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Arkamu S9E3, new dynamic exp & zen system, New PVP system, build by players !

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  • Welcome to Arkamu S9E3

    We are a group with experienced muplayers & muadmins creating a really good server for the players. Were testing and tweaking now for 3 months and we are ready for the beta trials.
    We put alot of effort to make settings ingame fun, but we like your help and opinion aswell because it's alot to cover and different views can help alot.

    Configs we tweaked.

    1. Dynamic Experience system.
    -- Global balance in spots, exp in all maps !
    -- All events will bring something extra's, so its worth your time.
    -- Find secret spots, hidden in many maps to levelup faster.
    -- Zen is back as a trade value, it will give a new dimension.

    2. PvP system, we performed alot of work on the PvP system, weew.
    -- We balanced the skill damage, reprogrammed skill formula's, fixed pvp character system,
    -- Every single character got a unique gamestyle that in the end balance out nicely.
    --- Fixed PvP combo speed & power. Nothing is more fun then BladeMasters unleasing combo's one up to another.
    --- Elf with high poison arrow damage, certain combinations of skills will let the BladeMaster remember how the old times were.

    We modified the skilltree system of S9E3, fixed stun and weird passive skills.
    Our system is modified for 65.000 stats with the fixed agility system.

    With this new system as PvP basis and our team live ingame, we make the perfect pvp balance for all classes.

     Arkamu S9E3, new dynamic exp & zen system, New PVP system, build by players !

    No overpowered item system, we integrated weak custom sets.
    - No Full excellent items with socketed options

    We balanced our system in 3 groups
    - Ancients + joh VS
    - Excellent + joh VS
    - Socketed + bonus

    Every group got its advantage & disadvantages.

    3. Item (drop) system
    -- Jewels with rare rate, bosses with unique items, events with specials !
    -- Chaosgoblin rate at 100% ( no fun in losing items )

    Arkamu server S9E3 features.
    -- Fully working muun system
    -- All S1 up to S9E3 events, Battlecore events and more !
    -- Dungeon PvP event
    -- Integrated antihack
    -- New maps like SKYLAND

    So gives us your opinion, help us during this beta server and together we will make a really good muserver for all kind of players !

    Grand opening 30-april-2016 !

    Skype: funzgames ( with the animated cat icon )

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi pauwoog -- 24 Nisan 2016; 20:01:22 >

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