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Daily Academic Vocabulary!

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  • Merhaba arkadaşlar, bu konu başlığı altında her gün Academic Vocabulary özenle seçerek ve editleyerek paylacaşağım.
    Kullandığım kaynak: Essential academic vocabulary, upper int. ve advanced öğrencileri için derlenmiş bir kitap. Her gün 3 kelime paylaşacağım, bana yetişebilmeniz önemli değil, size tavsiyem 3 kelimeyi geçmeyin bol bol pratik yapın.
    Takipte kalan arkadaşlar bu kelimelerle konunun altına cümle kurmaya çalışırlarsa sevinirim. Kelimelerin örnek cümlelerine ve collocationlara ek yapabilirsiniz. Daha iyi tercüme eden bir Türkçe kelime aklınıza gelirse de lütfen yazın.


    Assign (v.) : to give a particular job or piece of work to someone
    Ex1: US troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.
    Ex2: The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.
    Ex3: We assigned Alberto the task of watching the children.
    Ex4: They assigned him to analyse computer records to look for signs of fraud.
    Assignable(adj.) / assignability(n.) / assignably(adv.) / assigner(n.)

    Dispose (v.) : to throw something away; get rid of something
    (Tr: Ortadan kaldırmak)
    Ex1: The agency has put an end to new efforts to dispose of hazardous waste in sensitive environmental areas.
    disposingly(adv.) / disposer(n.)

    Enhance(v.) : to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
    (Tr: ilerletmek, geliştirmek)
    Ex1: The convention is an opportunity to enhance your business knowledge and polish your networking skills.
    Ex2: He believes that organizational effectiveness is enhanced by fair and ethical management.
    Ex3: High productivity lowers costs and enhances value.
    Ex4: These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.
    Ex5: The county took steps to enhance water quality.
    Ex6: Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.
    enhancement(n.) / enhancive(adj.) / self-enhancement(n.) / unenhanced(adj.) / enhancive(adj.) / enhancer(n.)

    Day 2:

    Exceed (v.) : to be more than expected, to do or say more than is needed
    (Tr: aşmak, geçmek)
    Ex1: Sales have exceeded $1 million so far this year.
    Ex2: The earnings per share far exceeded analysts' estimates of 9 to 10 cents per share.
    Ex3: Customers who exceed their credit limits will be charged a fee.
    exceedable(adj.) / exceeder(n.) / exceeder(n.)

    Expansion (n.) : an increase in the size, number, or importance of something
    (Tr: genişlemek, büyümek)
    Ex1: the rapid expansion of the software industry
    Ex2: expansion of the programme across the UK.
    Ex3: airport/business/market expansion
    Ex4: Expansion into new areas of research is possible.
    Ex5: an expansion plan/programme/project
    Ex6: fund/finance expansion
    expansional(adj.) / antiexpansion(adj.) / nonexpansion(n.) / overexpansion(n.) /preexpansion(n.) /expansionary(adj.)

    Exploitation (n.) : the use or development of something for profit or progress in business
    (Tr: Faydalanma, sömürme, kullanma)
    Ex1 : The awards recognize the best new products or processes suitable for commercial exploitation.
    Ex2 : The exploitation of advanced technologies will be necessary for economic success.
    Ex3 : Britain's exploitation of its natural gas reserves began after the Second World War. (GOOD USE)
    exploitational(adj.) / exploitationally(adv.) / nonexploitation(n.) / overexploitation(n.)

    Day 3:

    Explosure (n.) : the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place
    (Tr: Maruz kalma)
    Ex1: You should always limit your exposure to the sun.
    Ex2: Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous.
    expose(v.) / nonexposure(n.) / postexposure(adj.) / reexposure(n.)

    Implicitly (adv.) : suggested but not communicated directly
    (Tr: örtülü bir şekilde; dolaylı)
    Ex1: He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
    Ex2: Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts.
    Ex3: The report implicitly questioned his competence.
    Ex4: an implicit threat
    Ex5: We interpreted his silence as implicit agreement.
    implied(adj.) / implicity(n.) / implicitness(n.) / unimplicitly(adv.)

    Incentive (n.) : something that encourages you to act in a particular way
    (Tr: teşvik edici)
    Ex1: The government should provide incentives for young people to stay in school.
    Ex2: Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income.
    Ex3: These kids have no incentive to learn.
    incentively(adv.) / counterincentive(n.) / nonincentive(adj.)

    Day 4:

    Incidence (n.) : the rate at which something happens
    (Tr: Görülme oranı, oluş sıklığı)
    Ex1: There’s been an increased incidence of cancer in the area.
    Ex2: There have been quite a few incidences of bullying in the school this year.
    Ex3: an increased incidence of cancer near nuclear power stations
    Ex4: We intend to reduce the incidence of loan defaults by restructuring payments.
    incident(n.) / incidental(adj.) / incidentally(adv.)

    Input (n.) : ideas, money, effort, etc that you put into an activity or process in order to help it succeed
    (Tr:Herhangi bir şeyin olabilmesi için ihtiyaç duyulan ve girilen (verilen) şey.)
    Ex1: Input from students is used to develop new and exciting courses.
    Ex2: I didn't have much input into the project (= the help I gave was small).
    Ex3: The city plans to get input from local community groups.
    Ex4: We had a very productive meeting with a lot of good input from the technical department.
    Ex5: We want input on product development from employees and potential customers.

    Instability (n.) : he fact of a situation being likely to change, in a way that is worrying, or the changes that happen
    (Tr: değişkenlik, istikrarsızlık, kararsızlık)
    Ex1: Investors should keep in mind the political and economic instability in many emerging markets.
    Ex2: This paper argues that it is the underlying economic crises that cause the socio-political instabilities in most of these countries.
    Ex3: The instability of the euro continues.
    Ex4: The building's instability makes it extremely dangerous.
    stability(n.) / stable(adj.) / stabilize(v.) / stabilization(n.)

    Day 5:

    Subordinate (adj.) : having a lower or less important position
    (Tr: Aşağı, küçük, alt)
    Ex1: I’m happy in a subordinate role.
    Ex2: Women are in the minority in the office and are of subordinate status to most of their male colleagues.
    Ex3: The individual's needs are subordinate to those of the group.
    Ex4: The condition of motherhood often makes women subordinate to men in the workplace.
    Ex5: Before reaching the level of head chef, there was the hard work and subordinate positions in kitchens.
    subordinately (adv.) / subordinateness (n.) / subordination (n.) / subordinacy (n.)

    Sustain(v.) : to provide support for an idea, statement, legal argument, etc.
    (Tr: destek olmak, arkasında durmak)
    Ex1: The data meant the government could not sustain its argument that lower duty on fuel would lead to lower spending on schools and hospitals.
    Ex2: Only in one case could the auditors find evidence to sustain a claim of criminal behaviour.
    Ex3: The money he received was hardly enough to sustain a wife and five children.
    sustainable(adj.) / sustainedly(adv.) / sustainingly(adv.)

    Transition(n.) : a change from one system or method to another, often a gradual one
    (Tr: dönüşüm, değişim)
    Ex1: The country is in the process of making the transition from military rule to democracy.
    Ex2: a transitional period/phase
    Ex3: a transitional government
    Ex4: Following changes in taxation laws, the Internal Revenue Service has promised to issue guidelines on how to deal with the transition.
    Ex5: Government ministers believe that a gentler approach is needed during the transition from a government-led economy to one where the private sector plays the dominant role.
    Ex6: economic/political transition
    Ex7: Financial support, especially for mothers making the transition from welfare to work situations, is critical.
    Ex8: The transition to the euro took place in 1999.
    Ex9: The region is slowly making a transition to a more knowledge-based economy.
    Ex10: How do you plan to complete a transition that is so far-reaching in terms of its targets without compromising the corporate culture?
    Ex11: Our economy is in a period of transition .
    transitional (adj.) / transitionary (adj.) / transitionally (adv.) nontransitional (adj.)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mkaandogan -- 15 Nisan 2014; 13:33:59 >

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  • çok güzel paylaşım hocam tebrikler,elinize sağlık :)

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  • Yorumlar için çok teşekkür ederim :)
    Ve öğrenmenin kalıcı olması için okuyanların yukarıdaki konudan kelimeler seçip cümle kurmasını öneririm.
    Ben başlıyorum, hatalıysa düzeltelim [ki zaten amaç bu :)]
    A child should dispose of his toys eventually, while growing up.
  • consequence: sonuç demek ancak genel olarak olumsuz anlam içerir.
    the accident was the consequence of reckless driving.

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Fenomenon

    consequence: sonuç demek ancak genel olarak olumsuz anlam içerir.
    the accident was the consequence of reckless driving.

    Cok dogru, gelecek cu.leleri yukaridaki kelimelerden secerseniz konu karisik bir hal almaz :)) cumlelerinizi bekliyorun
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Düzenli takip eden dostlarım (elbette ki varsa :) ), dün bir üniteyi bitirdik. Tekrar yapalım, 5 günde 15 academic vocab öğrendik, hepimize tebrikler!
    Okulum kısa bir tatile girdi, ben de öyle :D Tatil dönüşü yeni kelimelerle beraberiz.
    Hepimize başarılar.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mkaandogan -- 17 Nisan 2014; 12:59:05 >
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