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Backto80's (80 Cap) Private Server

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  • Welcome to BackTo80s Online!
    This will be the official public beta and your accounts will get saved.
    And we are happy that also BackTo80s is a part of Psykonetwork.com

    Server Informations:
    Capacity: 500
    Cap: 80
    Skill Cap: 80
    Mastery: 300
    Gear Cap: 8D
    Drop Cap: 8D
    Race: China
    Exp: 60x
    Item Drop: 30x
    Gold Drop: 20x
    SOX 1-58: 50x
    SOX 59-80: 1x
    Alchemy: 1x
    Job: 200x

    Starter Items:
    1x 3 Day Monkey Summon Scroll
    1x Grey Wolf Summon Scroll
    10x Beginner Speed Scroll 100%
    250,000 SP for every new player.

    Capture The Flag: Working (Every Hour)
    Fortress War: Working

    - Register Time: 24H
    - Fortress Time:
    Wednesday 8 PM GMT+1
    Saturday 8PM GMT+1
    - Questionary Silk Event (Random days at the week)
    - Hide'n Seek Silk Event (Random days at the week)
    - Unique Event (Almost every day)

    - Event Cave
    - Event Monster dropping mall items
    - Premium, Devil Spirit, Tickets, Magic Pop disabled
    - Honor Rank deactivated
    - Advanced Elixier deactivated
    - Job/Guild Penalty removed
    - Elixiers stackable to 10,000
    - Pots/Pills stackable to 1000
    - Arrows stackable to 10,000
    - 8D Tablets drop at monsters up to 76+ at Taklamakan

    Weekend Rates:
    - Event Rates start at Friday 3~7 PM GMT+1
    and they end at Monday 0-11 AM GMT+1
    Exp: 70x
    Item Drop: 35x
    Gold Drop: 25x
    SOX 59-80: 2x

    We can t do anything to prevent botting.
    So we decided to allow the botting.
    All banned accounts are unbanned now.

    Rollback has been made to the state before the update. (the one that blocked bots)
    Multiclient is allowed BUT if I see more then 2 clients at same time online, this will
    be the result:
    Bann with all your accounts on the same ip

    Bug abusing:
    Bugabusing? This will be the result:
    1x busted= 10 day ban
    2x busted= 2 month ban
    3x busted= Forever banned

    I don't have something against Pet-Filter. You can use it of course.

    Update - 1:
    - Database Backup complete
    - Job Rates are 200x now
    - Event Drop Rates fixed
    - More Event Drop Rates added
    - Advanced Elixiers deactivated.

    Update - 2:
    - Monster in Takla up to 76++ also drop tablets 8D now
    - Added more items to event monster
    - Database Backup complete
    - Fortress war is now at Wednesday + Saturday 8PM GMT+1
    - New Dresses are tradeable

    Part 1 :https://****.com/#!download|823l36|3089231313|BackTo80s_Client.part1.rar|734003|R~1F59F81DF49FEF0B452ED6C1D53CC7D7|0|0
    Part 2 :https://****.com/#!download|373l34|864831817|BackTo80s_Client.part2.rar|679518|R~EC577CAFC5B17DE47754AF7DB1F9CDC6|0|0

    If you have this error:

    then delete your temppath folder at the client.

    If you have a crash at hotan:

    then redownload the hole Backto80s Client because your pk2 is damaged or not valid for this files.

  • bot var mı
  • @ananzaa
    Ingilizcen olsa anlardın . Linki düzeltir misiniz
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