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c++ ücretiyle ödev yapan

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
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Sayfa: 1
  • cuma geceye kadar basit bir c++ ödevim var ilgilenen olursa lütfen buradan temasa geçin.ödev ingilizcedir ama gerekirse tercüme edip türkçe halini yollayabilirim.

  • hele bi bahset nasıl bir proje bu. Gerçekten acilse illa ki bi hayırsever ilgilenir
  • ödevi, ilgilenenlere mail ya da pm yoluyla atabilirim.Kısaca bi textte verilen değerlerin istenen aralıkta olup olmadığını kontrol eden. Eğer istenen aralıkta değilse outputta bunu belirten bi program.
  • Ornek output

    Batch Temp. Press Dwell
    24551 145.5 62.3 2.13 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    24582 153.7 63.0 2.52 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    26553 160.4 58.8 2.51 <-Batch had 2 failure(s)
    26613 159.5 58.9 2.02 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    26624 160.5 61.5 1.98 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27725 170.9 62.5 2.03 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27832 147.8 65.6 2.12 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27976 155.4 71.0 2.34 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)

    32 Batches Read:
    10 or 41.6667 % of the batches failed due to out of range temperatures
    11 or 45.8333 % of the batches failed due to out of range pressures
    8 or 33.3333 % of the batches failed due to out of range dwell times
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Gunhell

    Ornek output

    Batch Temp. Press Dwell
    24551 145.5 62.3 2.13 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    24582 153.7 63.0 2.52 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    26553 160.4 58.8 2.51 <-Batch had 2 failure(s)
    26613 159.5 58.9 2.02 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    26624 160.5 61.5 1.98 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27725 170.9 62.5 2.03 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27832 147.8 65.6 2.12 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)
    27976 155.4 71.0 2.34 <-Batch had 1 failure(s)

    32 Batches Read:
    10 or 41.6667 % of the batches failed due to out of range temperatures
    11 or 45.8333 % of the batches failed due to out of range pressures
    8 or 33.3333 % of the batches failed due to out of range dwell times

    Hocam bu ne ?

Sayfa: 1
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