Türkiye'de ki bir üniversiteye başvuruda kullandığım ingilizce statement of purpose letter örneğini, Bu mektupları hazırlayacak arkadaşlar için bir fikir oluşturabileceğini düşünerek paylaşıyorum. Tamamı benim tarafımdan yazıldı, başka kaynaklardan alıntı yoktur. xxx kısımları üniversite adı, meslek, konu vs gibi şeylerdir. Eğer gramer hatam olmuş ise kusura bakmayın :)
Statement of Purpose for MS in Finance in xxx University
XXX University Master of Science in Finance - Graduate Degree
To whom it may concern;
I believe that one thing you look for such a statement of purpose letter is being honest so I will try to explain the reasons why I would like to study in your university.
I have graduated from xxxx University - Business Administration in 2009. After completing my military service, I worked at xxx Department and I've been transfered to xxxx Group in xxx Department and I've been working there for almost a year.
According to my education background and work experience until now, I know that my career path lies beneath the Finance. I would like to be a part of the Finance world as Financial Analyst/Consultant/Manager in the near future and I would like to strengthen my knowledge and skills in this field. This is the reason why I would like to study MS Finance.
It is a fact that xxxx university is known to be one of the top universities in Turkey (in my opinion the best in xxx city for this subject). There are some crucial factors for me which are the education language (which is English in your univ.) and satisfactory program structure. Additionally, I want to study this program while I'm working which is also an important factor.
As I mentioned before, I would like to improve my skills and knowledge in Finance field but there is one thing I'd like to focus on: XXXX . Due to this, I plan to pick the " xxxxx " elective course to enhance my focus field.
As a xxxxx, I have experience mostly with accountancy and also small piece of finance. For being a strong and competetive player in the game, I've started my CPA (Chartered Public Accountant (SMMM)) internship and I will be qualified for this certificate in 2016. This is going to be my accountancy leg. On the other hand, while I'm studying this program, I plan to register CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) certificate in 2014 which became a gold standart for the global finance industry. CFA is mainly related to Investment Management and it takes minimum 3 years to complete. So my CPA process will be on-going after graduation. Beside, most of the subjects of CFA is related to MS Finance such as "Corporate Finance", "Quantative Methods". Thus, studying Finance will help me for CFA at the same time. To sum up, MS Finance degree, CFA and my other experiences will be my Finance leg.
In conclusion, once these studies go through simultaneously with my working life as I planned, I believe that I'm going to be a perfect candidate for superior positions.
If you have any questions or inquiries, you can reach me via e-mail through xxx@xxx.com or via mobile xxxx xxxxx xxxx.