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  • Sinyaliniz kötü dediler sonra geldiler apartman kutusunda birşey yaptılar ancak modeminiz de bozuk dediler. Modemi kontrol ettik alakası yokmuş, yalan söylüyorlar bilerek.

    Yarın arayıp sıçıp sıvıcam ağızlarına.

    Bu linke giremiyorum, var mı yeni link?

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Baglanirlik durumunda "erisim reddedildi" diye bir not yaziyor yorum kisminda.. Cozumunu bilen var mi?

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Anlık kopmalar yaşıyorum. Uydunet teknik servis geldi, bir cihazla ölçüm yaptı, modemi de arayüzden inceledi. Downstream Kanalı, SNR değerinin 39 olması gerektiğini, benim modemimde 35'in altına kadar indiğini söylediler. Bu da kopmaları beraberinde getirirmiş. Modemi değişmem gerektiğini söylüyorlar.

    Benzer bir durum yaşayan var mı? Dedikleri doğru mu?
  • Merhabalar,

    Benim bağlantı verilerim aşağıdaki şekilde çıkmıştır. http://adslturk.net/hiz-testi/ yaptığım testte indirme 1.5, upload 1mb çıkmıştır. Bu değerler doğru mudur acaba?
    Uydunet 10gb eko sınırsız kullanmaktayım.

    Çalıştırma Prosedürü
    Prosedür Durumu Yorum
    Downstream Kanalını Yakalıyor 573000000 Hz Kilitli
    Bağlanırlık Durumu Tamam Operasyonel
    Ön Yükleme Durumu
    Yapılandırma Dosyası Tamam
    Güvenlik Etkin BPI+

    Downstream Kanalı
    Kanal Kilit Durumu Modülasyon Kanal ID Frekans Güç SNR Düzeltilebilir Tablolar Düzeltilmemiş Tablolar
    1 QAM256 573000000 Hz 2.2 dBmV 42.5 dB 0 0
    2 QAM256 561000000 Hz 1.5 dBmV 41.9 dB 0 0
    3 QAM256 567000000 Hz 1.9 dBmV 42.5 dB 0 0
    4 QAM256 579000000 Hz 2.4 dBmV 42.5 dB 0 0
    5 QAM256 585000000 Hz 2.1 dBmV 42.5 dB 0 0
    6 QAM256 591000000 Hz 1.6 dBmV 42.2 dB 0 0
    7 QAM256 597000000 Hz 0.9 dBmV 41.9 dB 0 0
    8 QAM256 603000000 Hz 0.5 dBmV 41.9 dB 0 0

    Düzeltilmiş Tüm Tablolar Düzeltilmemiş Tüm Tabolar
    0 0

    Upstream Kanalı
    Kanal Kilit Durumu US Kanal Tipi Kanal ID Sembol Hızı Frekans Güç
    1 ATDMA 2560 Ksym/sec 37200000 Hz 46.3 dB
    2 ATDMA 2560 Ksym/sec 40400000 Hz 46.3 dB
    3 Bilinmeyen 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dB
    4 Bilinmeyen 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dB

  • arkadaşlar konuyu hortlakmak olacak ama bende yeni zn modem var ona rağmen 801.11n 40mhzde bariz bir sorun var n modunu kapatıp 20mhz yapınca sorun kalmadı 19mbit almaya başladım, normalde 802.11n 40mhz modunda daha fazla bant genişliği vardır ama uydunet (netmaster) tersten çalışıyor galiba

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: K U N

    Bu linke giremiyorum, var mı yeni link?

    Evet varsa ben de öğrenmek isterim.
  • İngilizcesi iyi olan arkadaşlar çevirsinler lütfen

    Cable modem signal levels
    What do signal levels and SNR mean ?
    2003-06-24 (updated: 2009-11-09) by evrensen

    What is a good "Signal Level" ? What is "Upstream SNR" ? What is a good signal strength ? If you want to know the answers to those and other similar questions, read on.

    The basic information about your particular brand of modem can probably be found at the manufacturer's website... The most taled about issue when having problems, and the first thing to analyze, is the status of the signal to your cable modem, so what does it mean ?

    On your cable modem manufacturer's page you might find terms such as: downstream SNR (signal to noise ratio), downstream power level, upstream SNR and upstream power level. Here's what all those mean, and a general guideline of what constitutes a problem:

    Downstream SNR shows the strength of the signal to your cable modem as compared to the noise on the line (signal/noise). If the noise level increases the SNR value decreases. So, then high levels are good for the SNR. This number should be at 30 or more. If the SNR goes below 30 than you will probably start to experience some problems, such as intermittent connection, packet loss, etc.

    Downstream Power shows the power of the signal your cable modem is getting. The level of the downstream power should be -15 to 15 dB according to most manufacturers' specs... However, it is best for that level to be in the -8 to 8 range.

    Upstream SNR shows how much signal the head end is getting from your cable modem, compared to the noise level. "Head End" refers to the point of reference that is the central point of the local network of your service provider. Anything above 29 is good. Just like the download SNR if the noise level increases the upstream SNR decreases.

    Upstream Power shows the level of the signal from the cable modem to the provider. This number should be lower than 55dB. The lower the number, the better your connection.

    All those numbers can aid in determining many potential problems with your cable modem connection...



    What cable modem signal levels are considered good ?
    Tags: signal level, noise, SNR, cable modem
    Cable modems often have a diagnostics web page that can help view the cable signal details (signal strength, upstream/downstream power levels, SNR, etc.). This information can be very useful in troubleshooting common connection issues. For Motorola/Arris cable modems, the stats page is at: For other models, refer to our broadband hardware database with over 3500 listed devices. You can use the values below as a guideline as to what good "signal levels" are.

    Downstream Power (-15dbmV to +15dbmV)
    Most modems are rated from -15dB to +15dB, however it's best to have it between +8dB and -8dB. Anything less or more than that and you may have quality issues. You can remove splitters on the line if you need to raise and clean up your signal level a bit. You can also use a tap (directional coupler) to get a cleaner signal to the cable modem instead of a splitter.

    Upstream Power (37dbmV to 55dbmV)
    The lower this number is, the better. Above 55dB will most likely cause problems, over 57dB and you probably won't be able to connect. Ideally between 42 and 50dB. Lower than 42 may start introducing some packet loss (especially if you have much noise on the line). If you hit 58 the modem will likely drop the connection and resync.

    Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR , >30dB)
    SNR is best over 30, (the higher the better, might work well with as low as 25 at times). Anything less than 25 will cause dropped connections, packet loss, slow transfers, etc. This is true for both the "Downstream SNR" and the "Upstream SNR", which may be different values. Typically, cable modems show the Downstream SNR, the Upsteram SNR can only be calculated at the remote end of the coax (usually at the node). Just remember that higher SNR means cleaner signal. A value well over 40 may mean you have too much power.

    Note: Different brand modems may represent the information a bit differently, and may react a little different to exact power levels.

    See also: Should I use a Cable Amplifier ?


  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: engin_er_26

    İngilizcesi iyi olan arkadaşlar çevirsinler lütfen

    Cable modem signal levels
    What do signal levels and SNR mean ?
    2003-06-24 (updated: 2009-11-09) by evrensen

    What is a good "Signal Level" ? What is "Upstream SNR" ? What is a good signal strength ? If you want to know the answers to those and other similar questions, read on.

    The basic information about your particular brand of modem can probably be found at the manufacturer's website... The most taled about issue when having problems, and the first thing to analyze, is the status of the signal to your cable modem, so what does it mean ?

    On your cable modem manufacturer's page you might find terms such as: downstream SNR (signal to noise ratio), downstream power level, upstream SNR and upstream power level. Here's what all those mean, and a general guideline of what constitutes a problem:

    Downstream SNR shows the strength of the signal to your cable modem as compared to the noise on the line (signal/noise). If the noise level increases the SNR value decreases. So, then high levels are good for the SNR. This number should be at 30 or more. If the SNR goes below 30 than you will probably start to experience some problems, such as intermittent connection, packet loss, etc.

    Downstream Power shows the power of the signal your cable modem is getting. The level of the downstream power should be -15 to 15 dB according to most manufacturers' specs... However, it is best for that level to be in the -8 to 8 range.

    Upstream SNR shows how much signal the head end is getting from your cable modem, compared to the noise level. "Head End" refers to the point of reference that is the central point of the local network of your service provider. Anything above 29 is good. Just like the download SNR if the noise level increases the upstream SNR decreases.

    Upstream Power shows the level of the signal from the cable modem to the provider. This number should be lower than 55dB. The lower the number, the better your connection.

    All those numbers can aid in determining many potential problems with your cable modem connection...



    What cable modem signal levels are considered good ?
    Tags: signal level, noise, SNR, cable modem
    Cable modems often have a diagnostics web page that can help view the cable signal details (signal strength, upstream/downstream power levels, SNR, etc.). This information can be very useful in troubleshooting common connection issues. For Motorola/Arris cable modems, the stats page is at: For other models, refer to our broadband hardware database with over 3500 listed devices. You can use the values below as a guideline as to what good "signal levels" are.

    Downstream Power (-15dbmV to +15dbmV)
    Most modems are rated from -15dB to +15dB, however it's best to have it between +8dB and -8dB. Anything less or more than that and you may have quality issues. You can remove splitters on the line if you need to raise and clean up your signal level a bit. You can also use a tap (directional coupler) to get a cleaner signal to the cable modem instead of a splitter.

    Upstream Power (37dbmV to 55dbmV)
    The lower this number is, the better. Above 55dB will most likely cause problems, over 57dB and you probably won't be able to connect. Ideally between 42 and 50dB. Lower than 42 may start introducing some packet loss (especially if you have much noise on the line). If you hit 58 the modem will likely drop the connection and resync.

    Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR , >30dB)
    SNR is best over 30, (the higher the better, might work well with as low as 25 at times). Anything less than 25 will cause dropped connections, packet loss, slow transfers, etc. This is true for both the "Downstream SNR" and the "Upstream SNR", which may be different values. Typically, cable modems show the Downstream SNR, the Upsteram SNR can only be calculated at the remote end of the coax (usually at the node). Just remember that higher SNR means cleaner signal. A value well over 40 may mean you have too much power.

    Note: Different brand modems may represent the information a bit differently, and may react a little different to exact power levels.

    See also: Should I use a Cable Amplifier ?


    Daha iyi bir çeviri gelene kadar google translate çevirisi kullanılabilir:



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