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  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
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  • http://i.hizliresim.com/9pZW53.jpg

    arkadaşlar rica etsem bu yazıyı ingilizceye çevirebilir misiniz?

  • In this age, when cooperation is a necessity to conceive common solutions to global problems, United Nations, is the only universal cooperation with this high level of legitimacy and participation. United Nations, copes with extensive and important duties including prevention of infights, maintenance and protection of peace, disputation against terrorism(*) and change of climate.

    The context and direction of international development, is gradually increasing each day. The role we are taking in United Nations, is taking more of an active form parallel to this increase. Being one of the charter member of UN, our country is taking an active role in variety of duties from maintaining peace to humanitarian aid, from peacemaking to technical cooperation. By this, our country is making the best effort to give the biggest contribution to UN. Our country, is regularly making mandotary and volunteer contributions to UN. In addition, our country supports and keeps track of ongoing reforming movements of UN.

    * Disputation kelimesinin kullanımından emin değilim.

    Biraz zamanımı aldı, ama umarım işine yarar.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mesajfavoriler -- 2 Kasım 2014; 0:43:36 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: mesajfavoriler

    In this age, when cooperation is a necessity to conceive common solutions to global problems, United Nations, is the only universal cooperation with this high level of legitimacy and participation. United Nations, copes with extensive and important duties including prevention of infights, maintenance and protection of peace, disputation against terrorism(*) and change of climate.

    The context and direction of international development, is gradually increasing each day. The role we are taking in United Nations, is taking more of an active form parallel to this increase. Being one of the charter member of UN, our country is taking an active role in variety of duties from maintaining peace to humanitarian aid, from peacemaking to technical cooperation. By this, our country is making the best effort to give the biggest contribution to UN. Our country, is regularly making mandotary and volunteer contributions to UN. In addition, our country supports and keeps track of ongoing reforming movements of UN.

    * Disputation kelimesinin kullanımından emin değilim.

    Biraz zamanımı aldı, ama umarım işine yarar.
    çok çok teşekkür ediyorum kardeşim.

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