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[AD] Central MuOnline | Season 9 Episode 2 | Opening On June

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  • MEDIUM x1500 Server opening on June 2 at 15:00 (Server Time)

    Website: http://www.centralmu.com
    Forum: http://forum.centralmu.com
    Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/CentralMuCommunity

    Server x1500 configs:
    Server x1500 configs:
    Version: Season 9 Episode 2
    Experience: 1500x
    Drop: 25%
    Maximum Stats: 32767
    Max Master level: 330
    Master Level Experience: 50x
    Points Per Master Level: 2
    Points Per Level: 5/7/7
    Reset Reward: 25 Credits
    After Reset: Stats Clear
    After Reset stat points: 1000
    Grand reset from: 80 resets
    Grand reset free points: 10000
    Grand reset reward: 12000 Credits
    Grand reset reward: 500 Wcoins
    Different Gens Party: Enabled
    Monsters: Stats increased
    Monsters per spot: 6-8

    Jewel Rates:
    Bless: 100%
    Soul: 80%
    Life: 65%
    Harmony: 80%
    Items with Luck: +20%

    Features in game:
    Auto Reconnect System
    Muun System
    Auto Party System
    Pandora Mining System
    Bonus Event System
    Cash Shop (x) System
    Off-trade System
    Multi Ware System
    Skill tree work 100%
    Lucky Item tickets available
    Gremory Case - Button K - Some event reward inventory
    380/400 Level Items: Working from level 0 (Only stats requirement to put on)
    2nd/3rd/4th Wings: Working from level 0 (Only stats requirement to put on)

    Features in website:
    Hide info: inventory, location
    Vote Reward system: Get Credits by voting every 12 hours
    Referral system: Receive 50 Credits from every 5 resets made by referral.
    Market system: Sell for Credits, Wcoins, Web Zen, Jewels
    Shop Cart system: Add items to cart and buy when needed
    Online Hours system: Get 3 Credits for every hour
    Cash Shop system: Press X ingame to open it
    Zen Wallet system: Move zen to website
    Web Warehouse: Save items with unlimited space for free
    Change Nick: Rename your character nick name
    Buy Level: Get levels for credits
    VIP System: Get several benefits with staying VIP

    Available commands list:
    /post (a message within actual Game Server)
    /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /addcmd
    /pkclear (allows to clear PK status for ZEN)
    /ware (allow to switch wares 0-5)
    /war (allows to propose a War to opponent Guild)
    /prop (allows to propose a marry to other player)
    /accept (allows to accept marry proposal)
    /teleport (teleports yourself to your marriage partner)
    /divorce (allows to take divorce)
    /dcfriend (Allows to disconnect specified character if know his name,password)
    /battlesoccer (allows to challenge opposite guild for a battle Soccer match)
    /requests (all requests on or off)
    /offtrade (activate off-trade sale)
    /setparty (allows to set password for AutoParty system)

    Chaos machine rates:
    Making item +10, +11 = 80% Chance of success
    Making item +12, +13 = 65% Chance of success
    Making item +14, +15 = 45% Chance of success
    Item + Luck = +20% Chance


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi centralmu -- 2 Haziran 2016; 10:19:53 >

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