Fishao ( FishAlwaysOnline ) isimli online balık tutma oyunu GamoVation yapımı bir oyundur. Oyuna 2012 senesinde başlayan Ramazan Kaya ( Mega_Power, QuantumMacro, DUMANCI, KumarBaz_01, sevgi0121, darkorbit789, ve 100'lerce hesabın sahibi ) olan kişi oyunda tüm moderatörler ve çoğu oyuncu tarafından tanınıyor. GamoVation kurucusu Joppe Houpt ve Daimy Stroeve tarafından çok kez uyarılan, ikaz edilen, IP Ban atılan, hesapları sıfırlanan bu Ramazan Kaya oyuna çok kez siber saldırı uygulamıştır. Oyuna aynı anda 10 hesap ile giriş yapan, 100 lerce hesabı olan, Fishao Forum' da çok kez konu açıp Moderatörleri şikayet eden, açtığı 10 hesap ile Fishao' ya girip tüm hesaplarda aynı anda Macro kullanıp, 100 lerce şikayet paneli oluşturan, yaptığı OtoMacro ile insanları oyundan attıran, soğutan biri 2023 senesinde oyunu bırakmıştır. Çok kez IP Ban aldığı halde sürekli IP adresini değiştiren, oyun kurucuları tarafından sürekli hesabı silinip, sıfırlanan bu oyuncu oyun kurucularına da '' Yapacak bir şey yok oyun kurucusu olduğumuz halde bu adam ile baş edemiyoruz '' dedirtmiştir. Çok kez gizli olmak kaydı ile hesap alım satan yapan bu Ramazan Kaya ve herkes tarafından tanınan Mega_Power ve QuantumMacro isimli hesapları oyun kurucusu olan Joppe Houpt ve Daimy Stroeve tarafından sıfırlanıp, hesap sıralamadan silinmiştir. Hesaplarının hepsine bloke konulmuştur ve artık bu oyunu oynama izni sözde elinden alınmıştır. Tabii bu adam pes eder mi, türlü türlü denemeler sonucu oyuna girmeyi başarıp, tekrar gizlice Ramazan Kaya olduğunu söylemeden hesap yükselttmiş ve hesap çalmıştır. Ve halen gizlice oynamaktadır. Siz Fishao oyuncuları Ramazan Kaya ( QuantumMacro, Mega_Power, DUMANCI, KumarBaz ) ÖNÜNDE DİZ ÇÖKÜP, TÖVBE EDİN. #Fishao #fishao #FishAlwaysOnline #GamoVation #Gamovation #gamovation #FİSHAO #FISHAO #ChessOfflineBoardGame #MahjongClubSolitaireGame #CheckersOnline&Offline #SudokuGameDailyPuzzles #TileClubMatchingGame Yatzy Club Tile Club - Matching Game Sudoku Game - Daily Puzzles Checkers - Online & Offline Mahjong Club - Solitaire Game Chess - Offline Board Game Fishao MafiaWorld CHESS CLUB QUICK CHECKERS CLUB MANAGER MafiaBattle Are you ready to play with thousands of other players in the world of FISHAO? Try to catch over 500 different fish in over 20 different unlockable areas related to the real world. Customize your character, chat with other people around the world, meet new friends, compete in tournaments, breed new fish and many more options! Fishao fishao FISHAO FİSHAO FİŞHAO fişhao FishAlwaysOnline FishaoMod Fishaomod fishaomoderator FishAlwaysOnline #Fishao #FishAlwaysOnline #GamoVation #JoppeHoupt #DaimyStroeve #GamoVationFishao #GamoVation #gamovation Gamovation We are a game developer specializing in mobile and web games, based in Zwolle, the Netherlands. The company, founded in 2010, is a portmanteau of ‘Gaming’ and ‘Innovation’ thus the name GamoVation. Our first projects, which were browser games, registered much success with FISHAO gaining over 6 million players while MafiaBattle has over 3 million players. Although nowadays we’re focused on cross platform titles, with new hit games set to be released soon on both desktop and mobile, we still endeavor to offer unadulterated games that are always fun and enjoyable. Much like every business organization we have big ambitions; one that is to not only enable tens of millions of users to play our games, but also keep them entertained for years to come. Most of us have that one game, or more, we played as kids that we still hold fond memories of. At GamoVation we believe in innovation, breathtaking designs and super-friendly interfaces with a lasting impression. With our team of game enthusiasts from four different countries, we believe that we are on fine course to becoming the bee’s knees of online gaming in the world; be it on PC, mobile, tablet or any other platform. Daimy started off by building websites as a 12-year old back in 2001, before moving to browser games in 2008. He is creative and practical, and enjoys the management aspect of running a business entity. In 2013, Daimy was acclaimed for his astute innovative skills by being listed, alongside Joppe, in the 25 under 25 most promising Dutch entrepreneurs by Sprout Magazine. He relishes a competitive business environment and is currently responsible for coming up with game designs and management of the day-to-day operations of the company. Joppe has always been intrigued by online business ever since he was young. He began building simple websites but gradually undertook more advanced projects before finally focusing on games at age 19, alongside his business partner Daimy. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Groningen, and is the Director in charge of marketing, product development and running the daily operations of the business. He has formed several companies in the past, having the overriding ambition to reach millions of users worldwide with creative, innovative content. "FISH ALWAYS ONLINE" (FISHAO)i FishaoGamePlay fishaomod |