2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3) 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - version: 12.0 (Fix 2) 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - [ The master of the soup ] 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - open [77C1F566] 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Platform: x86 detected 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Starting Device Driver 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys] 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Open manager OK 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Create Service OK 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Start Service OK 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Service ready 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Trying to open device[1]... 2012/02/01 17:17:51 - Service Handle OK 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [35][7C8FD190] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [32][7C8FD160] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [115][7C8FDF90] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [74][7C8FD580] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [AD][7C8FD910] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [7A][7C8FD5E0] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [D5][7C8FDB90] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [89][7C8FD6D0] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [FE][7C8FDE20] 2012/02/01 17:17:52 - [BA][7C8FD9E0] 2012/02/01 17:17:53 - Waiting for game... 2012/02/01 17:17:58 - Proceso [explorer.exe](1668) injecting on PID (2696) -> (ALLOW)[1] 2012/02/01 17:17:58 - Intercepting error 2012/02/01 17:17:58 - sXe Injected will close 2012/02/01 17:17:58 - Error:[[00d](ec720cae)RapportPG.sys - ] 2012/02/01 17:18:00 - * Sending shutdown 2012/02/01 17:18:00 - * Termination 2012/02/01 17:18:02 - * Cleaning 2012/02/01 17:18:02 - * Stoping service 2012/02/01 17:18:02 - * Service stopped 2012/02/01 17:18:02 - * Service deleted 2012/02/01 17:18:03 - * Cleaning 2012/02/01 17:18:03 - GetLastError(1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
) 2012/02/01 17:18:03 - Open service error 2012/02/01 17:18:04 - * Cleaning 2012/02/01 17:18:04 - GetLastError(1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.
) 2012/02/01 17:18:04 - Open service error
Sxe kapatılacak Hatası Alıyorum yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim..