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Ticket Attım Gelen Cvplar Ne Yapacam

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Bu Konudaki Kullanıcılar: Daha Az
2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Boylede Bır Tıcket Cektım

    Dear, Customer Support
    i got hacked please change my account information..Please help me..
    i wanna Change Account Password , My mail and 3 of secret question and answer .Please change these my security.
    These are my informations of payment.Thanks for help for now..

    I am **** from ***** server. Here is the information you need

    Account Login ID : ******
    Server : *****

    Hack date : **/**/**** **.** and **.**

    Character level before hack : ** LvL %**

    Secret question answer before i got hacked : *****
    KESN CODE : ****************
    Date : ********
    Gamefirst code:************
    I want to information...
    New Password. *********

    New Mail : ********@*****.com

    New 3 of secret question and answer ;

    1)- What is your mother's maiden name? >> Answer :*******

    2)- What city were you born in? >> Answer :********

    3)- Who was your childhood hero? >> Answer :*********


    Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. I apologize that I will be unable to resolve this issue personally and must escalate this to another department. Please be assured that your issue will be resolved as soon as possible. Should you have any other concerns, please submit another ticket with as much specific information as possible. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this matter.


    Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. However, we will need more information from you to verify the account. Please respond to this ticket and include ALL the 9 digit Click and Buy customer ID numbers used to make purchases on this account. Once we receive this information from you, we will be able to make the changes to the account. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Thank you for your patience and happy hunting!

    * bolgelerı doldurup tıcketımı attım 2 gelen cvpta Click and Buy customer ID ısımlerını sıfrelerını ıstıyor ben bu charı bır kısı ıle takasta aldım bu bılgılerı yok ne yapabılırım nasıl acıklaybılırım ve charı soyan cok yakın bır arkadasım takas ettıgım kısı deıgl char onda bılıyorm ama ne yaptıysam alamadım

    yardm edersenız sevınırım

  • Tüm ödeme bilgilerini verdiğin taktirde istediğin bilgileri değiştircez fLn diyolar
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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sezgin3074 -- 21 Şubat 2008; 23:40:03 >
  • ilk ticketta gerekli departmana yonlendireceklerini soylemisler.

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    Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. However, I am unable to verify the ownership of account “*********” due to incorrect/lack of information. Please submit a new ticket once you have all the payment information for this account. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Thank you for playing Knight Online and happy hunting!

    yanı o bılgılerın 2sınıde verırsem degıstırelcektı ısın yoksa char takas ettgım adamı bul ondan ıste oda verırse olur ofofof
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