HYUNDAI® CAR COMPANYAward Center 42B Uxbridge Road,Ealing, London W31 4BS.United Kingdom Dear Prize Winner, HYUNDAI PRIZE WINNING NOTIFICATION This is to inform you of the Award of Eight Hundred and FiftyThousand Pounds (850,000.00 Pounds) from Hyundai Cars Company.This Promotion Award is to raise the profile of Hyundai Carsacross the world. This promotion takes place annually to promote Hyundai Carsacross the globe. The tactics included live events and localcampaigns. The owner of this email address has won the awardfunds. In view of this, your Award of Eight Hundred and FiftyThousand Pounds (850,000.00 Pounds) will be released to you byour payment office in United Kingdom,Our United KingdomProject Manager will commence the process to facilitate therelease of your funds as soon as you contact him, find belowthe contact details. (CONTACT PROJECT MANAGER)Name: Mr. Herald PhilPhone # : +44 70111 50433E-mail: For more details about this award call Mr. Herald Phil onphone now: +44 70111 50433. He is to direct you on theprocessing and remittance/claiming of your winning funds. Please you are advised to complete the form for verification with ascanned copy of your ID for identification purposes and send itimmediately to our Grant manager through email for promptcollection of your prize money. AWARD VERIFICATION AND FUNDS RELEASE FORM 1. FULL NAMES:________________2.ADDRESS:_______City_______State______Postcode______Country______3. SEX:________________4. AGE:________________5. OCCUPATION:________________6. POSITION:_________________7. TELEPHONE NUMBER:________________8. NATIONALITY:____________________9. NEXT OF KIN:___________________10. AMOUNT OF GRANT:_______________ From the management of Hyundai Company UK we would like to say a bigcongratulation to you Sincerely,Mrs. Kate FrankOnline CoordinatorHyundai Cars Company.
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Orjinalden alıntı: Intralotsystems
Banada geldi Aynısı Bu o kadar Sorun değilde Adult sitelerden Mesajlar geliyo Onu anlamıyorum
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Orjinalden alıntı: ~ Féano[R]
Orjinalden alıntı: Intralotsystems
Banada geldi Aynısı Bu o kadar Sorun değilde Adult sitelerden Mesajlar geliyo Onu anlamıyorum