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2009 Subaru Legacy 2.0 Dizel ? (2. sayfa)

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  • ilteris_ kullanıcısına yanıt
    İLter naptın len Tok garajdaki bir usta grup subaru kapınınca oraya geçene sorduğumda ilk gelenlerde sorun oldu yakıttan, garantiden motorlar değişti ondan sonra sorun morun kalmadı gönül rahatlığı ile alabilirsin demişti bana
  • Bu kronik bir sorundur, eğer motor sandık motorla değiştirilmediyse bulaşmamakta fayda var, eğer başınıza gelirse hayata küsebilirsiniz, bazı ilan sahipleri motor sandık motorla değiştirildi diye belirtiyordu, şimdi o ilanlardan yok galiba bulamadım ...
  • Kronik olması için Volkswagen DSG gibi olması gerekir 10000 aracın 1000inide mesela, yada Çin, Rusya ve Avustralyada özür yazısı yazdıracak kadar tüketici Mahkemeleri kaybedip şanzımanına 160.000km 5 yıl garanti vermek zorunda kalırsan ozaman kronik diyebilirsin.

    20-06-2012: In response to a lawsuit from nearly one thousand VW owners, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has officially stated that it is presently impossible to determine whether or not the DSG gearboxes require a recall, the Economic Information Daily reported today. Jiang Suhua, partner of Beijing-based Yingke Law Firm, received a letter from AQSIQ saying that, "following expert analysis, investigation and authentication of issues mentioned by consumers with the DSG gearboxes, [we] are still unable to determine whether or not [they] are defective." AQSIQ has previously stated that if they found that the DSG gearboxes were indeed defective, they would adhere to the appropriate legislation and issue a full vehicle recall in order to protect customers. An official from the AQSIQ's Defective Product Center, who wished to remain anonymous, personally believed that the main reason VW has received such a high number of complaints is that it did not fully consider China's driving environment. In Beijing and other large cities where congestion rates are very high, drivers are forced to constantly shift gears, placing a considerable amount of strain on the transmission. The climate in western Sichuan and other regions is extremely humid, while several cities boast high rates of pollution, both of which may have further exacerbated issues. "We are extremely concerned… about the issue with VW's DSG gearboxes," AQSIQ said, confirming that it had requested the manufacturer to promptly resolve the issue and satisfy consumer demands on numerous occasions. Its Defective Product Center, meanwhile, is conducting various tests and experiments on the gearboxes to analyze the source of the problem. AQSIQ stated that it will continue to analyze the problem in order to determine whether or not it poses a legitimate safety risk. Last month, VW issued an officially apology to Chinese drivers affected by issues with its DQ200 dual-clutch transmissions. It also announced that it would be extending warrantees for DQ 200 seven-speed and DQ 250 six-speed gearboxes to cover ten years and 160,000 km.

    İstatistiki değerler özellikle iskandinav ülkelerinin önem veririm, yalan dolanı yoktur, 12000 aracın 109da olmuş oran %0,9 ve motor değişimleri yapılarak garanti kapsamından çözülmüş.

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    Orijinalden alıntı: emre-sti

    İLter naptın len Tok garajdaki bir usta grup subaru kapınınca oraya geçene sorduğumda ilk gelenlerde sorun oldu yakıttan, garantiden motorlar değişti ondan sonra sorun morun kalmadı gönül rahatlığı ile alabilirsin demişti bana

    Valla mustafa ustanın telefon konuşmasına şahit olmuştum, adamın birinin elinde dizel forester patlatmış yeni almış 2. el, sanırım eski sahibi motor falan değiştirmemiş adam da muhattap bulamamış yetkili serviste, özel servise gelmiş, onlar da rektefiye çözüm değil garantisi yok sandık motor lazım oda 25bin lira, adam da diyomuş lan araba zaten 55 bin lira 25 bine motor mu olur gibi bir muhabbet hatırlıyorum.
  • Ne olduğunua tam olarak emin olabilirmiyiz, hayır?? eski sahibi ne yaptı, ne yakıt kullandı, hangi servise gitti, bakım aralıklarına uydumu,Dizel aracı benzinli gibimi kullandı?
    Arkadaşımda Forester diesel mevcut 118.000de hergün köprü geçer, ağır şartlarda kullanır bir sıkıntısı yok. Hatta yurt dışında Forester Taksi bile gördüm daha ne diyeyim.
    Verdiğim linkte tüm bildiklerimi paylaştım, 3 arkadaş olarak Forester diesel kullanıcısıyız ve memnunuz. Olmasak buraya yazardım, hatta satardım direkt.
  • Türkiyede malesef kulaktan dolma bilgilerle, bilgisine emin olmamadığımız insanların yorumlarıyla, olayın iç yüzünü araştırmadan hemen yorumlarız. Peugeot servisine 1 yaşında RCZ gelmişti, turbo için adam 4000tl saydı gitti, kendimce ulan dedim turboyu bile garantiye sokmadılar nasıl bir firma diye düşündüm. Sonra servis müdürü olan arkadaşa sordum meğer ilk bakıma 30.000km de gelince motordan yağ değil asfalt çıkmış doğal olarak turbo sarmış. Şimdi sormasam yahu firmaya bak 1 yaşında araç turbo gitmiş diyecektim.. Subaru için konuşmuyorum buzdolabı bile alsanız kullanmayan yorum yapar kaynımda var aman uzak durun diye.. Meger voltaj problemi varmış regületoru yanmış...gibi gibi örneklerle çoğaltabiliriz. Sözüm meclisten dışarı..
  • Son olarak VW Golf kronik olmayan arıza listesini paylaşayım ve bitireyim.

    What to watch out for

    On early production, Bluetooth only works with a handful of mostly obsolete Nokia and Siemens phones. Could be made to work by fitting a VW/Skoda part, number is 1Z0035729C. It is identical to the old interface and accepts the same plugs. On the central screen of the car it reads SKODA BT. The hands-free works perfectly with all relevant lists showing, such as Phone Book and Missed, Received and Sent calls. It can be fitted by Ed Cameron of Drivetalk. The part itself can be obtained from SatNav Systems in London (www.satnavsystems.com). Total cost of obtaining and fitting £569.25

    'Adaptive Chassis Control' on 1.8 TSI can dampen throttle response significantly when pulling out of side roads or entering a roundabout. Until a software fix is available, best to drive in 'Sport'.

    Reports of alarms going off in the middle of the night, cured by a dealer software update.

    Mechatronic unit problems with DSG/S-tronic can cause an initial delay when setting off followed by a sudden surge. A replacement Mechatronic unit cures this. Seewww.DSGwoes.co.uk . In the USA, VAG has been forced to increase the warranty on the DSG/S-tronic to 10 years.

    Reports of very high early oil consumption of 1.2 TSI 105.

    2.0 TFSIs suffering "coil pack failures", but the fault appears secondary to oil leakage into the packs.

    2-12-1-2012: EGR cooler failed on September 2009 Golf 1.6TDI. VW Used car warranty refused to pay but VW paid 50%.

    4-7-2009: The 2.0-litre TDI 110 PS engine is no longer available to order in the Golf VI.

    Serious shortage of 1.4 TSI 122 engines led to the car being offered in Germany with the 160PS 1.8 turbo at a 600 discount during August/September 2009.

    Some owners don't like the DRLs. Obviously their function is to warn other drivers, riders and pedestrians of your approach. But if you want to switch them off: 1) Insert key in ignition - don't turn at all. 2) Turn headlight switch to "0" position. 3) Move indicator stalk to 'left' position and pull towards you in flash position 4) Turn ignition on, but not the engine. 5) Wait at least 4 seconds and you will hear 3 bleeps, operation complete - DRL's deactivated. To switch the DRLs back on again you follow the same procedure used to turn them off, but switch the indicator to the 'right' position.

    Rainwater collects in the bottoms of the doors, which have a different draining arrangement from the Mk V Golf.

    Some reader criticism of fuel economy of 1.6TDI. Can be difficult to achieve the EC figures. Also with 1.6TDI, high idle stall speed can necessitate a lower gear than many drivers want to use when turning into a side street, for example 2nd instead of 3rd or 1st instead of of 2nd.

    With DSGs, protective software can delay the message from brake switch to ECU that brakes have been released, allowing car to enter a junction or roundabout on the fuel in the combustion chambers, then momentarily shut off mid-junction.

    4-9-2010: 35k mile 2010 Golf 1.6 TDI DSG-7 estate recalled under 34F6. Went in two weeks ago and came back sounding awful. After a short time it would pause between changes, then only respond with the sequential shift. Then it worsened, with only reverse, 2, 4 and 6 available, it was shifting second to fourth and so on. Dealer then said it needs a new box. Volkswageb is paying but there is a long wait because there are no boxes in the UK. Dealer's attitude excellent however.

    17-7-2011: Misfires seem to be developing on 1.4 TSIs and injectors seem to be blamed. Links:http://uk-mkivs.net/forums/t/363461.aspx?PageIndex=1 /http://uk-mkivs.net/forums/p/395829/2706310.aspx. /http://www.scirocconet.co.uk/forum/misfire-official-response-from-t9397.html.

    21-7-2011: 'Knocking' noises reported in 1.4TSI twincharger engines (supercharged and turbocharged). Seems that the knock sensors have been incorrectly calibrated for the prevalent fuel, whuch VAG says should be at least 95Ron. Recalibrating may work but numbers of engines have failed both in the UK and in Europe. Seems that supercharged/turbocharged injetion system can wash off lube oil leading to piston failure.

    23-12-2011 and 4-1-2012: Starting to hear of DPF cloggings on 1.6TDIs, usually sorted by forced regeneration by the dealer free of charge.

    5-1-2012: Problem reported on 16 month old Golf 1.6TDI Bluemotion with dry clutch 7 speed DSG. When moving slowly or creeping forward or backwards on an incline e.g. when reverse parking, the car will hold on the accelerator for a few seconds, but then, without warning, the transmission will completely disengage allowing the car to roll in the opposite direction. The clutch will re-engage with more accelerator but by this time it has already rolled about half a metre. The car is fitted with the “Hill Hold” and “Stop-Start” features making “two foot” manoeuvring very complicated. The Dealership initially replaced the gearbox in November 2011 after several consultations with VW UK. The problem was still present on the new box and on a demonstrator car provided by them.

    23-1-2012: Complaints from the USA and Canada of iced up Intercoolers on TDIs, even in Texas: You Tube film This can result in poor running, engine stalling/quitting, hard or no start conditions, and even 'hydrolocked' motors when a large amount of water and/or the foamy water-oil mixture is drawn into the TDi engine as a large slug. Once 'hydrolocked,' repeated attempts to turn the motor over can result in internal engine damage (such as bent connecting rods/water in the engine oil, etc.) and also potentially result in a fire as the starter motor wiring apparently overheats. Pictures of this 'foam' can be seen in selected posts within this thread: Another ICED UP INTERCOOLER See Post # 1988 (page 133) (many pictures) VW has sometimes provided owners an upgraded/updated intercooler system in an effort to combat this issue. The first redesign is apparently having mixed results and reportedly a second redesign is underway. 2012 TDI Jetta Engine froze when trying to start

    5-3-2012: History of problems with 09 reg VW Golf 2.0 TDI, manual bought on 30.4.2010 with 13,520 miles from Vindis, St Ives for £11,995. Broke down on three occasions before fault on 21.1.2011 was rectified 1. A1 Slip road at St Neots - no fuel pressure 2. Farnham, Surrey, vehicle towed to Vindis St Ives - advised no fault could be found. Advised safe to drive. 3. High St, Huntingdon - RAC/ VW breakdown engineer who attended St Neots breakdown, delivered car to Vindis, St Ives. Engineer was not satisfied with it and reported not safe to drive. 21.1.2011 Carried out guided fault finding and found poor connection in the fuse box under bonnet. removed and replaced. (mileage: 20,468) 9.2.2011 Investigate clutch feels heavy, removed gearbox, found clutch to be worn due to clutch slave cylinder not releasing fully. Replaced clutch kit. (mileage: 20,828) 22.09.2011 Investigate emissions light, removed and replaced dpf sensor. (28,720) 27.2.2012 Called Vindis St Ives to report exhaust system light on dashboard. advised that they could not book vehicle in under 7th March and I was to call another Vindis Garage for earlier Date - Cambridge or Bedford. 22.2.2012 Booked appointment for exhaust system light illumination. Also carried out recall 23k2 - weight for pressure pipe at Vindis Cambridge (mileage not recorded). Ordered parts for works to be carried out on 2.3.2012 2.3.2012 Replaced egr cooler and ignition switch at Vindis Cambridge (mileage 31,343) Noticed that the light unit to rear of drivers side is full of condensation.

    27-3-2012: Faults on 7 month old Golf Match Bluemotion: Bluetooth/mobile system failed 4 times. Rear wash wipe has failed to work intermittently. Heater/cooling system failed, dealer did a "Software upgrade". Stop/start system failed.

    27-3-2012: Poor batch of headlights fitted to 2012 delivered GTIs. Not only is the range of the main beam very poor, but it has a distinct shadow on main beam at about the 3.0'clock position on the offside.

    9-6-2012: Another report of dry clutch 7-speed DSG failure, this on a March 2009 1.4TSI with 34,000 miles. Quoted £4,000 for new transmission, but VW picked up more than half leaving reader with a £1,950 bill.

    10-6-2012: Numerous complaints of water retention in the doors when parked at an angle. Suggest making sure the door drain holes are clear (they can sometimes get blocked with anti corrosion wax). Use a wooden kebab or cocktail stick as anything metal could breach the paint and lead to rusting.

    4-7-2012: 210PS TFSI engines are oil sensitive and need fresh oil at least every 10,000 miles or there can be trouble with the timing chain.

    20-7-2012: Sporadic reports of high oil consumption of chain cam EA113 1.8TFSI and 2.0TFSI engines. Apparently VAG considers 1,000 miles a litre to be "normal" oil consumption for these engines. The reason is probably filling the engines with synthetic oil on the production line and owners not revving the engines sufficiently to bed in the oil rings.

    7-8-2012: Surprising number of minor but irritating 'mythbusting' faults with new Mk VI Golf bought from VW dealer in Lincoln: scratched radio touch screen, loose cables in engine, crooked gear knob, rear washer jet leak, ineffective windscreen wipers, rattling rear seat-back, rattle from dash. All eventually fixed apart from rattling seat. Questionmark whether, had it not been a Golf, these faults would have been such an issue.

    5-9-2012: Rear suspension top links can start to rattle after a couple of years and need replacing under warranty.

    5-9-2012: A/c compressor and exhaust sensor failed on November 2009 Golf 2.0TDI before the car had reached 24,000 miles. Fixed under warranty.

    16-12-2012: 44k mile 2009 Golf 1.4TSI 122 required a new cam chain, indicating that longlife oil service regime is inadequate.

    5-1-2013: Report of DPF failing to regenerate on 2010 1.6TDI, but no details (probably too many short runs from cold).

    11-1-2013: Warranty on 7-speed dry clutch DSG extended to 5 years or 150,000 kilometres in Russia and China. Followed by recalls in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. Problem is with the Mechatronics unit, replaced in the Singapore/Malaysia recall. The transmission reportedly makes strange noises heard inside the car when shifting from 4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd and 2nd to 1st. Outside the car the noise is a metallic and repetitive sound, made when the car goes over speed-bumps.www.autoevolution.com reports that an angry group of French VW owners claim that Seat, Skoda and Audi drivers are also reporting the same problems.

    27-2-2013: Oil pump of 2009 1.4TSI failed at 46k miles leading to a severe rattle.

    7-3-2013: More short run problems reported with EGR of a 1.6TDI 105, part paid for by VW and the dealer. These engines make sense for distance driving. Not for rerpeated short runs from cold.

    9-4-2013: Report of timing chain tensioners of 29k mile 2010 GTI EA113 failing and wrecking engine 1 month out of warranty. Assumed to have been on inappropriate Longlife Oil service regime.

    3-5-2013: Report of failure of 6-speed manual transmission of 1.4TSI at 4 years old and 26,000 miles, always annually dealer serviced.

    26-5-2013: On 2009 Golf 1.4TSi 122, original chain failed at 43k, 2nd change failed at 50k. Now on its 3rd chain, tensioner, and pulleys. Along with all the hydraulic tappets now replaced, all done under warranty.

    11-6-2013: Recall of 25,000 VWs fitted with DSG transmissions in Australia.

    16-6-2013: UK reader reports that eight software updates were carried out on his DSG control unit and the car is transformed. No hesitation at roundabouts; moves off smoothly on hills; handles changing hill gradients without drama: drives like an automatic. Only remaining niggle is that when driving very slowly (as when entering a roundabout) and then deciding to accelerate briskly, it just bogs down a little very briefly in second gear. But there is no doubt it is going to go.

    21-6-2013: Swapping 225/45 R17 tyres to 215/50 R17s greatly improves the ride quality without significantly affecting the gearing.

    21-6-2013: Swapping 225/45 R17 tyres to 215/50 R17s greatly improves the ride quality without significantly affecting the gearing.

    19-7-2013: Another DSG problem reported on a less-than-3-years-old Golf 1.4TSI SE DSG. Roll back on starting even on level ground and juddering when cornering. Dealer replacing the clutches.

    24-8-2013: "Low compression defect on engine cylinder no.1 causing engine misfire/poor running" diagnosed on 36k mile 2009 Golf 1.4TSI bought from VW specialist in January 2012. Eventually established that the lining of No. 1 Injector had disintegrated and the engine was therefore, beyond repair. This began on 12th August. VW offered a new erngine and dealer wanted to charge £1,400 for fitting it but VW and the dealer were eventually persuaded to swallow the whole cost. Car finally returned fixed on 14-9-2013.

    1-9-2013: Engine failure on 30k mile 2009/59 VW Golf 1.4TSI purchased new and serviced on plan by VW dealer. At first, low compression diagnosed, then valves found to be bruned out, then a cylinder found to be scored and problem detected at main bearings. New engine needed but offered no more than £400 discount by the dealer. Later resolved and new engine fitted.

    6-10-2013: Seem to be a number of a/c compressor failures at 2 - 3 years old.

    7-10-2013: This information applies to a Skoda Octavia 1.4TSI DSG, but could equally apply to any VAG car fitted with the 7-speed double dry clutch DSG or 's-tronic' transmission: "Within weeks of buying the car it developed a vibration and slight loss of power on changing from first to second gear when the gearbox was hot on long runs or a lot of town driving. The dealer re-programmed the box twice, both times the fault came back. The gearbox was re-programmed twice more. It still had the fault and neither the manufactures and the dealer could not come up with a solution, so I had to live with it. Towards the end of the warrantee period I complained again and a meew Mechatronics unit was fitted. Again the fault was back within weeks. It turned out that VAG sent out a TSB on about 13-6-2013 describing the fault exactly and it is caused by the clutch pack. VW Group will put something towards the cost of replacing it and the customer stand the rest. In my case, VW Group took the full costs. The problem is caused by one of the clutch plates warping when hot although it has done it once on me when the clutch was cold with a major loss of power. I understand new clutch packs have been modified."

    26-10-2013: Failure of EGR reported on a 41k mile 2010 Golf 1.6TDI Bluemotion. Cost £698.98 to be replaced by an independent. VW refused to pay because the work had been done by an independent.

    13-11-2013: Two problems reported on 3 years 10 month old Golf 1.6TDI 105. Lambda sensor failed 4 months out of warranty, bill reduced to £300. Then 3 injectors failed 10 months out of warranty, bill eventually reduced to £802.

    14-11-2013: Oil consumption of 52k mile 2009/59 VW Golf GTI EA113 reported as up to 2,175km/litre. Dealer prescribed a new engine.

    20-11-2013: Another EGR failure on a 23k mile 4 year old Golf VI 1.6TDI. Replaced by an independent and VW refused any goodwill.

    25-11-2013: Total failure of Golf VI 1.6TDI engine 3 months out of warranty. VW refused to pay anything, but reader had taken out a Warranty Direct policy that paid the maximum due of £5,200.

    30-11-2013: A/c compressor failure on 41k mile 25 month old Golf 1.6TDI Bluemotion, but might be no more than the a/c electromechanical clutch.

    4-12-2013: 2010 VW Golf 1.6TDI Bluemotion fires up and runs for 5 secs then fizzles out can take 15 attemps before starting. Suspect fuel filter.

    19-12-2013: 2010 Golf DSG started slipping into neutral in October 2013. Eventually diagnosed as a broken gear. But VAG parts ordering problem for DSGs has led to the car being off the road October to December and no prospect of it being fixed until mid January. However, VAG is looking after the owner by keeping him mobil and has reduced the bill for the failure from £1,500 to £540.

    27-12-2013: VW Golf VI DSGs recalled in France for transmission fluid change but French reader reports loss of drive since then. VAG Technical Product Information 2026097/1 reads as follows: Bulletin 2026097/1 issued 25.08.11. Transmission – Vibrations, jerking and clattering when changing 1 – 2 while accelerating. 1.4 TSI / 7Spd DSG. Customer’s remarks. Juddering/Clattering in 2nd gear for 2 seconds accelerating through 5 – 10kph or when changing 1st to 2nd at low speed or when reversing. Occurs once the car has warmed up. Reason:Drop of friction value of multiple clutch. Current situation: Currently no effective repair possible. Replacing the multiple clutch does does not effectively fix the complaint. There is no parts damage. Working on a solution. Complaint not caused by the two-mass flywheel. Postpone repairs until a solution is available. Article about Internal Bulletin 2026097 here (in French) This is a translation: The owners of Volkswagen cars equipped with an automatic DSG7 not invade the roads, but the forums and social networks. Most of those who complain bought a car built in 2009 or 2010. they complain, but what? Obviously, there would be a structural defect at the gearbox DSG7. The problems faced by motorists are diverse. ” When I climb a hill, the engine chatters when I’m in 2nd gear. Seems like I’m stuck, and the power is not there anymore , “explained a surfer. ” When I go on pavement, there is a real rattle. Which is more annoying is that I can no longer mount a strong side as my garage slope for example , “said another witness . Having received these explanations, we sought to learn more, and there is clearly an internal memo from Volkswagen note TPI 2026097 . We hit this reference in Google, and then, surprise: the entire forums are flooded with messages from people who drive a vehicle equipped with a VW DSG7 box. They use different models: Polo, Golf, Touran, etc. … But all meet the same concern: the car “grazes” second … More on DSG problems and VAG fixes by Googling << Recall 24V9>> and <<Campaign 37G7>> Between the end of May 2011 until early November 2012 VW was putting mineral oil (G052512A2 which is the same oil they are putting in recalled vehicles now) in their 7speed DSG. That's why 2012 owners don't seem to be part of the recall but 2013 owners are. Also before the 30th of May 2011 VW was using the synthetic oil (G052171A2) they are now switching out which is why owners with vehicles from before were under the 35C1 recall for new Mechatronic and automatically got mineral oil added. This means that while 2012 Mk VIs were not subject to the recall, early 2013 MK VIIs are.

    5-1-2014: Complaints of hiccuping 1.4 TSI DSG-7s when the engine is cold are now being met in the UK by a change of transmission fluid from synthetic to mineral, as per the Worldwide DSG recall.

    6-1-2014: Due to a design fault with the tensioner, the timing chain of early Mk VI Golf GTI EA113 engines can slip, resulting in valves hitting pistons and the engine self-destructing. Later GTIs, from around 2011, had a modified chain tensioner.

    12-1-2014: Yet another EGR failure on a Golf 1.6TDI, this a 30k mile 2010 VW Golf 1.6 TDI. First symptom cruise control system error, then engine management coil symbol warning. Repair discounted by VW and by dealer to £264.

    13-1-2014: 'Thudding' into 1st gear and occasional loss of drive reported in 37k mile 2009 VW Golf GT TDI DSG. Probably overdue for its fluid and microfilter change. A 2009 would have originally been filled with mineral based fluid, not the synthetic fluid that caused trouble in hot countries.

    3-2-2014: Total drive failure reported on Golf VI 1.4 TSI DSG when exiting junction. Not the brake switch problem. No drive at all, so reads like the 2012/2013 synthetic ATF problem knocking out and fusing the Mechatronics that has been the subject of the worldwide recall.

    8-2-2014: Another Golf 2.0 TFSI EA113, this one a 2010, needed a new set of piston rings.

    18-2-2014: 57k mile Golf 2.0 TDI bought from and cared for by the same dealer was always an oil user. Needed a new DPF early in life. Culminated in total engine failure with no oil pressure at 57k miles. Probably oil pump failure.

    19-2-2014: Oil found in coolant of 22k mile 4 year old Golf 2.0 TDI.

    21-2-2014: Turbo and EGR failure on 65k mile 2009 Golf 2.0 TDI. Quoted £1,800 by dealer, after £180 goodwill for EGR and 10% reduction in labour charge. Oil feed pipe to turbo should also be replaced. (In fairness, this sort of failure is also very common on Ford/PSA 1.6 TDCI/HDi 110.)

    10-3-2014: Mechatronics failed on 2012 VW Golf 1.4 TSI DSG. Taken in for repair without question and courtesy car provided. The warning of imminent DSG failure is a spanner icon that alternates with the 'current gear' indicator at the top right of the multifunction display between the tach and speedo.

    11-3-2014: DMF and clutch of 2009 Golf VI TDI SE 110 failed at 44k miles. Despite having been purchased 8 months and 10k miles previously from a VW dealer, the 'Das Welt Auto' warranty did not apply. Quoted £1,400 to replace with no goodwill.

    17-3-2014: Loss of drive of 7-speed DSG in 20,000 mile 2009 Golf eventually analysed as failure of Mechatronics unit that was eventually replaced, but car had not had a transmission fluid change.

    21-3-2014: Ancillaries belt came off 2.0TDI engine of 43k mile 2010 Eos (same engine as Golf), wrapping itself around the timing belt and causing severe engine damage. It appears that the design of the ancillaries belt tensioner was later modified. Early ones (as originally fitted to the 2010) had an exposed spring, whereas in later tensioners the spring was encased, presumably to prevent foreign bodies from getting into the spring and affecting its function.

    24-3-2014: Further complaint that when reversing uphill in a 2011 Golf Plus 1.6 TDI BlueMotion 7-speed DSG, the transmission loses drive unless the engine is revved hard at which point drive can return suddenly.

    24-3-2014: Satnav of 3.5 year old Golf TSI completely failed. Swiss dealer quoted 1,400 Swiss Franc to repair.

    5-4-2014: Yet another EGR failure on 68k mile 4-year old Golf 1.6 TDI Bluemotion. Quoted a ridiculous £1,000, but job done dor a sensible £259. The component itself can be bought from a parts factor for £180.

    12-4-2014: One piston burned out in a 2009 Golf 1.4 TSI that may have been the result of an inherent fault or may have been due to the negligence of a dealer who left the remains of a seal in the engine when chaiging the oil and filter. The repair bill wass more than £2,000.

    26-4-2014: A/c compressor of 2009 Golf failed, damaging other components and costing £1,400 to put right.

    6-5-2014: Report of brake problems with 2011/61 Golf. Dash ABS light did not light up which resulted in overheating and warping discs and having a RAC recovery. Reminiscent of the ATE/Teves troubles with the Golf Mk V.

    15-5-2014: All you need to know about VAG EA288 TDI DPFs:http://www.myturbodiesel.com/1000q/DPF-Adblue-FAQ-VW-Audi.htm

    19-5-2014: Another report of Golf 1.4 TSI DSG Mechatronics failure, this time from Malaysia on a 63k kilometre 2011 car. Now No 4 cylinder lacking compression, indicating the piston ring problem.

    13-6-2014: Offside rear ABS reluctor ring and wheel hub required due to corrosion on 20,000 mile Golf Mk VI 1.4TSI. Cost £305 to replace.

    16-6-2014: Three failures of injectors on a 2009 Golf 1.6TDI. The first at 11,000 miles, 6 months out of warranty, then two more failed within a further 3 months and the fourth was also replaced. Customer asked to pay £330 towards the cost.

    30-6-2014: DSG transmission oil change and software update carried out as TSB 34F6 on a 20k mile June 2011 Golf 1.4 TSI DSG, but afterwards reader complained that when driving off in D the 1st gear does not bite as it quickly changes up, it is like changing gear in a manual and starting off in 2nd or 3rd gear. After the initial pulling away all is then great. No other gear box issues. The problem appears greater when the car has warmed up. Setting off in manual or S makes a slight difference but not much.

    7-7-2014: DSG 2009 Golf 1.4 TSI 122 failed at 31,500 miles. Lost drive entirely. Mechatronics fuse blown. Any replacement fuse immediately blows.

    12-7-2014: DSG of 22k mile 2009 Golf 1.4 TSI started to judder, particularly with 4 adults on board, despite having had a fluid change. Suspect the clutches.

    19-7-2014: Another owner of a Golf 1.6 TDI DSG contacted by dealer to be offered a free inspection and gearbox oil change if necessary. Volkswagen stated that there is an issue with DSG seven speed gearbox - clutch liable to disengage and vehicle may freewheel if gearbox is filled with synthetic oil. Synthetic oil can lead to an internal short circuit. If necessary they will drain and refill with a mineral oil - no charge.

    6-8-2014: VAG seems to have admitted a production problem with the timing chains of 1.4 TSI engines. This is badly translated from the German: Frank Tuch of Volkswagen said: "We do not have a serious problem. The chain damage to the 1.4 TSI was caused by accumulated manufacturing tolerances in the timing chain. The supplier of the chain had his punching tools used across the wear limit, so that they no longer punched the holes in the link plates accurately enoughand tiny burrs on steel remained. "Chips and burrs then ensured for abrasive wear entry. Result: the chain wears out. In addition to this manufacturing problem and the driving behavior can be crucial: cars that got moved in predominantly short journeys, are disproportionately affected by elongated timing chains."

    16-8-2014: 46k mile 2009 Golf VI 1.6 DSG suffered complete loss of drive after transmission fluid change by Volkswagen dealer.

    20-08-2014: Another Golf timing chain tensioner failure reported, this one on a 50k mile 2009/59 GTI. Volkswagen offered to fix for £1,300, reduced to £910 after a goodwill payment.

    20-08-2014: Volkswagen agreed to replace the clutch pack and Mechatronics after a Golf 1.4 160PS DSG started to suffer second gear shudder.

    30-8-2014: Direct Injected Golf 2.0TFSI EA113 engines in GTIs highly prone to coking up of inlet valves because petrol does not wash over them and keep them clean. This was later rectified in EA888 engine which has both direct and indirect injection.

    31-8-2014: Another rattling timing chain reported on a 30 month old Golf 1.4 TSI bought from a Volkswagen dealer.

    1-9-2014: Regarding TSB 34F6 and VW DSG-7 transmission, telephone VW Customer Care on 0800 083 3914 0800 083 3914 {option 1}, give them your car's registration or VIN and they will tell you the situation for your car.

    17-9-2014: Another DSG-7 reported to be "rattling" on a 4 year old Golf 1.4 TSI DSG on extended warranty. Clutch pack replaced and continues to rattle. Reader reported that it was investigate under 'TPI 2021120/3', but judged to be "within tolerances".
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    14-12-2009: Official VOSA recall R/2009/110/37E8 of VAG cars with 6-speed dual wet clutch DSG transmission built 1-9-2008 to 31-8-2009 because "In rare cases an incorrect interpretation of the clutch temperature can occur which results in the clutch opening unexpectedly with loss of drive." Remedial action was to update/reprogramme gearbox Mechatronic control unit.

    Australia, 2010: 8,000 Golfs with 1.4TSI Twincharger engine recalled in Australia because rough idling prevented the cars being driven away from standstill.

    20-06-2012: In response to a lawsuit from nearly one thousand VW owners, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has officially stated that it is presently impossible to determine whether or not the DSG gearboxes require a recall, the Economic Information Daily reported today. Jiang Suhua, partner of Beijing-based Yingke Law Firm, received a letter from AQSIQ saying that, "following expert analysis, investigation and authentication of issues mentioned by consumers with the DSG gearboxes, [we] are still unable to determine whether or not [they] are defective." AQSIQ has previously stated that if they found that the DSG gearboxes were indeed defective, they would adhere to the appropriate legislation and issue a full vehicle recall in order to protect customers. An official from the AQSIQ's Defective Product Center, who wished to remain anonymous, personally believed that the main reason VW has received such a high number of complaints is that it did not fully consider China's driving environment. In Beijing and other large cities where congestion rates are very high, drivers are forced to constantly shift gears, placing a considerable amount of strain on the transmission. The climate in western Sichuan and other regions is extremely humid, while several cities boast high rates of pollution, both of which may have further exacerbated issues. Last month, VW issued an officially apology to Chinese drivers affected by issues with its DQ200 dual-clutch transmissions. It also announced that it would be extending warrantees for DQ 200 seven-speed and DQ 250 six-speed gearboxes to cover ten years and 160,000 km.

    3-7-2012:www.autoevolution.com reports We have been informed that owners of Euro-spec VW cars (Polo, Golf and Scirocco) are reporting similar problems to the ones that caused a massive recall in China (500,000-strong). The issue has been reported in France, where owners of the aforementioned cars started reporting hearing strange noises coming from the gearbox, which lead them to believe that there may be a design flaw which wears the mechanisms inside it prematurely. The culprit is VW’s latest twin-clutch setup, the seven-speed DSG7, which reportedly makes the ‘strange noises’ when shifting from 4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd and 2nd to 1st, inside the car. However, outside, a different sound is audible, a metallic and repetitive sound which is made when the car goes over speed-bumps. Whatever it is, it sounds serious, especially since owners first began to hear it “a few weeks after delivery” (of the car) - nothing should wear out that quickly. Also, since the problem in China was never really solved, as they just increased the warranty coverage to 10 years, it will be interesting to see how VW handle this problem in a market very close to home - France. Furthermore, the angry group of French VW owners claim that Seat, Skoda and Audi drivers are also reporting the same problems, so If this report turns out to be accurate, it will spark further outrage and may dent VW’s famed ‘bulletproof’ reliability record.

    12-6-2013: Australian VW DSG Recall

    and Australian VW DSG You Tube Video

    Due to electrolysis, the DSG 7-speed transmissions are susceptible to conductive deposits forming in the gearbox control units, possibly causing the gearbox fuse to blow. Should this happen, the clutch will fully open due to power supply failure, causing the vehicle to roll to a stop if in motion. In the majority of cases, the fault occurs when the engine is started with the vehicle stationary. If the fuse blows while the vehicle is in motion, however, a sudden loss of power at the wheels could in certain circumstances occur while the vehicle is being driven. This may pose a hazard to the vehicle occupants and other road users. All other functions of the vehicle (steering, braking, etc.) remain fully active.

    5-1-2014: In the UK, customer complaints of hiccuping 1.4 TSI DSG-7 when the engine is cold are being met by the standard worldwide TSB solution of a change of transmission fluid from synthetic to mineral, as per the Worldwide DSG recall.

    30-6-2014: 7-speed DSG oil change and software update now being carried out to Mk VI Golfs in the UK as TSB 34F6. Can have the effect of shortchanging quickly from 1st to 2nd, giving the feeling that the car is pulling away in 2nd gear.

    19-7-2014: Another owner of a Golf 1.6 TDI DSG contacted by dealer to be offered a free inspection and gearbox oil change if necessary. VW stated that there is an issue with DSG seven speed gearbox - clutch liable to disengage and vehicle may freewheel if gearbox is filled with synthetic oil. Synthetic oil can lead to an internal short circuit. If necessary they will drain and refill with a mineral oil - no charge.

    Aman yalnış anlamayın marka tutkunu filan değilim, olaya sadece nötür yaklaşmaya çalışıyorum. VW leride severim ayrıca.(DSGler hariç)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi erceerce -- 10 Ekim 2014; 11:29:22 >

  • Ben bir yeni kasa Legacy kullanıcısıyım. 2011 model SW var elimde. Benim araç benzinli CVT otomatik.

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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi erceerce -- 10 Ekim 2014; 15:32:15 >
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