Reset System: Reset limit: 30 After reset: stat points clear After reset free stat points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM: 1000 points * resets MG, DL, RF: 1100 points * resets Reset reward: 40 Wcoins Reset cost: 5kk Zen * resets Max Stats with 30 RR: around 30k and 33k
Gameplay Information: Drop up to 4 Excellent option items in game Chance rates: One = 50%, Two = 35%, Three = 10%, Four = 5% Drop up to 5 Empty Sockets in game and add seeds manually Command /offlevel cost is set to 15 Goblin Points per 1 hour Receive 30 Goblin Points for every 1 hour you spend online in game Receive 1 Goblin Point for every Chocolate Box dropped on the ground Receive 10 Wcoins if Finish Event BC, DS, CC, IT, Doppelganger Receive 1 Wcoin for killing every Golden Monster Receive 5 Wcoins for killing map Bosses Experience increase in Battle Maps +10%
Server Features: Reconnect System - No Disconnects Off Leveling System - Level up offline mode Auto Party System - Party matching Muun System - Get all kind of Muun Pets in game Off-trade System - Trade items being offline Pandora Mining System - Get jewels by mining Monster hp, Defense, Damage increased - harder level up 380/400 Items work from level 0 - use all items
Website Functions: VIP system: (get several benefits being VIP player) Market system: (sell items for wcoins, jewels, zen) Vote reward system: (get Wcoins by voting for us every 12 hours) Referral system: (get Wcoins by referring others to join game) Zen wallet system: (transfer zen to website zen bank) Web warehouse: (transfer items to web warehouse, unlimited space) Hidden info: (Hide information, location from others) Clear skill tree: (clear your skill tree points placed) Clear inventory: (clear character inventory)
In-Game Command list: /post (a message within actual Game Server) /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /addcmd /pkclear (allows to clear PK status for ZEN) /war (allows to propose a War to opponent Guild) /prop (allows to propose a marry to other player) /accept (allows to accept marry proposal) /teleport (teleports yourself to your marriage partner) /divorce (allows to take divorce) /dcfriend (Allows to disconnect specified character if know his name,password) /battlesoccer (allows to challenge opposite guild for a battle Soccer match) /requests (all requests on or off) /offtrade (activate off-trade sale) /setparty (allows to set password for AutoParty system)
Party Experience: Normal Party 2 Exp Bonus = - 5% Normal Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 5% Normal Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 15% Normal Party 5 Exp bonus = + 25% Set Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 10% (different classes) Set Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 20% (different classes) Set Party 5 Exp Bonus = + 30% (different classes)