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  • Bir program buldum ama ne ise yaradigini bilmiyorum. Bunu turkceye cevircek birisi varsa ona pmden programin linkini veririm.

    Hi all. Just got into autoit script writing a couple of days ago after softmod was launched, so decided to write a bot script out to cater to my Blader's need. Wanna share it with you guys since im about to leave the gaming scenes as i need to serve the country. Hope you all like what work. I've alreadi asked for NochnoiDozor, NosT, en5 and Fanel to help me check the bot out but they are just too busy so i decided to send it out as i dun have much time left.

    Features of my bot includes: 4 slots available for Buff
    6 slots available for weapon skills
    3 slots available for imbue skills
    Hp/Mp pot detection
    Durability detection
    Mob lvl ( blue,green,white,orange and red ) detection
    Giant and Champion detection
    character check dead function
    disconnect check function

    *NOTE my bot now supports SELF-HEAL function but not Auto-Pot. My bot can only check for your POT QUANTITY.

    Instructions of bot: works only in 1024*768
    Main belt is F2 ( for ur imbue, buff, pots, autoatt )
    Secondary belt is F3 ( for your weapon )
    bot will check whether Silkroad is executed, if not it will ask for permission to launch it.
    Just open softmod and launch my bot.
    Requires PINK MOB

    Credits: Definitely all given to en5 because i used his monster detection system. Someone scan it if you may, im into the habit of scanning things online.

    *NOTE: If you all have some problem with the bot. Attach slots.txt and info.txt and also a screenshot when the problem occured. Easier for me to troubleshoot.

    *BOT UPDATED AT 06:43AM ( FIxed Obstructions and idling problem *NOTE ! char will look retarded )
    *BOT UPDATED AT 01:35PM ( Added Self-Heal option ( pot self-heal at Belt F3 slot 9 ) )
    *BOT UPDATED AT 07:09AM ( BOT v1.2 requires PINK MOB but i improved the obstruction and idling problem BOT v2.0 DO NOT require PINK MOB )

    *Obstruction/Idling: Now if you're idling/obstructed for 30secs, the bot will move forward, if after 60secs still idling/obstructed, bot will move backwards

    *BOT v2.0: i rushed it out during this afternoon so i will consider its still under BETA version. Ani problems please let me know asap. I dun have much time left.

    *Self-Heal option: if your also using in-game's Auto-Pot function, den in Bot settings, do not set lesser than what you set in-game. ETC if you set 50% in-game's Auto-Pot, den in bot do not set below 50% but around 75%. in-game's Auto-Pot is meant for emergency purpose while Bot's Self-Heal is for saving $$$

    *BOT v2.3: I added tooltip ( kinda funny ), added 5 more search regions, more checks so u wun attack human or horses. Modified the obstacle shit and idle shit. Private: I added manual offset input, if you find that the mouse is always missing the mob by a few pixels, press F5 and key in the pixels to offset. Default is 15. to calculate how much pixels to offset, take the mob's name and divide by 2. Usually i juse trial and error though..

    *BOT v2.4, v1.4: Added more mob control ( red and orange ) thats it for retard bot. Thanz for supporting.

    *BOT v2.4a, v1.4a: as requested by _Scandal_, disconnect has been added in. On disconnection, script will close game and close bot. Erm... I have 1 day left, who wans a auto-reconnect script ?

    *BOT v2.4b, v1.4b: sorrie, as requested by _Scandal_ was not disconnect script, it was a check dead script. Updated. Bot will close and silkroad will close also.

    *NOTICE: ok guys im leaving tomorrow, thank you for all your support. Below is a look-through of how retardbot works. Hope someone could use my work and produce a better bot.
    How retardbot works.
    Line 37 functions.au3 (func checkHP)
    colour to look for: Decimal(66040E) HTML(#66040E)
    coordinates check: x ? y 32
    *comments: hp is everchanging so i calculated an algo to calculate X
    based on the % u set.
    formula: $reading / 100 * 120

    Cannot attack due to obstacles:
    Line 52 functions.au3 (func checkBlock)
    colour to look for: Decimal(16777215) HTML(#ffffff)
    coordinates check: x 524 y 137
    *comments: 3 actions to take based on time elapse
    1st acton: move south-east
    2nd action: move backwards
    3rd action: click away mobs name, proceed hunting

    *unstable so i don't wanna explain much

    Screen checking:
    Line 109 functions.au3 (func checkScreen)
    Getting window width and height by using WinGetPost()
    if width not equals 1024, it means user has not press Win+Alt+Enter
    so script will do send("!#{ENTER}") to full screen client

    Page Checking:
    Line 117 functions.au3 (func checkPage)
    does a check on current page. User might have activated bot when client
    is at login-page or character selection page, this will cause inaccuracy.

    Processing imbues and weapon:
    Line 413 functions.au3 (func skillProcess)
    using Random() function to let bot calculate which imbue/weapon
    skill to use.
    bot will do a 300 ms delay
    switch belt F3
    hit the weapon slot number twice
    switch back belt F2

    Buff checkings:
    Line49 bot.au3 (func fight)
    using TimerInit to set time when buff was FIRST activated
    followed by using TimerDiff to see time elapsed
    if time elapsed more than the duration user set, renew buff

    Hp pot checkings:
    Line135 bot.au3 (func checkPots)
    colour to look for: DECIMAL(526344) HTML(#80808)
    coordinates: x 659 y 737
    if colour was detected it means the slot is empty ( see pic1 )

    Mp pot checkings:
    Line135 bot.au3 (func checkPots)
    colour to look for: DECIMAL(526344) HTML(#80808)
    coordinates: x 697 y 736
    if colour was detected it means the slot is empty ( see pic1 )

    Durability checkings:
    Line135 bot.au3 (func checkPots)
    colour to look for: DECIMAL(0) HTML(#000000)
    coordinates: x 998 y 224
    if colour was detected it means the durability pic has appear ( see pic2 )

    Mob checkings:
    Line 269 bot.au3 (func attack1024)
    colour to look for: (based on mob) ( see pic 3 )
    coordinates/box: x1 434 y1 18 x2 444 y2 25
    using pixelsearch() to scan for colour pixels.
    if blue equals blue mob etc..

    Below is the program i used to check pixels and colours

    *NOTE now i have attached both the .au3 script and the .exe together in each file.
    *HI, managed to get back home for 6 hours, did some changes to the bot as what others pointed out to me. Mostly on mob control so not much major changes. In BOT 1.4b theres an autoconnect.au3, please do not use it as i wrote it out of fun and its still not working fully.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi carlos11 -- 9 Aralık 2006; 7:17:27 >

  • 23 kisi bakmis cvp veren yok. bu program ne ise yarar onu soleyin bari.
  • Bot değil mi bu ?
  • aynen bu bot programı
  • bnde bu kadar ingilizce yok olsa ben burada olmam antalya alanya almanya geziyordumm

    gitmedik ki derslere kaçacağına gitsene ( bizim yıllarda biz kaçtığımızda sadece counter ve ya ps1 e kaçardık ) ne salkmışız öpğrensene ingilizceyi

    ne güzel şimdi ingilizce biliyor olacaktık

    ayrıca nete verdiğim para ilede eve cafe açardımm

  • cozen var mi veya bunu kullanan ne ise yarar bu. cozen varsa bana anlatabilir mi?
  • güzel botmuş bu he :) bafları açıyo mp hp alıyo uzerini yeniliyo dc yerse tekrar oyuna sokuyo kendini kalan vaktinde de canavar kestiriyo tamam açıkladım işte şimdi linkini verde bi programın detaylarını inceliyim

    Linki pm den at

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi TheExploreR -- 9 Aralık 2006; 9:52:11 >
  • 1.41b versionlu botun özelliklerini anlatan bi metin e benzior (link ini vermesende olur bende programı var bu arada)
  • ehueuh Beleşciler toplanmıs yine.. Yok beleş bot yokk, gidin alın

  • yaw içinde bot kelimesi geçiyor be kardes ingilizce bilmenede gerek yok



    ehueuh Beleşciler toplanmıs yine.. Yok beleş bot yokk, gidin alın

    nihahahahha kış kışşşş hesabı
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