We would like to present our Project before we announce news about Full server information! TopMu is an international private MuOnline server. This is a new and optimistic gaming server with 2 different experience and configuration worlds: Low: x150 and High: x1000. Every world will have different builds and limitations. Web Item Shop will not include Full Option Items because it does not like to the most of players. We are planning to be a long term project and will strive for the best to give our players enjoyable game play, helpful administration and friendly community. For more interesting game play everyone will have a chance to enjoy our made In Game and Forum Events and win balanced cool prizes like items or Topcoins for Item Shop. Server is based on Premium Season 9 Episode 2 server files and Premium DMN Website. Our team is professional and there will be Game Masters in game who will help players with answering their questions and solve any problematic situation if needed. Full Server Information will be posted after some days. Registration is Opened. You can register and follow our News on Website and be a part of our Community on Forum while we are working to give you chance to play in our Private Server!