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  • http://mu.mulwar.com/

    Yeni server güzel server uzun süredir oynamıyordum oynamaya başladım arkadaşlar gelirseniz beraber oynarız kaliteli bir server da oynamak isteyen herkesi beklerim.oyundaki nickim inspire bilgisayarda olduğum sürece onlineim.

    Welcome to Mulwar MU ONLINE Server FREE TO PLAY.

    This server began on the idea to offer a solid stable server for a community of friends and users who enjoy playing together year by year. Amongs the years the server evolved and we began as HASTE MU then turned into ASIRIUS and now began the MULWAR age.

    We value each user and always appreciate his efforts of playing. Therefore we DO NOT close servers. Your ITEMS and LEVELS are safe with us - because we value each hard work inside the game.

    We use unique game files along with special customs to ensure that other servers do not have what we have!

    All features are fully working - events / commands / items etc

    You are welcome to try the game out!

    3. PLAY

    We offer 1 server: MEDIUM EXP

    Season 9 Ep. II - Soon Season 10 with new character
    Experience 3000x
    Drop 60%
    Reset YES-Keep stats
    Limit Accounts 4 Single Accounts on Station(PC/Laptop)
    Max Level 400
    Points Per Level 5/7
    Max Stats 32.000 ADD POINT
    X Shop YES
    Offlevel and Offtrade Feature
    Free credits for online / vote / play
    New Custom Maps
    Latest Items + Customs
    ... and more!

    JOIN NOW !http://mu.mulwar.com/

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi inspiretr -- 5 Ocak 2016; 1:42:32 >

  • gerçekten adam akıllı mu oyunu bulunca kafamı kıracam 2 gündür araştırma yapıyorum yeni açılacak olan 2-3 tane sever var ama açılacaklar falanda filan. Şu an bu serveri indiriyorum umarım virüs olmaz sorunsuz girerim. bu arada beraber oynamak istersen yazabilirsin.
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