ReignMU Present Absolutely New World of MuOnlineSeason 3 Episode 1 Awesome PVP/WARS/CASTLE SIEGE/EVENTSOFFICIAL WEBSITE : GROUP : Statistic-Exp: 5000x-Drop: 70%-PPL: 10/10/10-Max Level: 400-Max Stats: 32767-Credits/Reset: 30-Online Hour Trade: 20 Credits-Vote Reward: 100 Credits-Active LOT Drop-Castle Siege War: Every Sunday---------------------------------------------------------------Chaos Mix Rate-ChaosMix Rate +10 : 90%-ChaosMix Rate +11 : 80%-ChaosMix Rate +12 : 70%-ChaosMix Rate + 13: 50%Jewel Sucess Rate-Jewel of Bless SuccessRate : 60%-Jewel of Soul SuccessRate : 60%-Jewel of Life SuccessRate :90%-Jewel of Harmony SuccessRates : 80%-Additional LuckSuccess Rate : 70% (Jewel of soul with luck 30%)-Additional LuckSuccess Rate (Chaos Machine) : Luck adds extra 50% to every mix.--------------------------------------------------------------Full Mobs Spot-All Jewels is Important-Cheap Webshop Credits-Daily and Monthly Event----------------------------------------------------------------Before move (you Need to remove pet first GameServer Protection)- Friendly Staffs- Everyday GM Events- Ingame Reset System- 24/7 Online- International Gaming System- Highest Security Level from DDoS and SQL-Inject---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------