AXxx00 means you got AthlonXP w/ PR of xx00+. D, unsure, might be package type (Organic packaging). M means the vcore, S = 1.5, U = 1.6, P = 1.7, M = 1.75, N = 1.8 S means the max case temp (b4 the CPU begins its frying), Q = 60, X = 65, R = 70, Y = 75, T = 90, S = 95. I'm not sure about the Q through Y tho, never saw them in use. 3 means the amount of L2 cache the proc will have, 1 = 64KB, 3 = 256KB. C means the FSB speed, B = 100MHz (200FSB), C = 133MHz (266FSB).
D unsure, might be package type (Organic packaging). M 1.75vcore T 90'C 3 256KB. C 133MHz(266FSB).
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