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★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★ (67. sayfa)

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  • Venomstr kullanıcısına yanıt

    Nasıl alıyoruz bunları _?

  • -PoseidoN- kullanıcısına yanıt

    Almak için 17 Şubat'a kadar zamanı var. Tam bilmiyorum, For Honor'u ilk çıktığı zamanlar yüklemiştim.

  • Venomstr kullanıcısına yanıt

    Tek girdiğin zaman zevkli olmuyor 2-3 kişi giriyoruz o zaman güzel oluyor birde oyun halen güncelleme alması güzel.

  • Content Of The Week - 3 February | For Honor

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    New content is available: Buried Treasure at 5,000 Steel. Allegiance To Ashfeld, The Empire, The Myre and Valkenheim are now available at 5,000 Steel each. For Honor is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and PC. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c For more info: http://ubi.li/4y839
  • For Honor için Yeni Sezon Duyuruldu

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★

    Ubisoft, For Honor'un 6. yılına özel Golden Age sezonunu duyurdu. Yeni sezon 17 Mart'ta oyunculara sunulacak.


    Yeni sezon, oyuncuları Lord Ramiel aracılığıyla Muhafızların kökenini keşfetmeleri için Heathmoor'un Altın Çağına geri götürüyor. Eski bir kadeh olan bir kalıntı ile macera başlıyor. Oyuncular, bu sezonla beraber gelecek olan The Oath of Wyverndale etkinliği ile daha fazla sezon içeriğini deneyimleyebilecek. Etkinliğin yanı sıra For Honor'un platformlar arası oyun desteği bu sezon ile geliyor.


    Bu sezonda Özel Maç, Arcade, Eğitim Modu ve harekât gibi iş birliğine dayalı oyunların yanı sıra yanı sıra tüm çok oyunculu modlar platformlar arası destek kapsamında olacak. Oyuncular, diğer platformlardaki arkadaşlarıyla grup oluşturabilecek ve oyunu oynayabilecek.


    Oath of Wyverndale, yeni bir oyun modu, ücretsiz etkinlik bileti, yeni silahlar ve daha fazlasını içeriyor. Yeni gelecek olan oyun modu ile oyuncular, savaşta Altın Çağın Kahramanı Lord Ramiel'e meydan okumak için takım oluşturacak. Bu mücadele Katedral Haritasında gerçekleşecek. Ramiel'in saflarına layık olduğunu kanıtlayan takım galibiyete hak kazanacak.


    Yeni sezon ile beraber ek olarak Lord Ramiel'in Kahraman Görünümü'nü oyunculara sunulacak. Battle Pass ise sezon temasını yansıtan 100 farklı ödül ile beraber oyundaki yerini alacak.

    For Honor - Yıl 6: Lost Horizons Vizyon Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoft Türkiyeyoutube
    For Honor'ın 6. Yılı Lost Horizons hakkında her şey burada. Bu müthiş yıl ile oyuna gelen kahramanlar, geliştirmeler ve yeni özellikler hakkında en taze bilgileri oyun ekibinden alıyoruz. Her şey 17 Mart'ta başlıyor! Ayrıntılar: http://ubi.li/pcy9f

    For Honor: 6. Yıl 1. Sezon - Altın Çağ Çıkış Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoft Türkiyeyoutube
    Cesur bir Muhafız, barış için kan akdi yaptığı vahşi bir yaratık ile birlikte Heathmoor'un altın çağını başlatıyor. For Honor'ın müthiş yeni yılı böyle başlıyor. Ayrıntılar: http://ubi.li/pcy9f


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Venomstr -- 21 Mart 2022; 18:22:44 >

  • ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★
    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★For Honortwitter
    “Hey everyone, we'll be performing maintenance today March 31st, to deploy patch 2.34.1. PS: 10.3 Mb Xbox: 10.3 Mb PC: 10.3 Mb Time: 9AM EDT / 1PM UTC Estimated downtime: Up to 1 hour.”
  • For Honor: Çizgi Film Sürümü Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoft Türkiyeyoutube
    1 Nisan geldi, çizgi kahraman savaşları başladı! Aklınıza gelebilecek en renkli eğlence sizi bekliyor. Sadece bugün! Ayrıntılar: http://ubi.li/pcy9f
  • For Honor - Medjay Hero Reveal Trailer | PS4 Games

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★PlayStationyoutube
    Heathmoor suffers under the curse of the ill-gotten Scarab Bracelet, yet hope is not lost. A stranger arrives from a long forgotten kingdom in pursuit of the bracelet, to reclaim a birthright and bring an end to the curse, by any means necessary. The Medjay wield a bifurcated fan staff that splits into twin axes, allowing them to adapt to any situation. Poised, indomitable, and above all, powerful. Take up their honourable cause and defend Heathmoor! #ps4games Rated Mature
  • For Honor: Year 6 Season 4 - Shattered Fates Launch Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    The Black Priors are tasked with finding the Celestial Sphere and stealing its forbidden prophecies. Armed with this knowledge, they hope to conquer Heathmoor—and will spare none who know its secrets. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c For more info: http://ubi.li/4y839 #ForHonor #Year6 #ShatteredFates About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Afeera Hero - Reveal Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    What is fate, if not an ally? The Black Priors never could have forseen the fate they brought upon themselves... The Afeera. The Afeera are the tactical geniuses of the battlefield, they can deftly dispatch an enemy with their mace and shield. Highly trained, precise and nimble, they are elegant yet deadly warriors here to exact justice. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c For more info: http://ubi.li/4y839 #Ubisoft #ForHonor #Year6 #ShatteredFates About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Afeera Hero Gameplay Showcase

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Meet the Afeera: See everything that the our graceful and deadly new Hero has to offer! Join the team from the Warrior's Den as they talk about everything that went into briging the Afeera to life, including their tactical abilities, new emotes and more. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c For more info: http://ubi.li/4y839 #Ubisoft #ForHonor #Year6 #ShatteredFates About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Year 7 Season 1 - Heresy Launch Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    For Honor is now available on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c #Ubisoft #ForHonor About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Death by Metal Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Test your metal is back from April 27th to May 18th. Enjoy elimination match against impersonators of the greatest warriors who wrote history and earn rewards. Brace yourselves, the enemy team will get stronger every time you win. About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Year 6 Lore Recap

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    There's a lot going on in the world of For Honor. Join us as we recount the epic tale and get you caught up on the lore of Year 6! Special thanks to Era De Lupi and MenaceCide for their amazing work bringing this to life. Check out Era's work: twitter.com/Era_De_Lupi Check out MenaceCide's work: twitter.com/MenaceCide #Ubisoft #ForHonor About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Yıl 7 Sezon 2 - Vengeance Lansman Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Discover the new season of For Honor: Vengeance, starting from July 15th. Sent across the sea to explore the New World, Conquistador Vela has returned to Heathmoor with the stolen riches of a fallen civilization. Experience new rewards, a free event pass, and more waiting to be discovered: http://ubi.li/4y839 #Ubisoft #ForHonor About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Ocelotl Hero - Reveal Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Embody the Ocelotl and unleash your vengance against those who challenge you with your Macuahuitl and Tepoztopilli. Stalk opponents, and when the time is right, strike them with overwhelming ferocity. Buy the game: http://ubi.li/nks2c For more info: http://ubi.li/4y839 About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.

    For Honor: Ocelotl - Oynanış Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Unleash the Ocelotl in For Honor on July 27th 🐆 Embody the Ocelotl, hunter on the battlefield, they can defeat an enemy with their Macuahuitl and their Tepoztopilli. Stalk opponents, and when the time is right, strike them with overwhelming ferocity. About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Venomstr -- 22 Temmuz 2023; 13:14:46 >
  • For Honor: Year 7 Season 3 - Deceit Launch Trailer

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Discover the new season of For Honor: Deceit, starting from September 14th. The Wu Lin's Ghost Rites begins, and an odd sickness starts to take hold of the Warriors that took the offerings. Experience new rewards, a free event pass, and more waiting to be discovered About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew®, Tom Clancy’s The Division®, and Watch Dogs®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2021–22 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2,129 million. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2023 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor : 8. Yıl 2. Sezon - The Muramasa Blade Çıkış Fragmanı| Ubisoft Forward

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    Discover the new season of For Honor: The Muramasa Blade, starting from June 13th. #UbiForward Word has spread of Seion Bridge, a crucial access point to the Myre. Play Master Katashi, the guardian of Seion Bridge, with his Muramasa Blade, a legendary weapon fabled to contain the strength of an entire army. Now Master Katashi has made it his mission to protect the Myre at all costs, and stop anyone from crossing the bridge… Experience new rewards, Battle Pass/Bundle, Legacy Pass and more waiting to be discovered. About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor #UbiForward About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew® and Tom Clancy’s The Division®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2023-24 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2.32 billion. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2024 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Kahraman Sohei - Duyuru Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    New Hero Sohei available July 25. The Sohei's boastful spirit only finds solace in a foe worhty of their time. Disciplined, these warrior monks mastered seven weapons and now roam Heathmoor seeking someone who can rise to the challenge! About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew® and Tom Clancy’s The Division®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2023-24 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2.32 billion. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2024 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
  • For Honor: Kahraman Sohei - Oynanış Fragmanı

    ★★★ FOR HONOR (PS4 ANA KONU) ★★★Ubisoftyoutube
    New Hero Sohei available July 25. The Sohei's boastful spirit only finds solace in a foe worhty of their time. Disciplined, these warrior monks mastered seven weapons and now roam Heathmoor seeking someone who can rise to the challenge! About For Honor: Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield fighting for guts, glory, and survival in For Honor. Enter the chaos of a raging war as a Hero from some of the greatest warrior legacies ever known. For Honor is a fast-paced and immersive experience, mixing skill with visceral, never-before-seen melee combat. Enjoy incredible seasonal content, engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer with friends online, in split screen two-player co-op, or solo against AI. #Ubisoft #ForHonor About Ubisoft: Ubisoft is a creator of worlds, committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable entertainment experiences. Ubisoft’s global teams create and develop a deep and diverse portfolio of games, featuring brands such as Assassin’s Creed®, Brawlhalla®, For Honor®, Far Cry®, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®, Just Dance®, Rabbids®, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®, The Crew® and Tom Clancy’s The Division®. Through Ubisoft Connect, players can enjoy an ecosystem of services to enhance their gaming experience, get rewards and connect with friends across platforms. With Ubisoft+, the subscription service, they can access a growing catalog of more than 100 Ubisoft games and DLC. For the 2023-24 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €2.32 billion. To learn more, please visit: www.ubisoftgroup.com. © 2024 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered trademarks in the US and/or other countries.
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