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GENJİ: Ichinotani Battlefield - YARDIM!!!

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    Genji'de bir takıldım pir takıldım, Şubat'tan bu yana bir yer var Ichinotani Battlefield - Ichinotani Beachdiye bir yer geçemiyorum bir türlü. Şu meşhur kale savaşı hani en sonunda bir akrep boss çıkıyormuş. Ya bırakın akrep bossu ben bir türlü gelemedim oraya. Burayı geçenlerden biri yardımcı olursa çok sevineceğim. Şimdi atlarla bir kovalamaca sahnesinden sonra bir kalede savaş alanın görüntüsü veriliyor. Ondan sonra başlıyorsun bir ordakileri yeniyorsun sonra sağa doğru gidip tam ordakileri yenerken bir daha sola adamlar geliyor onları da yenip bu sefer tahta çitlerin arkasındaki büyük generali yeniyorum sonra sağa devam edip ordakileri yenince yine sola adamlar geliyor ama çok kalabalık ve ilk tahta çitin arkasındaki siyah büyük generalden var. İşte bunlarla uğraşırken adamların bütün enerjileri gidiyor bir tanesi pat diye ölünce yeniden başlıyorum. Derken yeniden yeniden yeniden...

    Ya arkadaşlar dile kolay 3 aydır sinirden aralıklarla oynuyorum burayı hala geçemedim. Takıldım kaldım. Enerji planlaması yapıyorum, mümkün olduğunca kamui kullanıyorum, mesela bir adamımın enerjisi çok düşünce onu bekletip diğer adamımla döğüşürken bir enerji alma fırsatı doğarsa hemen enerjisi bitik adamımın enerjisini yeniliyorum. Sandıklardaki enerjileri ve kamui leri akıllı bir şekilde kullanıyorum ama olmuyor olmuyor. Bana eksip yaptığım bir şeyi söyleyecek ve burdan nasıl geçmeyi anlatabilecek bir arkadaşım var mı? Şimdiden çok teşekkürler...

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  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: PhantomX


    Dostum şu an işteyim ve verdiğin siteye erişim yasaklanmış durumda olduğundan bana ne kadar yarayacak bir yorumda bulunamıyorum ama nezaket gösterip cevap yazdığın için çok teşekkür ederim. Ben de aramalarım sonucu şöyle bir şey buldum, oyun başladıktan sonra bütün çitlerin yıkılması gerekiyormuş aksi halde ne kadar general veya asker öldürsen de boss fight başlamıyormuş? Oyunu bitiren arkadaşlar lütfen yorumlarınızı esirgemeyin.

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  • quote:

    Ichinotani Battlefield - Ichinotani Beach
    - Combine your four comrades strength and defeat the Heishi forces.

    Once you regain control of your character, you are going to be in for a fairly
    tough fight. I suggest using your kamui attack to thin the enemies. There is a
    Essence of Amahagane hidden to the north of where you start, it is inside one
    Of the braziers. Kill the group of enemies in front of you and then head to the
    right. You are going to be fighting off group after group of enemies so keep
    changing whom you are using to keep health's high and using Kamui when needed.

    Keep beating on the enemies and making your way forward into the fighting. It
    is important that you keep on killing the enemies as fast as it is possible or
    you will overwhelmed by them. After killing the enemies to the right, head back
    the way you came, killing enemies all the while. Use Kamui wherever possible
    and look for the two hidden Essence of Amahaganes here. I would love to be more
    descriptive, but this level was so chaotic I had no idea what was going on.

    The basic gist of it is to head to the right and beat the enemies there. When
    you get the warning that their is an attack on the Genji camp, run back to the
    area where you started the level and defeat the enemies there. Then you will
    have to run all the way back to the rightmost area on the level and beat the
    enemies there. This takes awhile.

    Eventually, you will come face to face with the boss, a giant skull faced crab.
    Use whichever character you like to destroy its claws, but dodge them before
    trying to attack them. You cannot block ANY of his attacks. Once the claws are
    gone, he will start dashing at you. Switch to Benkei and use a charged attack
    to break the face off of him. Now that his purple "face" is exposed, target all
    of your attacks on this, but beware his dash attacks as they do a fair chunk of
    damage. I prefer to wait till this moment and to Kamui, this wears his health
    down good, but if you use the circle attack finisher, it will likely miss him
    so simply pound him to death. If that doesn't work, just one Yoshitsune and use
    the diving kick, do a combo and then dodge away rapidly. It will wear him down.

    In either case, when that's done you get another Unsullied Amahagane. You also
    get a weapon for every character.

    *********** architeuthis submitted this tip on this fight **********
    Hopefully I got the order correct:
    NOTE: Always use the Kamui to thin out the enemies as you said or on the
    boss crab; use the unsullied Amahagane stone to increase your health and kamui
    level; you will most likely need to use some of your artifacts that you picked
    up along the way to restore your health from time to time.

    -use Yoshitsune as he is very quick and as you say his melee combo is the
    best compromise for this. the first thing you should do is try to take out the
    enemy (Mashogano Elite?) as these guys can summon additional enemy warriors.
    These are the guys with the little golden rods/wings on their helmet. Kill off
    the rest of the enemies and then head over to the right side and you will find
    another Mashogano Elite and about 4 or 5 Mashogano Spearman. Kill them all.

    -if the enemy is not attacking the Genji camp yet use Buson to kill the
    enemies that are behind the two log fences by pressing jumping (x button) and
    then the square button to use his shockwave attack to kill all or most of the
    enemy soldiers. This will even weaken the heavily armored Mashogano General if
    you get him to come to the log fence - if you don't want this heavily armored
    Mashogano General to break through the fence yet, after doing the shockwave,
    Have Buson run to the left side of the field until the camera angle changes or
    Loses sight of this enemy area and the heavily armored leader will return to
    His initial position. This will reduce the effort needed to clear this area
    out. Note that you should wait for at least one wave or two of the Mashogano
    Spearmen to come running up from background fight scenes. They can't get pass
    the log fence and the sonic attacks will kill the Mashogano Spirit too. For
    the most part, these Spirit will be trapped behind the log fence but they may
    once in a while shoot an energy burst from their mouth and it do a little
    damage to you.

    -change to Benkei and use his charge triangle attack to break the log fence
    and kill the heavily armored Mashogano General and the one or two remaining
    enemy Mashogano Spearman. Note that when Benkei does his charged triangle
    attacks, you can control the direction of his path and therefore do a lot of
    damage to the Mashogano General. This should end very quickly and it really
    will take only two or three of these charged triangle attacks to take out the
    general if you direct Benkei correctly.

    -after you beat off the enemies that are attacking the Genji camps on the
    right-side of the field, you will get another round of the Mashogano Elite and
    about 4 Mashogano Spearman approach from the right-hand side. Kill them all.
    head back to the right side to fight off the additional enemies, it is
    important to note that you should use Benkei and head towards the log tower in
    the top-right side of the field. Just to be safe, Benkei should charged his
    triangle attack and break all log fences. This is how you get to the next
    stage. WARNING: if you don't do this, you will literally be fighting an
    endless wave of 6+ enemies coming in from the lower-right hand corner. I did
    this for about _two plus hours_ before realizing that it was never going to end
    and the Boss Crab would never appear. Of course, fight off these few warriors
    allow you to rebuild your vitality level and max up your Kamui (on all four
    characters) in preparation for the Boss Crab fight. Only one or two of these
    enemy warriors will leave an energy circle to restore your health. I used
    Yoshitsune to do the battle then change character right before picking up these
    energy rings in order to restore their respective health level.

    -use Benkei and start to destroy all the log fences and this will open the
    next mini next stage. A couple wave of enemies come in and then finally the
    Boss Crab. I did not make any attempts to break the claws but concentrated on
    simply breaking the face and then kill him after that. I mainly used Benkei's
    changed triangle and circle attacks in addition to Yoshitsune when Benkei's
    health level is running a little low. You can use your herbs and artifacts to
    restore health if you need to.

    Evet çitlerden bahsediyor.

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