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[AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server (3. sayfa)

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  • We are now successfully release new unquie CashShop with have many new items , special items and more stuff

    that no other server got this unquie CashShop. To use CashShop just simple use ECoins game cedits to punchase items or PCpoint.

    Update & fixed :

    -Remove custom goldens

    -Fix beast uppercut skill for rage fighter

    -Decrease all jewels & rena

    -Decrease gemstone drop rate in kanturu 1,2,3

    -Enable moss event (Reward max 2 exc options)

    -Enable Personal store can be use as ECoins game credits

    -Add new reset master skill tree point

    -Add clear inventory command (type /clearinv charname)

    -Add more vote link and ECoins game credits reward
  • Another update !

    All custom events give reward as ECoins game credits and PCpoint.
    Online exchange hour will be add soon :p
    Just stay tune with US.

    Thank You
  • Burada oynayan kimler var ?
  • Server update & Fixed !

    1. Fixed SM ML passive skills 397 to 401 (S6 EP3)
    2. Fixed BK ML Swell life increament, correct is to add rate not constant (S6 EP3)
    3. Fixed SM expansion of wizardy skill not adding damage
    4. Fixed kanturu event monster spawns
    5. Fixed raven not attacking RF class
    6. Added castle siege event attack/damage options (pvp.ini)
    7. Fixed not consuming pots (hp and mana) from expanded inventory (S6 EP3)
    8. Restored buff limit to RF skill ignore defence
  • cöp, girme hic :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: EShine

    cöp, girme hic :)

    Burası Troll kokuyor...
  • Update:
    - Remove lucky item drop from mob
    - Remove exc item drop level +1+11
    - Remove 2nd Wing in X-Shop
    - Re change Items in X-Shop can be sell as +0
    - Remove 380+socket item in X-Shop (Only leave 2 new sets and Weapon)
    - Reset Darkside item for people already got it.
    - Remove Box of kundun +4 +5 drop item over +15
    - Decrease vote reward (Make more harder for hard server)
    - Remove custom events , leave only fews
    - Increase drop 220 skills/Orbs
    - Increase 10 % more for create RF cape
    - Increase drop 380 quest items from boss

    Stay tune with Elitemu, i will update more.

    Small fixed !
    -Added missing monsters from Raklion, Aida, Kanturu & Kalrutan (S6)
    -Fixed Siege Crowns position.
    -Fixed default wrong timer in Crywolf
  • Up Up server still online.
  • nobody is playing this dude.
  • Well i have 150+ active in 24 hours :P
    If you don't like then don't play.

    for fix updates :
    1. Dungeon event not clearing ice monsters fixed.
    2. Master exp. issues fixed.
  • You fix them?:D MuEngine released new patch "Lol"..
  • Did i say any thing that im fix ?
    I just post what fix update after reboot server.
    and i pay money every month for muengine team.

    And one thing , Muengine don't release patch :p

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi KickerMU -- 27 Temmuz 2012; 17:26:34 >
  • Hit record 248 user online in 24 hours.
  • First. MuEngine don't take money for upgrades since July.
    Second.Muengine released 2 diffrent patch in last week;)

    Please speak truth first & nobody playing this game. If you have 248 online open statistics and let us see^^ Liar
  • furkan1992
    How is your server ? HellYahMu close down again right ? trying to pm all user in RZ for sell muengine file and got banned in IGCN team.
    You better keep quiet before saying some thing.

    My server have player active in : 24 hrs and that doesn't; mean 248 online in 1 time.
    Its record active in 24 hours.

    Muengine release update called R.... version , not patch.
  • Elitemu Forum are now back to online.
    If you have any problem feel free to report on our http://forum.elitemu.com
  • Can you just go away ?
    How did you know no body play in my server ?
    today was 78 people online.

    If you don't know nothing better shut up before post something.
  • you better should read it carefully. i dont care how many players are playing in your server. i told you that nobody is playing FROM HERE in your server ;)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Guest4234245665 -- 3 Ağustos 2012; 1:33:04 >
  • Ok nvm as long you bump my thread .
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