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☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

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  •  ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    Welcome and we invite you to play together .

    We strive to make pleasant time for our players by adding frequent updates of news .
    The database is saved every hour and another sent to our server .
    Stability, and most importantly the lack of lag owe boat has excellent hosting company .
    Server is not created in order to profit our only expense is the fee for hosting. This server is made to have fun with friends that's why you can get everything by playing no one is forcing you to donate. The gameplay is fair and smooth no lags nothing.

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆


     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    Degree: 10/11
    Skills Cap: 100
    Cap: 100
    Alchemy Rates: 2x
    Solo EXP: 80
    SP Rates: 160
    Guild Limit: 50
    IP Limit: 4
    Party EXP/SP Rates: 160x
    Monster Respawn: Normal per secound / Uniques per 1hour
    Job penalty: No
    Job Rates: 80x
    Drop Rate: 30x
    Fellow Pets: Added
    Race: Chinese / European

    Battle Arena: Enabled
    Job Temple: Enabled
    Special Trade: Enabled
    Capture the Flag: Enabled
    Fortress war: Hotan and Bandit
    Max Adv Elixir: Grade "C"
    SOX: New System
    Guild Penalty: No
    Exploits Protected: Yes
    Magic POP: Yes
    DDOS Protected: Yes
    Socket System: Yes
    New Stones System: Yes
    Silks for Job: (7 lvl to get 7 silks )
    Ticket System: Yes
    Unique Point System: Yes

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]1. How to get DG 11 Sun Gear ?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]
    [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]You can get obtain DG 11 sun gear for the monsters in Bagdad.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [SIZE="3"](Dark Sandman , Blood Sandman - [COLOR="blue"][B]BLUE[/B][/COLOR])[/SIZE]

    [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]2. How to get DG 10 Moon/Sun Gear ?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]
    [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]You can get obtain DG 10 Sun/Moon gear for the monsters in Bagdad.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [SIZE="3"](Mangyang Plunders , Red Wolfs - [COLOR="Red"][B]RED[/B][/COLOR])[/SIZE]

    [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Here is the map :[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]3. How to obtain a [COLOR="Green"]Legendary [/COLOR]ticket ?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]
    [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Monsters in Bagdad now will drop Special elements and with these elements you can craft the
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]3. How to obtain DG 11 [COLOR="Green"]Legendary [/COLOR]Weapons ?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]

    [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]You can get The Legendary Weapons from Arabian Tomb (Legendary Garden) there you will find some unique and they drop DG 11 Legendary Weapons.


    [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]5. How to obtain Magic Pop :[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
    [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]You can kill some Unique monsters they will drop the Magic pop cards.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    [B][SIZE="3"]Update 16 September 2016:[/SIZE][/B]

    Today we open Forgotten World Shipwreck ✮ //✮ ✮ //✮ ✮ ✮ //✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
    Dimension Hols you know where to find. If not look on Baghdad
    you have a lot of Pilars there.
    What you can get on Shipwreck ? Legendary Accessories!
    From Boxes and last Unique. So gather up some friends and go on adventure together.

    # Added Blood Sandman's more spawn places.
    # Edited possibility exchange Magic Dusts (elements) with other players.
    # Edited max stack of Crystal Scroll of Legendary Ticket now its 100 units.

    [B][SIZE="3"] Update 19 September 2016:[/SIZE][/B]
    [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Finally we will add new features on our server :

    # Added Six Horns of Garment,Protector,Heavy armor etc,
    # Disable Jangan Fortress,
    # Enable Bandit Fortress & Hotan Fortress,

    [B][SIZE="3"]Update 22 September 2016:[/SIZE][/B]
    # Add Unique Point System :
    - Almost every unique kill will give you points (without Job temple Uniques)
    - Points can be changed for Buffs like (DMG,Parry Rate,Attack rate) On our site you will be able to check how many points did you get and then exchange it for Special Buffs.[/SIZE]
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆
    ► Explanation how our Unique Point System work ◄

    We thought about doing Unique Reward only people who ask largest Damage and her nickname will be displayed as a killer . It seems to us that this was also to bad solution because persons within the same party and helping in the killing of a rarity not to have received nothing . Therefore, at the present moment -we introduce a new currency which reconciled the fact that persons who are in a group also have a chance to score points .

    *Receipt of points depends on the lvl difference between the player and the monster.
    [B][SIZE="3"]Rates of Points [/SIZE][/B]
    [B][SIZE="3"]1 Point (Titans) [/SIZE][/B]

    - Tiger Girl (Titan)
    - Captain Ivy (Titan)
    - Uruchi (Titan)
    - Cerberus (Titan)
    - Isyutaru (Titan)
    [B][SIZE="3"]2 Points (Titans) [/SIZE][/B]

    - Demon Shaitan (Titan)
    - Lord Yarkan (Titan)

    [B][SIZE="3"]Normal Uniques [/SIZE][/B]

    [B][SIZE="3"]3 Points [/SIZE][/B]

    - Tiger Girl
    - Captain Ivy
    - Uruchi
    - Cerberus
    - Isyutaru

    [B][SIZE="3"]Normal Uniques # 2[/SIZE][/B]

    [B][SIZE="3"]4 Points [/SIZE][/B]

    - Tomb General Hyun
    - Demon Shaitan
    - Lord Yarkan

    [B][SIZE="3"]Special Uniques [/SIZE][/B]

    [B][SIZE="3"]5 Points [/SIZE][/B]

    - White Knight (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Princess Miyene (Full STR)
    - Tai Sui (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Rage Cloud (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Battle Golem (Full STR)
    - Gnome (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Giant Demon (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Karkadann (Full STR & Full Int)
    - Khulood (Full STR & Full Int)

    Points you can exchange on the game for 3 type of Buffs :
    - Attack Rate 10 %
    - Parry Rate 10 %
    - Damage 5 %

    All buffs can be used at the same time.
    Each individual buff lasts 15 hours.

    [B][SIZE="3"] Update 25.09.2016 : [/SIZE][/B]

    ►On our Gallery Three Pictures of Winners Picture Event,
    ►Unique Points Ranking,
    ►Last Unique Kills,
    ►Global Chat,
    ►Mobile Payment (Automatic) - all Countries,
    ►Top 100 Thiefs Job (with correct names),
    ►Top 100 Traders Job (with correct names),
    ► Top 100 Hunters Job (with correct names).

    [B][SIZE="3"] Update 30.09.2016 : [/SIZE][/B]

    ► Fixed Command Post (Fortress War),

    ► Deleted from Drop Magic POP cards,

    ► Adding for Uniques Points Magic POP cards,

    ► Adding Magic POP cards on CTF reward,

    ► Adding to the Magic POP Npc Devil Spirit 15 %,

    ► Incease Magic POP rate.

    Update 01.10.2016:

    [B][SIZE="3"] Update 01.10.2016:[/SIZE][/B]

    # Added Alchemy Event every day :
    -15:00 - 15:20(20mins)
    -20:00 - 20:20 (20mins)

    Points you can check by command : !Alchemyevent

    At this time when you doing alchemy you getting points. When you fail you lose it.
    Top 10 Players getting reward Silks (Tommorow i will write Point Rate)

    # Added JobWar Event every day :
    - 13:00 - 14:00 (1 hour)
    - 18:00 - 19:00 (1 hour)

    At this time killing (opponents for example if you are Thief killing Traders and Hunters) on Job Temple will give you points every kill 1 point. Also you can get Points from Uniques like : (Anubis/Isis Selket/Neith)
    From Monster :
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    By Killing enemys :

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    Points you can check on Item Mall.
    Points you can exchange by using command on normal chat : " !jobpoints " your points from item mall will be changed and you will have it on Storage. !! IMPORTANT !! You need to have on Storage 1 item or more (your storage must be actived)

    # Added Fortress Reward for all Members (Wining Guild )not only Leader. After Fortress all will get Guild Coin.
    Coins you can change for Scroll of Gold or Battle Hammer.

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    Update : 02.10.2016
    - New Job Capes with 3 Skills (After buy need to teleport to active Skills)
     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆

    - New Trans Pet Moved to Job Shop
    - Fire Wall(Fortress) have now 25320HP

    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Exchange System all Degrees :[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]



    Thanks for reading.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi DizzySRO -- 4 Ekim 2016; 20:53:19 >

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     ☆ TrioSRO ☆ Cap 100 ☆ Silks For Job ☆ New Items ☆ New Balance ☆ CH&EU ☆ Play2Win ☆


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