uskoda mesela / stop ile Server kapaniyor
ben pek anlamam komutlardan filan ama az cok bilgim var sanirim
gbelki kendi serverind ekullancask
Orjinalden alıntı: oscar1234
Orjinalden alıntı: İceFrosT
/ironbow yaz ironbow cebine gelsin
2222 ye mi mesaj atiyorsunuz cebinize gelmesi icin ?
/banned /unblock /add_notice
Ben ExSeLanS ın yalancısıyım
Orjinalden alıntı: AreaOfEffect
/banned /unblock /add_notice
Ben ExSeLanS ın yalancısıyım
Orjinalden alıntı: SenS
Orjinalden alıntı: AreaOfEffect
/banned /unblock /add_notice
Ben ExSeLanS ın yalancısıyım
Ben ExSeLanS ın yalancısıyım
Game Master Commands
If you want to create GM character open file with your char and search line like that "admin-user-level = 0" Put number 4 (admin-user-level = 4) and try GM commands. [SPACE] - Space bar on the keyboard [ENTER] - Enter button on the keyboard
1) Enable admin command 2) Enable admin create item 3) Create Item 4) Observer Mode 5) Invisible Mode 6) Who 7) Reserve Fight Zone 8) Shutup 9) Closeconn 10) Attack (Summon Guard) 11) Create Fish 12) Teleport 13) Summon Demon 14) Unsummon All 15) CheckIP 16) PolyMorph 17) GNS (Get Npc Status) 18) Summon 19) DisconnectAll 20) Energy Sphere 21) Instant Server Shutdown 22) Summon player 23) Begin crusade total war 24) End crusade total war
1) /enableadmincreateitem 0909114 USAGE: /enableadmincommand[SPACE]0909114[SPACE][ENTER] DESC: Allows to carry out commands given below, except command number 2.
2) /enableadmincreateitem 147258 USAGE: /enableadmincreateitem[SPACE]147258[SPACE][ENTER] DESC: Allows an administrator level 4 to create items with attributes. See command number 3.
3) /createitem USAGE: /createitem [ItemName] [special numbers] DESC: Allows the creation of items. See Item, Item2, Item3.cfg for real item names. Note: Do not space numbers when creating an item. Use Special Item number generator for rare items
4) /setobservermode USAGE: /setobservermode [1 = enable, 0 = disable] DESC: Allows an Administrator to move freely around the current map without using his character
5) /setinvi USAGE: /setinvi [1 = enable, 0 = disable] DESC: Makes an Administrator invisible. When an Administrator is invisible, he/she cannot be detected by the 'Detect Invisibilty' spell, and his/her footsteps cannot be seen.
6)/who USAGE: /who DESC: Displays the current ammount of players connect to the server.
7) /reservefightzone USAGE: /reservefightzone [number] DESC: Reserves a fightzone for administrators/other players.
8) /shutup USAGE: /shutup [Player Name] [time] DESC: Shuns a player for the ammount of time specified.
9)/closeconn USAGE: /closeconn DESC: Closes a players connection.
10) /attack USAGE: /attack DESC: Summons a Guard upon a player.
11)/createfish USAGE: /createfish DESC: Summons a fish at the specified position.
12)/teleport or /tp USAGE: /teleport [map] [xcord] [ycord] USAGE: /tp [xcord] [ycord] DESC: Teleports YOU to the specified map, position.
13) /summondemon USAGE: /summondemon DESC: Summons a demon.
14)/unsummonall USAGE: /unsummonall DESC: Unsummons all monsters created by an Administrator.
15)/checkip USAGE: /checkip [Users IP address] DESC: Returns information about an IP connected to the server.
16) /polymorph USAGE: /polymorph DESC: Polymorphs an Administrator into a specified creature.
17) /gns USAGE: /gns DESC: Gets an NPC's current status.
18)/summon USAGE: /summon [Monster Name] DESC: This Summons a Monster Right next too you.
19) /disconnectall USAGE: /disconnectall DESC: This closes all non administrative Connections.
20) /energysphere USAGE: /energysphere DESC: This Creates an Energy Sphere which many servers use as a Soccor ball.
21) /shutdownthisserverrightnow USAGE: /shutdownthisserverrightnow DESC: This Shutdowns the Server.
22) /summonplayer USAGE: /summonplayer [PlayerName] DESC: This Summons a player right too you! EX: /summonplayer Redragon
23) /begincrusadetotalwar USAGE: /begincrusadetotalwar 1 DESC: This Begins a Crusade
24) /endcrusadetotalwar USAGE: /endcrusadetotalwar 1 DESC: This Ends the Crusade
bunları buldum işe yararmı
Bu kodları aldığın siteyi biliyorum çok saçma bi' site
BAN yok.
Orjinalden alıntı: AreaOfEffect
Bu kodları aldığın siteyi biliyorum çok saçma bi' site
BAN yok.
gogıl amca saolsun ben bilmiyom ne işe yarar copy paste power
iide gm misin nesin gm sen bunları neden bilmiyon :)))))))))))))))))
Orjinalden alıntı: knight_offline
iide gm misin nesin gm sen bunları neden bilmiyon :)))))))))))))))))
ya bu onucafenin gm i ismi fulltimehackerdı onucafede uskodada oynuodu bi ara bu forumdaydı hani silifkeli_ejder yenmişti(forumdaki ismiyle wejder).böle görünemx dolaşıodu z ye bastım ve yürüdüm ama hiç bişey yazmamasına rağmen onun pelinden gitti ve bekledim görünmezken ok atınca hava bi ok oluşuo ve worme çarpıodu ilginçti
Hale gm anlamış değilim neyin açılımı bali onu söleyin
Orjinalden alıntı: knightonlineserver
Böyle bi site yok
Orjinalden alıntı: LORDadonis'da vardı!
pardon ama böle bişeydi buna benzer bişeydi
Arkadaşalar bazıları sormuşlar nie napmacan gm misin flakan diye evtwww.onucafe nin açtığı sercer da gm im.Altans çok saol bilgeler için
[Transparency] : Type /%s Number (a number in between 0~255) [Invisible] : /%s [Clearness in Weather] : Type /%s Percent [Rain] : Type /%s percent [Snow] : Type /%s percent [Set Time] : /%s Hour Minute [Check for Concurrent User Number] : /%s [In-Game Notice] : /%s Notice Messages [Trace User] : /%s ID [Ban a user from game] : Type /%s ID [Block User's Chatting Ability] : Type /%s ID [Allow User to Chat] : /%s ID [Show GM] : /%s [Hide GM] : /%s [Block User Account] : /%s User ID [Summon User] : /%s User ID [Block User Attack] : /%s User ID [Unblock User Attack] : /%s User ID
gm commands - run from Ebenezer command line(edit box)
/killUserName kick out specified user from game , very useful he he
/Open opens BattleZone - dont checked yet , maybe dont work
/snowopen opens snow battlezone , not checked
/Close maybe kick all users from server , but dunno , not checked
/down kick out all users
/discount dunno - need to check
/alldiscount dunno
/undiscount stops discount - dunno
/permanent something about permanent chat
/captain captain - loadKnightRankTable . wut also dunno
/offpermanent off permanent chat
sen bunları nerden buldun ?acil özelime mesaj at
Bu kadar aranan konuşulan sövülen bi kişi çıkıpta bi cevap vermezmi yahu
burdan araştırın beyler işim war su an bakamadım.... berkant la olm ben SeTH server dakı tek mage... olm nova bugı ını kaldırın arda arda bi super bi frost atamıom .. bi de stuff bug war ...
Orjinalden alıntı: yukardakı arkadaşınkıne benzıyo ama.. hepsi ragezone dan alıntıdır..
gm commands - run from Ebenezer command line(edit box)
/killUserName kick out specified user from game , very useful he he
/Open opens BattleZone - dont checked yet , maybe dont work
/snowopen opens snow battlezone , not checked
/Close maybe kick all users from server , but dunno , not checked
/down kick out all users
/discount dunno - need to check
/alldiscount dunno
/undiscount stops discount - dunno
/permanent something about permanent chat
/captain captain - loadKnightRankTable . wut also dunno
[Transparency] : Type /%s Number (a number in between 0~255) [Invisible] : /%s [Clearness in Weather] : Type /%s Percent [Rain] : Type /%s percent [Snow] : Type /%s percent [Set Time] : /%s Hour Minute [Check for Concurrent User Number] : /%s [In-Game Notice] : /%s Notice Messages [Trace User] : /%s ID [Ban a user from game] : Type /%s ID [Block User's Chatting Ability] : Type /%s ID [Allow User to Chat] : /%s ID [Show GM] : /%s [Hide GM] : /%s [Block User Account] : /%s User ID [Summon User] : /%s User ID [Block User Attack] : /%s User ID [Unblock User Attack] : /%s User ID
Orjinalden alıntı: berkant yardımcı olabldm mı la ? bak olm ben senın clandan SeTH :D cok emegim war üsütnde ..