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The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU] (2. sayfa)

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  • The King of Fighters XV Ramon Fragmanı

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]

    SNK, The King of Fighters XV için yeni karakter Ramon'u (Seslendiren: Kiyoshi Katsunuma) tanıtan bir fragman yayınladı.


    Önceki tanıtılan karakterler arasında:  Vanessa, Luong, Blue Mary, Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Chris, Shermie, Mai Shiranui, King, Yashiro Nanakase, Terry Bogard, Yuri Sakazaki, Andy Bogard, Chizuru Kagura, Chizuru Kagura, Kyo Kusanagi, Joe Higashi, Iori Yagami, Benimaru Nikaido, Meitenkun ve Shun'ei yer alıyor.



    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV is coming Q1 2022! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV is coming Q1 2022! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
  • KOF XV|ANTONOV|Trailer #27【TEAM G.A.W.】

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV is coming Q1 2022! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
  • The King of Fighters XV 17 Şubat 2022'de Çıkıyor

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]

    Geliştirici SNK, King of Fighters XV'in 17 Şubat 2022'de PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4 ve PC (Steam, Epic Games Store ve Microsoft Store üzerinden) için çıkış yapacağını duyurdu.


    - The King of Fighters XV Standard Edition: Temel oyunu içerir.

    - The King of Fighters XV Day One Edition: Terry “Garou: Mark of the Wolves” DLC kıyafetini içerir 

    - The King of Fighters XV Deluxe Edition (Dijital): Temel oyunu ve üç günlük Erken Erişimi içerir. Ek olarak The King of Fighters XV Team Pass 1 (ekip başına üç karakter, toplamda altı karakter içeren “Team 1” ve “Team 2” DLC'sini içerir). Ayrıca “Klasik Leona” kıyafetini bünyesinde barındırır.


    İlk yayınlandığı 1994 yılından bu yana KOF dövüş oyunları serisi, çekici karakterleri ve benzersiz oyun sistemi ile tüm dünyayı heyecanlandırmaya devam ediyor. Serinin son oyunundan bu yana altı yıl geçti ve şimdi KOF XV gerek grafikleri, gerek sistemleri, gerekse çevrimiçi deneyimiyle kendinden önceki tüm oyunları gölgede bırakıyor. 


    Fragman videosu

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


  • The King of Fighters XV - Hikaye Fragmanı

    SNK, çıkışı yaklaşmakta olan dövüş oyunu The King of Fighters XV'in yeni bir fragmanını paylaştı.


    Bu seferki fragman tamamen oyunun hikayesinde odaklanıyor. Ayrıca ara sahneleri ve birkaç önemli karakteri de sergiliyor. Hayranların merakını uyandırmak adına da bazı tanıdık yüzler ve yeni yüzler gösteriliyor. 


    Fragman videosu

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]
    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK GLOBALtwitter
    “【KOF XV】 The latest KOF Saga continues from the previous title in Story Mode. Heroes from the Orochi, NESTS, and Ash Sagas have all joined this KOF. This time, the story is coming to an explosive climax! https://t.co/ov5RmwJzEo #SNK #KOF #KOF15 https://t.co/omOuW2gE61”



    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]GamersPreyyoutube
    Story Trailer of The King of Fighters XV. Subscribe for all the latest trailers and gameplay: http://goo.gl/8LO96F Become a member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClFuUQ2pO1ED3BNorWf9huA/join Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/7J9puGC Follow us on Twitter: http://goo.gl/aBy2yP Like us on Facebook: http://goo.gl/ahkcSu Become a patron: https://goo.gl/TnnC4I #GamersPrey

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Venomstr -- 1 Eylül 2021; 4:1:17 >

  • The King of Fighters XV - Ash Crimson Fragmanı

    SNK, The King of Fighters XV için oynanabilir karakter Ash Crimson'ı (Sounosuke Nagashiro tarafından seslendiriliyor) tanıtan yeni bir fragman yayınladı.


    Anotonov ve daha önce duyurulan Ramon ve King of Dinosaurs, oyunun dokuzuncu ekibi olan “Team G.A.W. (Galaxy Anthon Wrestling)” 'ı oluşturuyor.


    Fragman videosu

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


  • The King of Fighters XV - Ash Kukri Fragmanı

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]

    SNK, The King of Fighters XV için oynanabilir yeni karakter Kukri'yi (Hiroki Takahashi tarafından seslendirildi) tanıtan yeni bir fragman yayınladı.

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


  • oyun vasat gözüküyo, yinede çıkınca ücretsiz korsan versiyonu çıkınca denerim beğenirsek alırız.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi blendw -- 16 Eylül 2021; 17:21:21 >
  • The King of Fighters XV - Isla Fragmanı

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]

    SNK, The King of Fighters XV için oynanabilir yeni karakter Isla'yı (Lynn tarafından seslendirildi) tanıtan yeni bir fragman yayınladı.


    The King of Fighters XV yaratıcı yönetmeni Eisuke Ogura, The King of Fighters XV Tokyo Game Show 2021 Etkinliği sırasında şunları söyledi: 'Son fragmanda gördüğünüz gizemli kız en yeni karakterimiz Isla'dır. Hikayedeki yeri açısından Shun'ei'ye rakip olacak. Shun'ei ile aynı hayalet ellere sahip olacak. Hikaye Isla ve Shun'ei etrafında dönecek. Bu yüzden ikisi de oyunda büyük bir rol oynayacak."

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


  • KOF XV|K´|Trailer #31

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

    KOF XV|HEIDERN|Trailer #32

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

  • The King of Fighters XV - State of Play Ekim 2021: Açık Beta Fragmanı | PS5, PS4

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]PlayStationyoutube
    We're proud to announce an Open Beta Test for KOF XV! Players can choose from 8 characters, including our newest one, Dolores. Features modes like Online Casual Matches and Room Matches. Try out KOF XV on your PS4 or PS5! Open Beta Test PST: Nov. 19th 19:00 – 22nd 6:59 CET: Nov. 20th 4:00 – 22nd 15:59

    KOF XV|DOLORES|Fragman #33

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
  • Açık Beta tarihleri:

    From 7PM Nov 19th to 6:59AM Nov 22nd PST


    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]
    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK GLOBALtwitter
    “【KOF XV】 KOF XV Open Beta Test Announced! Choose from 8 playable characters including for KOF newcomer, DOLORES! ●Testing Period From 7PM Nov 19th to 6:59AM Nov 22nd PST ●Platforms PS5, PS4 *Cross-generation enabled https://t.co/kuA3usKaub #SNK #KOF #KOF15”
  • KOF XV|WHIP|Trailer #34

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
  • The King of Fighters XV | Gameplay 4K & Frame Rate on PS5

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]ContraNetworkyoutube
    #PS5 #ContraNetwork #TheKingofFightersXV 0:00 | 1 VS 1 4K Gameplay 1:53 | 3 VS 3 4K Gameplay 4:58 | Frame Rate #KOF #KOF15 #kofxvobt #kof15obt • Site | http://bit.ly/20Q1QQE • Donations | https://bit.ly/2Op56aa • Twitter | @ContraNetworkHD • Email | info@ContraNetwork.it (No Commentary) ⓒⓄⓃⓉⓇⒶⓃⒺⓉⓌⓄⓇⓀ
  • KOF XV | 2nd OBT and KOF Newcomer KROHNEN Trailer

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    KOF XV 2nd OPEN BETA TEST ANNOUNCED! CHOOSE FROM 8 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS INCLUDING KOF NEWCOMER, KROHNEN! ■Testing Period From 7PM Dec. 17th PST to 6:59AM Dec. 20th PST From 4AM Dec. 18th CET to 3:59PM Dec. 20th CET ■Platforms PlayStation®5 / PlayStation®4  *Cross-generation enabled *A PlayStation®Plus subscription is not necessary to play. ■Playable Modes Online: Casual Match, Room Match Offline: Versus, Training, Tutorial ■Playable Characters Krohnen, Isla, Meitenkun, Antonov, K´, Blue Mary, Ryo Sakazaki, Terry Bogard ******************************************************************************* 『THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV』第2回オープンβテストの開催を決定! 新キャラクター「クローネン」など8体が使用可能! ■実施期間 2021年12月18日12時~12月20日23時59分 ■プラットフォーム PlayStation®5 / PlayStation®4  ※クロスジェネレーション対応 ※PlayStation®Plus未加入の方もプレイいただけます。 ■プレイ可能なモード オンライン:カジュアルマッチ、ルームマッチ オフライン:バーサス、トレーニング、チュートリアル ■プレイ可能なキャラクター クローネン、イスラ、明天君、アントノフ、K´、マリー、リョウ、テリー https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

    KOF XV|MAXIMA|Trailer #37【TEAM K´】

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15


    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    The new "XV" that transcends everything! Past KOF heroes unite! 39 star-studded characters are ready to fight! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
  • KOF XV|DLC Costume | GAROU: MotW TERRY

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    【Early Purchase Bonus】 ■Platform: All Platforms (Physical Ver./ Digital Ver.) ■For the following versions: KOF XV Standard Edition/ KOF XV Deluxe Edition *The early purchase bonus for the digital version will be included when the game is downloaded by March 9th, 2022. https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ 【早期購入特典】 ■対象プラットフォーム:全プラットフォーム(パッケージ版/デジタル版) ■対象商品:KOF XV Standard Edition/KOF XV Deluxe Edition ※デジタル版の早期購入特典は、2022年3月9日までにダウンロードした場合、特典が付属します。 https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15

    The King of Fighters XV [PS5 / PS4 ANA KONU]SNK OFFICIALyoutube
    【Digital Edition:Exclusive Bonus】 ■Platform: All Platforms (Digital Ver.) ■For the following versions: KOF XV Standard Edition/ KOF XV Deluxe Edition https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ 【デジタル版:限定特典】 ■対象プラットフォーム:全プラットフォーム(デジタル版) ■対象商品:KOF XV Standard Edition/KOF XV Deluxe Edition https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/ ©SNK CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. #SNK #KOF #KOF15
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