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Champion-Skin Geri Verme Anlatım (5. sayfa)

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  • 8 gündür cevap yok ümidi kestim.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Abyss

    8 gündür cevap yok ümidi kestim.

    Aynen, 8 gün oldu cevap gelmedi.
  • bana 8.gün cevap geldi beyler dertlenmeyin gelir yakında
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: cr17

    bana 8.gün cevap geldi beyler dertlenmeyin gelir yakında

    9 olacak işte bu sabah.
    Hayır oyunu bıraktım refundu bekliyorum 8 gündür oyuna girmiyorum refund yapılınca champ. alıp oyuna başlicam yeniden ama yapmadılar gitti.
  • Cevap geldi cevapta verdim.Kapamıştı ticketı ama geri almamışlar.


    Envy, Sep-06 14:44 (PDT):

    Hello Hisumashi,

    We normally do not provide refunds for items such as skins, champions, or runes. However, I can make a one-time exception for you and refund up to 3 purchases that have been made in the last 30 days of submitting your request. Because this is a one-time exception, we encourage you to include all 3 purchases in your request as we will not make any additional refund exceptions once the refund has been completed.

    So I can easily research the transaction(s) and assist you with this refund, please provide me with the following information for each of the three items you would like refunded:

    - Type:
    - Description:
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):
    - Amount:
    - Date Purchased:

    You can view your purchase history in the ‘Purchases’ tab of the store to find all this information.
    Please also make sure you provide me with the correct account information:

    - Your account name (What you log in to the game with)
    - Your summoner name (What other players see in game)
    - Which server you play on (NA, EU West, or EU Nordic & East)

    If you did not provide me with all of this information, your purchases were made more than 30 days ago, or you have received a refund before we will be unable to process your refund request. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or feedback. Good luck on the Fields of Justice!

    Game on!


    Yazıyordu bende direk cevap

    Hisumashi, Sep-09 01:34 (PDT):

    -Description:Skarner, Caitlyn, Corki
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):IP
    - Amount:6300.6300.6300
    - Date Purchased:08/11/2011. 07/30/2011, 07/26/2011

    Account name:xxx
    Summoner Name:Najerin
    Server:EU Nordic & East
    diye bir cevap yazmıştım geri almadılar.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Abyss

    Cevap geldi cevapta verdim.Kapamıştı ticketı ama geri almamışlar.


    Envy, Sep-06 14:44 (PDT):

    Hello Hisumashi,

    We normally do not provide refunds for items such as skins, champions, or runes. However, I can make a one-time exception for you and refund up to 3 purchases that have been made in the last 30 days of submitting your request. Because this is a one-time exception, we encourage you to include all 3 purchases in your request as we will not make any additional refund exceptions once the refund has been completed.

    So I can easily research the transaction(s) and assist you with this refund, please provide me with the following information for each of the three items you would like refunded:

    - Type:
    - Description:
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):
    - Amount:
    - Date Purchased:

    You can view your purchase history in the ‘Purchases’ tab of the store to find all this information.
    Please also make sure you provide me with the correct account information:

    - Your account name (What you log in to the game with)
    - Your summoner name (What other players see in game)
    - Which server you play on (NA, EU West, or EU Nordic & East)

    If you did not provide me with all of this information, your purchases were made more than 30 days ago, or you have received a refund before we will be unable to process your refund request. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or feedback. Good luck on the Fields of Justice!

    Game on!


    Yazıyordu bende direk cevap

    Hisumashi, Sep-09 01:34 (PDT):

    -Description:Skarner, Caitlyn, Corki
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):IP
    - Amount:6300.6300.6300
    - Date Purchased:08/11/2011. 07/30/2011, 07/26/2011

    Account name:xxx
    Summoner Name:Najerin
    Server:EU Nordic & East
    diye bir cevap yazmıştım geri almadılar.

    Malesef benden de almadılar. Baya yağcılık da yaptım ama adam almadı.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: pwnzs


    Orijinalden alıntı: Abyss

    Cevap geldi cevapta verdim.Kapamıştı ticketı ama geri almamışlar.


    Envy, Sep-06 14:44 (PDT):

    Hello Hisumashi,

    We normally do not provide refunds for items such as skins, champions, or runes. However, I can make a one-time exception for you and refund up to 3 purchases that have been made in the last 30 days of submitting your request. Because this is a one-time exception, we encourage you to include all 3 purchases in your request as we will not make any additional refund exceptions once the refund has been completed.

    So I can easily research the transaction(s) and assist you with this refund, please provide me with the following information for each of the three items you would like refunded:

    - Type:
    - Description:
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):
    - Amount:
    - Date Purchased:

    You can view your purchase history in the ‘Purchases’ tab of the store to find all this information.
    Please also make sure you provide me with the correct account information:

    - Your account name (What you log in to the game with)
    - Your summoner name (What other players see in game)
    - Which server you play on (NA, EU West, or EU Nordic & East)

    If you did not provide me with all of this information, your purchases were made more than 30 days ago, or you have received a refund before we will be unable to process your refund request. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or feedback. Good luck on the Fields of Justice!

    Game on!


    Yazıyordu bende direk cevap

    Hisumashi, Sep-09 01:34 (PDT):

    -Description:Skarner, Caitlyn, Corki
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):IP
    - Amount:6300.6300.6300
    - Date Purchased:08/11/2011. 07/30/2011, 07/26/2011

    Account name:xxx
    Summoner Name:Najerin
    Server:EU Nordic & East
    diye bir cevap yazmıştım geri almadılar.

    Malesef benden de almadılar. Baya yağcılık da yaptım ama adam almadı.

    Aynı mail banada geldi de neden almıyorlar merak ettim?Ki ben 1 skin demiştim.

  • Benim oynadıgımı accın emailini kafadan atmıstım email degistirmenin bi yolu var mı?
  • galiba verdikleri cevap değişmiş ona uygun olarak güncellendi
  • Rune verebilir miyiz ki ?
  • Ben 6300 den corki almıştım 6300 mü verirler acaba ticket atsam :D
  • pazar günü 975 rp ye vayne aldım 487 olmuş acaba supporta mesaj atsam bana geri verirler mi 487 rp kadar birşey

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi etyen81 -- 6 Ekim 2011; 15:52:41 >
  • 2. kez geri vermek için mesajımı attım. valla böyle böyle dedim Allah çarpsın açtım heroları ama oynamıyorum bile biliyorum 2. kez geri almak istemiyosunuz ama sansımı denemek istedim :) 2. kez almıyolar diye kesin birşey yok şansınızı deneyin verenler var çünkü. hadi rastgele

    bilmiyorum genel olarak rp alanların 2. 3. kez geri verdikleri konusuluyo hala cevap gelince olayı cozmüs oluruz
  • quote:


    Hello again,

    We don't do this normally, but I have completed this refund. The points have been added to your account, but they may not display properly until you go to the Store and attempt to make a purchase. You do not need to complete the purchase, the value should correct itself before you complete the transaction.

    If you happen to have been online while I was operating on your account, you may notice a short ~5 minute hold on your account. This is just to allow the database to re-sync and will be over shortly.

    This is a one-time exception.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy the game!

    Take care,
    Riot Support Team

    Skini aldılar RP i vermediler ? Bir süre geçtikten sonra mı geliyor RP ?

    edit : tamam verdiler

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi XenoLeS9 -- 9 Ekim 2011; 9:57:20 >

  • teşekkürler

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Guest-1C7B11D00 -- 19 Ekim 2011; 21:46:24 >
  • Greetings Summoner,

    According to our records, this content was purchased more than 30 days before you submitted this request, so I will be unable to complete your request. You can see when you purchased these items in the “Purchases” tab in the League of Legends store. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

    If you provide me with items that were purchased within 30 days I would be more than happy to process this refund for you. Please make sure each item is listed in the following format:

    - Type:
    - Description:
    - Currency Type (IP/RP):
    - Amount:
    - Date Purchased:

    If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I will be sure to address them.

    What is broken can be reforged,

    bana böyle bir mesaj attılar çeriren varssa sevinirim

  • 3 tane champion verebiliyoruz heralde max ben teemonun skininide vermek istiyorum onuda bu 3 champdan biri olarak mı sayıyolar yoksa 3 champ+skin verebiliyormuyum?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: White Fang

    3 tane champion verebiliyoruz heralde max ben teemonun skininide vermek istiyorum onuda bu 3 champdan biri olarak mı sayıyolar yoksa 3 champ+skin verebiliyormuyum?

    toplam 3 tane ya 1 skin ve 2 champ yada 3 champ
    not champ geri verince skin kalıyor
  • arkadaşlar ben 19unda attım 21de cevap geldi aynı gün bende cevapladım sonraki cevap 22sinde geldi. o günden beri 3 gün oldu hala cevap yok neden böyle acaba atacaklar mı cevap yoksa atmayacaklar mı ?
  • arkadaşlar ben 19unda attım 21de cevap geldi aynı gün bende cevapladım sonraki cevap 22sinde geldi. o günden beri 3 gün oldu hala cevap yok neden böyle acaba atacaklar mı cevap yoksa atmayacaklar mı ?

Sayfa: önceki 34567
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