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Güç Kaynağı Tavsiyesi ACİL !

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    İki model arasında kaldım. Uzun vadeli olarak düşünmüyorum. Hangisi sistemime daha uygun olursa onu alabilirim. Yeri geldiği zaman zaten PSU değiştirebilirim. Psu'dan pek anlamadığım için bu konuyu açtım.

    İki Psu'nun da sistemimi kaldırabileceğini düşünüyorum lakin kalite olarak hangisi daha mantıklı seçenek olacaktır. Kablo kalitesi akım korumaları sessizlik vs. gibi unsurlardan bahsediyorum. Teşekkürler.


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    Güç Kaynağı Tavsiyesi ACİL !

    Güç Kaynağı Tavsiyesi ACİL !

    baktigimiz zaman söyle bu güc kaynaklarina, rm750 ve core reactor ün ne kadar birbirine benzedigi asikar... msi da bunlari üreten firmanin (cwt) platformuna sahip oldugunu ben görebiliyorum. Dizilim ve yerlesim ayni... fakat bir kac fark var, msi bu modelinde single rail yerine multi rail tercih etmis. Bu kötü birsey degildir, be quiet! Straight Power modelinde bunu yillardir yapiyor? straight power kötü bir model mi?

    burda msi in kullandigi ünite LLC half bridge topolojisine sahip ve DC-DC ceviricili yani gayet iyi... tek kanaldanda cözülebilirdi, tercihen 2 kanal secmisler. buna karsi degilim. ocp acisindan reaksiyon zamani daha hizli olur. Ripple vs testlerini göremedim. Ama ünite bilindik CWT ünitesi oldugundan kötü olacagini tahmin etmiyorum. suan 600 liraya satildigini düsünürsek, bedava diyebilirim. Full japon kapasitörlere sahip, full koruma devreleri var ve fani 13,5 degil 14cm lik!

    • "Supports the NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 30 Series GPUs" diyede msi kendi sitesinde yazmis...

    Alip almamak sizin tercihiniz ama kötü oldugunu düsünmüyorum. (kullanmadigimi da belirteyim)

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    gigabyte in bu modelinin alinmamasi gerekiyor, cünkü patliyor, testi yapan kisi bos bir insan degil, reklam pesinde de degil,

    ispati icin videoyu izleyiniz:

    Güç Kaynağı Tavsiyesi ACİL !Hardware Busters Internationalyoutube
    Performance-wise, this PSU doesn't manage to stand out from the crowd. In an area that matters the most in real-life conditions, transient response, the 12 V rail doesn't perform well. This rail must have as low as possible voltage drops with transient loads, which are what a PSU will have to face in real life. All in all, I cannot recommend this power supply despite its reasonable price. You better spend a little more and get a similar spec power supply from Corsair, XPG, Thermaltake, Seasonic, or Cooler Master. I hope Gigabyte takes my comments seriously and improves this product. ✤ Model number: Gigabyte GP-P750GM ✤ OEM: MEIC ✤ Models in this line: Two, 850W and 750W ✤ Efficiency: ETA-A (88-91%) 80 PLUS Gold ✤ Noise: LAMBDA-A- (25 – 30 dB[A]) ✤ Modular: Yes (Fully) ✤ Dimensions: Compact (140 mm depth) ✤ Price: $120 - $130 ✤ Warranty: 5-years ✤ Power Specifications: Single +12V rail (Power Specs Table image) ✤ Cables: 2x EPS, 4x PCIe, 8x SATA, 3x 4-pin Molex, 1x FDD adapter ✤ Cable Length and distance between them: EPS cable should be longer, reaching 650mm. The distance between the 4-pin Molex connectors is too short at 110mm. ✤ In Cable caps: No ✤ Internal Design / Build Quality: This platform looks to be made by MEIC, which also makes the AORUS P850 and P750 units. The design is super clean, with no cables blocking the airflow, and the heatsinks are super small. The build quality is high, but lower-end manufacturers provide some key components. I am referring to the APFC and primary switching FETs. ✤ Caps and Fan manufacturers: Caps are provided by unknown manufacturers. The cooling fan is by Yate Loon (D12SH-12), featuring a rifle bearing instead of a hydraulic one that Gigabyte claims. ✤ Soldering quality: Good ✤ Protection Features: OPP is set too high and led to the PSU’s destruction. OCP at 12V is also set high ✤ Hold-up time: Lower than 17ms, and the power ok signal is inaccurate, reporting normal readings to the system’s mainboard while the PSU’s rails are at lower than the nominal voltages. ✤ Overall Efficiency: quite high ✤ Overall Noise Output: lower than 30 dBA, so good enough ✤ Overall Performance: Not high enough to compete with units like the Corsair RM750x, the XPG Core Reactor 750W, and the EVGA SuperNova 750 G5, although the latter is inferior to the previous G3 model. Pros 👍 • Delivered full power at 47C • Efficient platform • Tight load regulation at +12 V • Good soldering quality • Not noisy operation • Fully modular • two EPS and four PCIe connectors • Compact dimensions • Semi-passive operation (which cannot be deactivated, though) • 5-year warranty Cons 👎 • My sample blew sky-high during OPP evaluation • Over power protection is not properly set • Lousy transient response at +12 V and 3.3 V • Low-quality FETs on the primary side • Unknown caps used on the secondary side • They advertise an HDB fan, but I found a rifle bearing one, instead • Very low efficiency with 2% load • Low efficiency at 5VSB • Lower than 17 ms hold-up time • Non-accurate power ok signal • EPS cable should be 650 mm long, at least • Short distance between peripheral connectors • Not fully compatible with the newest ATX specification (v2.52) The full review is posted at TechPowerUp: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/gigabyte-gp-p750gm-750-w/ #HWbusters​ #Gigabyte​ #P750GM​ 💘 If you find our content helpful, please subscribe to our channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzta_ecZV9Hcz7Mavpvdaw?sub_confirmation=1 🔔 If you enjoyed this video and you want to help others to enjoy it as well, please support us by adding captions in your native language https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=pwwDNfGki-U 🏁 Share this video with your friends: https://youtu.be/pwwDNfGki-U 📢 Follow us on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hardwarebusters​ Instagram & Twitter: @hardwarebusters

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi kunGFu -- 21 Temmuz 2021; 12:38:9 >

  • kunGFu kullanıcısına yanıt

    Hocam teşekkür ederim ilginiz için. Dediklerinizi dikkate alıp Msi a650 'yi almış bulunmaktayım.

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