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[AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server

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  • Open Now Official server

     [AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server

    Welcome to EliteMU

    EliteMU is a new and fresh long term server.
    We are using premium Season 6 Episode 3 files (MuEngine) that contain hardly any bugs. We took the time to configure this server to give our players the best experience.
    The client is equipped with anti-cheat protection both with server side and a custom launcher with auto-updates.
    This server has all the latest features such as:

    - RageFighter class
    - Mastering skill tree
    - New events
    - Official mu helper and loads more!

    This server content no reset system , which mean server are running same as GMO version. But some of feature are different ,NPC etc.With the new Gens feature PVP becomes even more fun, while you battle as family versus family.
    Get rewards as you work your way up in the Gens ranking list!

    Elitemu.com - http://www.elitemu.com/
    Elitemu.com - http://www.elitemu.com/index.php?page_id=downloads
    Elitemu.com - http://www.elitemu.com/index.php?page_id=register
    EliteMU Forum - Soon

    EliteMU Features:

    - Premium S6E3 Files
    - Main 1.04e version (Last update from Webzen)
    - Custom launcher with auto-update
    - Custom PVP Balance for all chatacter (Not yet complete)
    - Friendly and Experienced Staff
    - Original monster Spots
    - CashShop Hot
    - New extended warehouse & Inventory Hot
    - Webshop active (Limit 2 options)
    - Vote Reward ( Credits & WCoins ) Soon
    - Online exchange ( Credits & WCoins ) Soon


    -Exp: 15x
    -Drop rate: 35%
    -Max level: 400
    -Max master level: 180
    -Max users: 300
    -PVP: Yes
    -24/7: Yes

    Server Specs:

    -CPU: 6 cores AMD 3.9 Ghz
    -RAM: 8GB RAM
    -HDD: 2TB RAID 0
    -NET: 100/100Mb
    -LOC: UK

    Chaos Mix :

    - Original like GMO style


    - /addstr
    - /addene
    - /addagi
    - /addvit
    - /marry
    - /post
    - and lots more!

    Specific Features:

    - Socket System - Max 2
    - Chaos Cards System
    - Bot System (Pet/Trader)
    - Rage Fighter
    - Mu Helper System Hot
    - New Map Kalrutan Hot
    - Extra Solo Exp on Event maps (5x extra)
    - Extra Party Exp ( 5x extra)
    - New Inventory And Warehouse Extension Hot
    - New Master Skill Tree - Rage Fighter Hot ( N. Darkside Skilltree not work )
    - Marry System
    - 3rd Class Quest
    - 3rd Level Wings
    - Loren Market map Hot
    - Tiny Wings Hot
    - New Icons
    - Pvp Gens System
    - Moss The Gambler
    - New Duel System " Duel Arena"
    - Vulcan map
    - Cherry Blossom Quest
    - Raklion
    - Seed Spheres
    - Acient sets

    Game Events:

    Castle Siege Event
    Lottery Event HOT!
    Double Goer Event
    Blood Castle Event
    Devil Square Event
    Chaos Castle Event
    Illusion Temple Event
    Golden Archer Event HOT!
    Raklion Hatchery Event
    Halloween Event
    X-Mas Attack Event
    Monster Spawn Event HOT!
    White Wizard Event
    Red Dragon Invasion
    Golden Monster Invasion
    Includes New Golden Mobs
    Auto Drop Event HOT!
    Kanturu Event
    CryWolf Event
    Loren Deep Event
    Jewel Gamble Event HOT!
    Player vs Player Gambling, Lucky Winner Takes All
    New Year Event
    Moss The Gambler Event
    Scramble Words Event HOT!
    Cherry Blossom Event
    Golden Archer Event
    Kalima 1-7 Event
    Extra Experience Event
    Marry Event
    Dungeon Race Event HOT!
    Player vs Player Race Event In Dungeons
    PVP LastStand Event HOT!

     [AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server

     [AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server

     [AD] EliteMU-Gaming network | Season 6 ep 3 | Hard Server

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi KickerMU -- 5 Mayıs 2012; 4:26:25 >

  • Eğer Türkler birleşip guild kurucaksa sağlam server'e benziyo. Tam yeri olabilir bu server :))
  • spotlar nasıl? kutu dropları nasıl ayarlanmış ?

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Tyler Durden

    spotlar nasıl? kutu dropları nasıl ayarlanmış ?
    - All item with show unknown message are now fixed.
    - Increase more monster on every map
    - Box drop 75-90% from every golden monster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Tyler Durden

    spotlar nasıl? kutu dropları nasıl ayarlanmış ?

    Kanki adam gavur anlamaz ki :D ama serveri Global'e göre ayarlamışlar exp'de düşük o yüzden spotlar çoktur bence :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_


    Orijinalden alıntı: Tyler Durden

    spotlar nasıl? kutu dropları nasıl ayarlanmış ?

    Kanki adam gavur anlamaz ki :D ama serveri Global'e göre ayarlamışlar exp'de düşük o yüzden spotlar çoktur bence :)

    Alıntıları Göster
    1. hurricane set, gigantic storm in lorencia shop? : Removed
    2. no pots in lorencia? : Outside Lorencia (Potion girl)
    3. 6 pts per level? : If you make quest level 220, you will get 6 point per level.
    4. will you sell small wings? : small wing will be sell in Cashshop press X
    5. 40 ring drops exe ? : Yes drop exe and normal item
    6. ribbon box drops 10kk ?: Fixed
    7. red spirit set in store? : Change to low elf set
    8. all orbs for elf in store? : Removed
    9. celestian/sylph wind bows in store? : Removed and replace with crossbow
    10. exe mysteri stick in emberald store? : Removed
    11. all scrols for sumoner in store? : Removed , only 1 scroll in store
    12. exe gorgon staff in devias blackmart store? : This is botstore , now is removed
    13. ring 80 drops scrolls +7 ? ( Will be check soon )
    15. green box drops 32kk ? : Fixed drop zen are now decrease
    16. medals drop exes? : Yes drop excellent item and normal item, also zen.
    17. huge spots in losttower? : Removed

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi KickerMU -- 3 Nisan 2012; 16:11:58 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: KickerMU

    1. hurricane set, gigantic storm in lorencia shop? : Removed
    2. no pots in lorencia? : Outside Lorencia (Potion girl)
    3. 6 pts per level? : If you make quest level 220, you will get 6 point per level.
    4. will you sell small wings? : small wing will be sell in Cashshop press X
    5. 40 ring drops exe ? : Yes drop exe and normal item
    6. ribbon box drops 10kk ?: Fixed
    7. red spirit set in store? : Change to low elf set
    8. all orbs for elf in store? : Removed
    9. celestian/sylph wind bows in store? : Removed and replace with crossbow
    10. exe mysteri stick in emberald store? : Removed
    11. all scrols for sumoner in store? : Removed , only 1 scroll in store
    12. exe gorgon staff in devias blackmart store? : This is botstore , now is removed
    13. ring 80 drops scrolls +7 ? ( Will be check soon )
    15. green box drops 32kk ? : Fixed drop zen are now decrease
    16. medals drop exes? : Yes drop excellent item and normal item, also zen.
    17. huge spots in losttower? : Removed

    what about heart of love, silver-gold medals, red-blue chocolate boxes ?

    what about spots in all maps ?

    what about party exp bonus ?

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Tyler Durden


    Orijinalden alıntı: KickerMU

    1. hurricane set, gigantic storm in lorencia shop? : Removed
    2. no pots in lorencia? : Outside Lorencia (Potion girl)
    3. 6 pts per level? : If you make quest level 220, you will get 6 point per level.
    4. will you sell small wings? : small wing will be sell in Cashshop press X
    5. 40 ring drops exe ? : Yes drop exe and normal item
    6. ribbon box drops 10kk ?: Fixed
    7. red spirit set in store? : Change to low elf set
    8. all orbs for elf in store? : Removed
    9. celestian/sylph wind bows in store? : Removed and replace with crossbow
    10. exe mysteri stick in emberald store? : Removed
    11. all scrols for sumoner in store? : Removed , only 1 scroll in store
    12. exe gorgon staff in devias blackmart store? : This is botstore , now is removed
    13. ring 80 drops scrolls +7 ? ( Will be check soon )
    15. green box drops 32kk ? : Fixed drop zen are now decrease
    16. medals drop exes? : Yes drop excellent item and normal item, also zen.
    17. huge spots in losttower? : Removed

    what about heart of love, silver-gold medals, red-blue chocolate boxes ?

    what about spots in all maps ?

    what about party exp bonus ?

    Alıntıları Göster
    ben indiriyorum beyler, biraz takilirim :)

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Guest4234245665

    ben indiriyorum beyler, biraz takilirim :)

    Alıntıları Göster
    add statistic + online players please.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Guest4234245665

    add statistic + online players please.

    Alıntıları Göster
    oynanır bu server. tam istediğim gibi.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: genismarket

    oynanır bu server. tam istediğim gibi.

    Alıntıları Göster
    Shine bi karar verde gel artık şu Auroraya yaw:D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: furkan1992

    Shine bi karar verde gel artık şu Auroraya yaw:D

    Aga geldim 2 rr attim yine sikildim sildim :D
  • Valla inşallah online playeri çok olur da beklediğime değer yaaa :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_

    Valla inşallah online playeri çok olur da beklediğime değer yaaa :)
    Bende geliyorum
  • We need the excact time of Server opening !!
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ForqotteN

    Bende geliyorum

    Gel tabe gel. Server sağlam olursa herkes gelsin. :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_


    Orijinalden alıntı: ForqotteN

    Bende geliyorum

    Gel tabe gel. Server sağlam olursa herkes gelsin. :)

    Alıntıları Göster
    deneriz beyler

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: EShine

    deneriz beyler

    aynen deneriz nolcak :D baktık sv kötü başkasına geçeriz nasılsa etraf sv kaynıyo :D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_


    Orijinalden alıntı: EShine

    deneriz beyler

    aynen deneriz nolcak :D baktık sv kötü başkasına geçeriz nasılsa etraf sv kaynıyo :D

    Alıntıları Göster
    buraya kadar reklam yaptıysa adam sağlamdır diye düşünüyorum :)

  • Adamlar 100 lvl i bile gecmis...

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
Sayfa: 1234
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