:: 10%
    Antihack: New

    Premier version

    - Easy auto play, Easy Auto AFK

    - Reaffirming that this is the reputable, lasting and stable online playground.

    - The classes in game are equal.

    - No lag in sever, especially using anti-hack which is proprietary hack fix.

    - Strictly management for gamers hack, violence, breaking sever ...

    - Taking place so many large and small events:


    • Exp 300 - GHRS – NEW ITEM – HIGH VALUE

    •MU FREE 100%, Rare items, UPDATE WING EX SS8 – “Castle Siege” EVERY WEEKS. Long time in playing also awarded credits, each reset is also offered credits. Inheriting and promoting what's already MUSS2 have, along with changing the process to be suitable for the needs and aspirations of the gamers, after the long time we have an upgrade MUSS2 Up to MUSS8. 3. It brought up the mu online in general, mu season 8.3 in particular a completely new version, which was promising to give an premier playground for those who loves MU Online.

    In order to create a fairest and healthy playground, today Mu Angels launched the MUAngels server, which opened the series of attractive events, continuous top racing event ... With an admin system who support member with all their heart, giving free intermediate, many events organized by the GM in the game for you, so many gifts, jade rabbit army, ... and many other novelty events, especially you can pick up value items that you can not train every day at these events.

    We are pleased to launch the server MU Angels
    - Please hurry to participate version at now for a chance to get incentives.

    1. Anti-Hack system completely new

    2. Especially: Server with no Webshop - Item Excellent Full.
    - The sale of the item full, EXL on the webshop are losing the excitement of gamers participating in any online game as well as losing the balance in the game.

    - Furthermore, it will make gamers boring quickly because the finding of a vip suit is too simple.

    - Coming to MU Season 8.3 special edition, you will always feel the true value of the game. All the items you earn in the game are very valuable.

    - Webshop will only sell items such as Jade Spirituality, Chaos, Creative ....

    - Do not sell the wishing jewel and feathers and fish having rolated wings.

    3. Cashop system is new and unique:

    For MU Season 8.3, you will enjoy the new item and the item box system is optimal expanded

    4. Conditions for Resets Table:

    - Function Reset: Applying function Reset by material finded in game help is always valuable.

    - You will have the experience again with the feeling of joy and thrill at the sound of jade drops.

    - In addition, we also fully support the other functions to help you have more choices in the game.

    5. Stable Server. Online 24/24:

    - With high-speed line and only 1 sub (can be increased) 24/24 stable operation, you can completely assured when participating in MU Season 8.3

    - Moreover, Season 8 version is lightweight (approximately 100MB for the no sound version) so it will be compatible with all operating systems and runs smoothly even on machines with low-profile computer.

    6. So many attractive events:

    + Racing TOP 48h + Racing TOP 7 days + Racing as weekly TOP + Racing as monthly TOP + Racing TOP Class + Racing TOP Guild

    +Racing TOP rolated items + Event Duel Version + Hunting boss event + Hunting assassin + “Castle Siege” every 8PM on Sunday.

    Generalizing Server

    Inheriting and promoting what's already MUSS8.3 have, along with changing the process to be suitable for the needs and aspirations of the gamers, once again MUSS8.3 give mu online in general, mu season 8.3 in particular a completely new version, which was promising to give an premier playground for those who loves MU Online.

    In particular, you will be taking an attractive, special and completely new MU Online, an whole – hearted admin system, the customer care support system 24/7 ensures high benefits for gamers, good security antihack help stabilize the game, and a special experience of Server game in version Season 8.3 Unique – a hottest version on MU Online market.

    7. The new version of website system:

    By using interface management web version, which is completely new and has many attractive new features such as: Training, Parallel training, Account Protection by IP, Point Master Reset, Online currency transfers, Complete new ranking which is more adequate ... and so many attractive events programmed.

    8. Event Time
    - Event Arca Battle
    Time 0h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 14h, 16h

    - Event Blood Castle
    Time 0h25, 2h25, 4h25, 6h25, 8h25, 10h25, 12h25, 14h25, 16h25, 18h25, 20h25, 22h25

    - Event Castle Deep Event
    Time 4h, 12h, 20h25

    -Event ChaosCastle
    Time 0h15, 1h55, 3h55, 5h55, 7h55, 9h55, 11h55, 13h55, 15h55, 17h55, 19h55, 21h55

    - Event Devil Square
    Time 1h, 3h, 5h, 7h , 9h, 11h, 13h, 15h, 17h, 19h, 21h, 23h

    - Event IllusionTemple
    Time 1h, 5h, 9h, 13h, 17h, 21h

    - Event Lunar Rabbit
    continuity 24h on tow map lorencia and kantru 3


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    New Update
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