cloth helmets/all 101 and fiend cowl 116 spec--clot boot/all 101 and royal shoes 116 spec-- all offhands 100+ spec / mıstcaller 120/cryptcandle 120/ tome fıghter all 120 spec /facebreaker 120--leather boots all 101 and tenacty 120 spec--leather helmet all 101 and specter hoods 120 spec --leather jacket all 101 and hellion 120 / assasian jacket 116 spec-- crosbow fıghter 100lv--war glowes figter 100lv--mace fighter 100lv and adept's mace 101 spec--sword fighter 100lv--dagger fighter 100lv and deathgivers 70lv--payromencer fighter 100lv and brimstone 72lv/blazing 68lv/dawnsong 71lv/wildfire 54lv--frost mace 100lv and perma 57 /chillow 42lv--warlock 62lv--arcanist 76lv--priest 88lv--cloth robe fighter 100lv and druid robe 101 /scholar robe 75lv/cleric robe 59lv/cultist robe 71lv/purity 48lvl--hammer fighter 70lv--plate helmet fıghter 100lv and solcier helmet 101/guardian helmet 71/greaveguard helmet 70--plate armor fighter 100lv and guardian armor 101/judıcator armor 50--plate boot fıghter 100lv and guardian boot 101/knight boot 87/soldier boot 48/judıcator boot 79- -AND AXE FIGHTER 100lv and REALMBREAKER 106/INFERNAL 106/CARRİONCALLER 106/HALBERD 106/GREATAXE 113/BEARPAWS 116/BATTLE AXE 120- TOPLAM FAME: 790M GATHER T8 tascılık ( toplama hızı- t4 37lv-t5 61lv-t6 43lv-t7 16lv-t8 15lv) T8 demırcılık( toplama hızı- t4 40lvl-t5 100lvl-t6 42lvl - t7 9lvl t8 12lvl) T8 odunculuk( toplama hızı- t4 16lvl-t5 57lvl-t6 32lvl-t7 13lvl-t8 15lvl) T8 dericilik(toplama hızı- t4 10lv-t5 32lv-t6 15lv-t7 4lv-t8 9lv) T7 pamukculuk (toplama hızı-t4 7lv-t5 53lv-t6 5lv t7 1lv) REFINER t8 ore smelter t6 wood planer t6 stone cutter t5 fiber wiever HARVESTER HERBALİST 100LVL CROP FARMER 100LVL ANIMAL BREENDER 100LVL SOUS CHEFS CHEF 100LVL ve 17.500 gold mevcuttur 1200+ learnıng poıntı mevcuttur. bankada ortalama 300m degerıne yakın ıtem bulunmaktadır %10 sezon fame bonus martlock faction rütbe:chief of the name toplam puan:8.133.000 ıtemlı goldlu ve itemli FİYAT : 9.500tl dır pazarlık payı vardır iletişim:0544 608 53 99 alacak olan arkadasa sımdıden hayırlı olsun < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi admgrbz -- 6 Ağustos 2022; 4:31:49 > |