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  • http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/7533936.asp?gid=74&sz=78512

    Hürriyet gazetesinin ingilizce yayınlanan gazetesinde Hakkaride 12 şehit olduğuna dair bir haber var.


    Ana sayfa Tuesday, November 05, 2013 11:51



    Nighttime PKK terror attack results in deaths of 12 Turkish soldiers

    A nighttime attack by PKK terror forces yesterday on Turkish troops stationed near the Iraqi border, outside of the city of Hakkari, led to the death of 12 soldiers, and the injury of 16.

    This latest attack, which follows on the heels of PKK violence from last week that also amounted to high military casualties, led yesterday to intense pursuit by Turkish military forces in a wide area around Hakkari, with the General Staff headquarters reporting that 32 PKK terrorists had been killed. Military sources note that the PKK terrorists involved in the latest attack crossed over the Iraqi border and into the area of Daglica village near Hakkari, where they carried out a three-pointed attack on Turkish soldiers. The group of PKK terrorists, who used long range rifles and rocket launchers for the attack, were estimated to number around 200 by military sources.

    Currently, the Turkish military is engaged in pursuit of remaining terrorists by helicopter near the border area, and sources report there is heavy gunfire and blasting aimed in the direction of the northern reaches of Iraqi territory.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi rfssfr -- 5 Kasım 2013; 11:54:12 >

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