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Yeni Honda Jazz 2009 (2. sayfa)

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  • yeni honda jazz alan yada test eden varmı? bize bilgi verebilecek....
  • Honda Jazz ın otomatik vitesimi yoksa manuel vitesimi daha iyidir?
  • tercihine kalmış.
  • bugün galeride ayak üstü inceledim. benim en çok hoşuma giden iki şeyi: kırmızı rengi ve sorunsuz görüş açıları oldu..
  • genede o fiyata dream daha iyi, donanımı biraz eksik ama kasaı yeter, sınıfı farklı, birde cam tavan bana tuhaf geldi
  • Emre, Abhazya'lı mısın???
  • Diğer markalar Esp'yi Bosch'tan alırken , Honda bunu
    kendisi üretiyor. Adına da VSA dedi.


    Orjinalden alıntı: heavyy

    2009 Jazz da ESP var mı?
    VSA = Araç Denge Kontrol Sistem var görünüyor.

    VSA ile ESP aynı şey mi?

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: adanamersin

    Diğer markalar Esp'yi Bosch'tan alırken , Honda bunu
    kendisi üretiyor. Adına da VSA dedi.


    Orjinalden alıntı: heavyy

    2009 Jazz da ESP var mı?
    VSA = Araç Denge Kontrol Sistem var görünüyor.

    VSA ile ESP aynı şey mi?

    Peki Bosh un ESP sindeki güvenliği aynen sağlayabilir mi?
  • Honda jazz ın yeni fiyatlarını açıklıyorum.
    Jazz Düz vites : 27.620 YTL

    Stil paket : Deri direksiyon + Deri vites topuzu + Cam tavan + 16" Alüminyum alaşımlı jant + Ön sis farları - 1.050 YTL

    Konfor Paket : Far sensörü + Yağmur sensörü + USB girişi
    Elektrikli arka cam + Hız sabitleyici + Ön ve Arka kol dayama + Soğutmalı üst torpido - 1.590 YTL

    Güvenlik Paketi : Perde hava yastıkları + Arka koltuk kafalıkları + VSA (Araç denge kontrol sistemi) - 1.910 YTL

    Metalik Renk : 580 YTL

    TOPLAM = 32.750 YTL Diğer markalar böyle satıyor. Ford, Opel vs.

    Bu açıdan bakınca biraz daha mantıklımı gözüküyor. Ben sevdim bu arabayı. Bayi bana 1500 YTL indirim yapsın Ocakta City'i inceler incelemez alıcam bu arabayı. City'nin fikrimi değiştireceğini zannetmiyorum.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi devrimkaratas -- 19 Kasım 2008; 0:20:12 >

  • Elbette ki sağlayabilir . Sistem aynı sistem . Bu bir günde
    çıkmış birşey değil zaten . Doksanların başında başlamış bir
    çalışmanın ürünü . Bir yerde okumuştum , yanlış hatırlamıyorsam,
    Honda ilk bu çalışmayı başlatmış , daha sonra Bosch gibi firmaların
    bu Esp sistemini geliştirmek için ön ayak gibi olmuş. Yani temelini
    Honda atmış gibi birşey . Okuduğumda hadi ya olmuştum , Honda
    saygım daha da artmıştı .

    Orjinalden alıntı: heavyy


    Orjinalden alıntı: adanamersin

    Diğer markalar Esp'yi Bosch'tan alırken , Honda bunu
    kendisi üretiyor. Adına da VSA dedi.


    Orjinalden alıntı: heavyy

    2009 Jazz da ESP var mı?
    VSA = Araç Denge Kontrol Sistem var görünüyor.

    VSA ile ESP aynı şey mi?

    Peki Bosh un ESP sindeki güvenliği aynen sağlayabilir mi?

  • Peki bu ESP yi devrede çıkarma işi neden manuel acaba ? Madem güvenlikte önemli olan bir unsur devre dışı bırakmak biraz garip geldi bana...
  • Aşağıdaki linkte bu konu görüşülmüştü , sana fikir verebilir.

  • Jazz'cı arkadaşlar. cars.com sitesinden bir kaç yorum var araçla ilgili. ABD'liler otomobilden anlar, o yüzden okumanızda fayda görüyorum aşağıdaki Honda Jazz yani namı diğer Honda Fit yorumlarını.

    ABD satış fiyatları 28.000 liraya denk geliyor. 1.5 Lt I4 motorlu , Otomatik bu Fit! ler...


    Mixed Bag, November 6, 2008
    By Not exactly satisfied, not totally unhappy from Fremont, Ca.

    Comfort: 1 out of 5
    Performance: 4 out of 5
    Handling: 5 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 4 out of 5
    Interior Design: 3 out of 5
    Features: 4 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 4 out of 5
    Reliability: 4 out of 5

    "I test drove this car actually was an 07, loved it! But then test drove the 09, didn't love it so much but still for some reason still interested in the car. I read many reviews from people who loved it and with Honda's reputation I wanted to get one. I needed something good on gas since I was tired of my gas guzzling Dodge Dakota although I will keep it since I love the truck but not the gas mileage.

    I had my reservations about buying this car because shortly after driving it, noticed some back pain creeping in. I mentioned it to the salesman and took his word for it that there's an adjustment period with a new seat. Wrong!!!! My back hurt for weeks due to the strange shape of the seats. I would recommend renting one for a few days if possible as a few minutes of a test drive is really not enough time to judge if something is comfortable or not.

    I've had to spend almost $140. for a back cushion to make the seat tolerable. It seems to be getting better. The dealer wouldn't help out with it but did offer me a free tank of gas for my trouble and this was after a couple of trips back to them trying to get them to do something to help me out with my back pain.
    It's hard to feel good about a car when you can't get comfortable. I bought it in a hurry due to my truck breaking down and I needed a vehicle. I do like the gas mileage. Averages around 32mpg combined mostly highway some city driving but on a longer trip got 40mpg.
    Pluses also include easy to park, good handling, great cargo space. The adjustable rear seats were a big decision factor for me as I can still have a lot of space inside since I'm used to having the truck but have the gas saving advantage of a small car.
    It does have a pretty good sounding radio.

    Other dislikes, the ride is pretty rough but I'm used to it now. Also don't like the all black interior.

    Like I said a mixed bag, try it out for yourself and take your time. I like the way the Nissan Versa drove better but didn't like the rear seats as they don't fold down flat like the Honda's do.

    Of all the other economy cars, I still wouldn't want any of them, but I didn't test drive a lot of them just some of Toyotas and the Nissan. Bought this one mostly for the fuel economy and the rear seats folding flat."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    Primary use for this car: Saving gas
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 4 out of 5

    Great new design, October 28, 2008
    By luv my fit from Troy,MI

    Comfort: 5 out of 5
    Performance: 3 out of 5
    Handling: 4 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 4 out of 5
    Interior Design: 5 out of 5
    Features: 4 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 5 out of 5
    Reliability: 3 out of 5

    "I must say I was overwelmed by the interior spacing of the 2009. The paddle shifters are an awesome addition for a 4 cylinder so you can pass fast and safely. I enjoy driving again and that honestly hasn't happened in a long time. Overall i am extremely happy with the 2009 Fit Sport Automatic and I feel like my wallet is much heavier for what it cost to fill up! I am SO happy I bought this car over the other ones I was looking at in the subcompact category. It has a much more high quality appeal and feel than the others I had test drove in the category. Overall- highly recommended."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    Primary use for this car: Commuting
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

    Our second FIT!, October 16, 2008
    By Practical Polly from Oakland, CA

    Comfort: 4 out of 5
    Performance: 5 out of 5
    Handling: 5 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 5 out of 5
    Interior Design: 5 out of 5
    Features: 5 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 5 out of 5
    Reliability: 5 out of 5

    "When we purchased our first Fit several years ago, my husband and I agreed that it was the best car we'd ever owned, in terms of practicality (great gas mileage, terriffic--and flexible--storage capacity), great handling, style, and over-all just gosh-darned cuteness. We still think so! When the new model came out recently, we added a new Fit to our family. The new one is just slightly different from our "old" one, but has all the same features that we love in the "old" one.

    The ride is a bit hard, but to us that says "sporty."

    In our 45-plus years of car ownership, this is the first time we have EVER even considered buying the same model car again."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

    One of the BEST green cars on the market!, October 14, 2008
    By Barry from Elkton, VA

    Comfort: 4 out of 5
    Performance: 4 out of 5
    Handling: 5 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 5 out of 5
    Interior Design: 5 out of 5
    Features: 5 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 5 out of 5
    Reliability: 5 out of 5

    "This car is fantastic! I have a 2009 manual Sport model. I do mainly highway driving and I average 41 miles to a gallon. It looks small outside, but it is big inside. I am 6'2" tall and am very comfortable driving it. You can lay all the seats flat and then there is cargo space to carry just about anything. The handling is so good, you feel like you are almost in a sports car. Its the easiest car in the world to park, with lots of windows for a 360 degree view of everything around you. The only thing it is missing is a locking gas tank. I'm surprised this option isn't included. There are no other complaints. This has got to be one of the best engineered cars ever built and for the price you can't go wrong."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 3 out of 5

    Oh My Aching Back!!!, September 27, 2008
    By schwinbp from Alburtis, PA

    Comfort: 1 out of 5
    Performance: 3 out of 5
    Handling: 3 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 4 out of 5
    Interior Design: 1 out of 5
    Features: 3 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 1 out of 5
    Reliability: 3 out of 5

    "My wife and I finally got our 2009 Honda Fit and my wife experienced the start of her back pain immediately after taking the car off the lot. We tried to give it some time but it just gets worse. The seats extend out very far up your back, which is beyond lumbar, and then drop off to nothing. We had test-driven the 2008's before and they were ok, but the 2009s are really bad. Dealership nor Honda will help us either. They offered us $3000 less back for the car to trade-in and we asked for our old Outback back and they raised that price $2000 from what they gave us for trade-in. Thanks Honda!
    Sit in this car for a awhile before you by it!!"

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: No
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

    2 Fits in 3 months, September 27, 2008
    By fitazoid from Winchester, CA

    Comfort: 4 out of 5
    Performance: 4 out of 5
    Handling: 5 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 5 out of 5
    Interior Design: 5 out of 5
    Features: 5 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 5 out of 5
    Reliability: 5 out of 5

    "Turned in a 08 base Stick after driving it for 3k miles for a 09 sport and I couldnt be happier. One of the things that is probably silly to some but I really enjoy is the cup holder on the left side of the wheel :)
    Went in for an oil change for my 08 and saw the 09 on the truck being unloaded. Had the my rep open it up to check it out and ended making a deal. Got it for 17008 which I hear is a good deal.
    I really like the the styling of th interior and exterior.
    Ipod connection works well but I gotta figure out how to advance to next artist without turning the knob endlessly.
    Paddle shifters work really well when put in sports mode.
    Been getting 35 miles per gallon in the 800+ miles I have driven it thus far."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 4 out of 5

    It's a Honda!, September 24, 2008
    By Small Car Lover from Springfield, MA

    Comfort: 3 out of 5
    Performance: 3 out of 5
    Handling: 4 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 3 out of 5
    Interior Design: 4 out of 5
    Features: 4 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 4 out of 5
    Reliability: 5 out of 5

    "The first six months I owned my Fit I averaged around 36 mpg in town and 40 on highway. This summer marked one year of ownership and mileage has improved steadily. Now on highway at 65-70 I average 44-45 and lowest town mileage has been just above 39. I confess, I am really good at driving for mileage - highest gear the engine can push at all times. Engines are most efficient at around 80% load. Many people don't get that and spend too much time in lower gears - ruins fuel mileage.

    The care is great city runabout but on highway is not especially comfy. Engine is relatively smooth up to about 75 but starts to get raspy 75-80.

    Part of the charm of the car is it is a bit of a throwback to older small cars with just enough refinement to make it likable. For the price and reliability and economy, a great little car."

    I would recommend this vehicle to a friend: Yes
    This vehicle was purchased: New

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    Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

    Great Little Car, September 20, 2008
    By New Fit Owner from Rochester NY

    Comfort: 5 out of 5
    Performance: 5 out of 5
    Handling: 5 out of 5
    Exterior Styling: 5 out of 5
    Interior Design: 5 out of 5
    Features: 4 out of 5
    Value for the Money: 5 out of 5
    Reliability: 5 out of 5

    "I got my '09 Fit Sport/Auto the first week of September. It had literally just come off the truck when I went in for the test drive. Having never owned a brand new car, I was excited to see how it handled in comparison to my old 1996 Dodge Neon. The difference is amazing!

    Though I can't really make a comparison between a new car and one made in the 90s, I was able to compare it to driving my friend's Toyota Corolla, a very comfortable car, in my opinion. I've found that, where I used to dread driving, I now love it and look for every opportunity to take the car out.

    I've mostly been doing city driving but getting mpg in the low-mid 30s range. The short trips I've taken around town on the freeway are estimated in the mid-high 30s. The size of the car is also quite convenient for parallel parking.

    There's plenty of space behind the backseats (I've fit two loads of groceries without having to put down the seats) and having the backseats lie flat without having to remove the headrests is even better.

    Radio and heating/cooling controls are easy to use and well lit and the speaker sound quality is good. My one gripe would be the USB connectivity (you can control an ipod through the radio controls) is not compatible with the Zune. There's still an auxiliary port to connect though the headphone jack, luckily.

    All in all, I am very pleased with this car and look forward to long road trips in such comfort."

     Yeni Honda Jazz 2009

     Yeni Honda Jazz 2009

     Yeni Honda Jazz 2009

  • ARKADAŞLAR yenı jazz ı 3-4 gun once bursa honda bayisinde inceledim.gerçekten güzel...hiç bir eksik göremedim...

    arabayı tanıtan bayan bana bir kaç soru sordu.

    bende fiyatının beklenenden fazla oldugunu söyledım...

    gercektende jazz pıyasa cıkmadan once 28-29 dan baslayacak denıyordu.

    satıs stratejisini tam anlayamadım.

    alt model ls 30.250 iken üst model ex 32.750

    üst modelin özelliklerini gorsenız kesınlıkle 2 mılyar için full alınır dersınız...

    başka markalarda o özellikler 4-5 mılyarı bulur.

    ust modelin artıları:

    panaromic otomatik pedeli cam tavan,
    16 inç aliminyum jant
    yagmur sensörü
    far sensörü
    soğutmalı torpıdo gözü
    arka cam otomatiği
    ön sis farları
    deri direksiyon simidi ve vites topuzu
    usb girişi
    6 adet haparlör
    hız sabitleyici
    ön ve arka kol dayama

    honda jazzın fiyatları belli olmadan once alt model almayı dusunuyordum cunku onun bile ozellikleri doyurucuydu ancak su an fikirlerim değişti.siz olsanız üst modeli almazmıydınız???

    benim gibi düşünenler varmı?

    bide cok merak ediyorum aranızda yeni honda jazz alan var mı?

  • arkadaşlar fiyat aldınız mı bayilerden ne kadar indirim yapabiliyorlar ?
  • bana verdikleri fiyatlar :

    joy 30.000

    fun 32.500

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi nefmat -- 19 Kasım 2008; 22:51:58 >
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: nefmat

    bana verdikleri fiyatlar :

    joy 30.000

    fun 32.500

    slm arkadaşım bu fiyatı nereden aldın öğrenebilirmiyim.

    tşkr ederim.
  • Fİyatlar burda mevcutttt.....

    Bende baktım, amele vitesli Jazz Joy 30.250'den başlıyor.

    En kralı AYŞİFT şanzımanlı Jazz Fun Pılas 34.500'de bitiyor....


    Yalnız TR'ye ithal edilen renkleri hiç beğenmedim.
  • arkadaşlar bende full ishift almayı düşünüyorum hangi bayi uygun verirse ordan almak isterim liste fiyatından aşağı size verilen fiyat varmı beraber alırsak daha uygun fiyat verirler belki
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Strabon


    Orjinalden alıntı: nefmat

    bana verdikleri fiyatlar :

    joy 30.000

    fun 32.500

    slm arkadaşım bu fiyatı nereden aldın öğrenebilirmiyim.

    tşkr ederim.

    BURSADA izmir yolundaki honda bayii...

    ben liste fiatından inince baya şaşırdım... balıkesirdekiler inilmez diyorlardı da
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