I do not usually ask technical questions when it comes to audio gear, software, etc because most of the time if you do a google search you will find someone else who is having the same problems your having so you can resolve your own technical challenges.. However, I am a middle age musician, I do not have as much time as to learn as I did when I was younger and I want to make music. I work a day 60 hour a week job so the only time I get to work on music/recording etc is the weekends and some on weeknights. I do not know other guitarists locally who own the Axe Fx 2 XL+ so nobody can run over and help. Guitar Center guys do not know about this processor so that is another dead end. My specs are PC I7 4770 with 32 gigs of ram and Windows 7 pro 64 as my computer, my daw is Cubase 9.5 and my new audio interface is the Audient I4.