ehe ben farkli birsey mi solemistim diger bolumde ^^
arkadaslar bu konuda kesin bi kaynak verebilir misin yani senin nasıl ve nereden haberin oldugunu soyleyebilir misin ?
Ayrıca şu anda sitenin son acıklamısının ingilizcesi
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodbye is. Warfare `[hey] of `heroes [lu] [khos] it is a mouth [ni].
The member field war cry updates which it waits are finally applied in formal server.
Oh the [ley] or system, smallness the item appendix which will cry and the interface fringe land back the [hey] [lu] which changes newly [khos] it meets and the time service flag it wishes.
[WAR CRY version client establishments]
It is caused by with large scale update and to inspection after fortune client only it leads newly and from the game connection is possible.
Existing [hey] [lu] [khos] to refer to the method of the case child where the client will be established, it wishes.
1. Client a new version Herrcot from the home page data thread the down road.
2. When down it runs the client which it receives, after selecting a removal entry in revision, restoration and removal 3 branch entry, It deletes nine version clients which existing it establishes it wishes.
3. It establishes Herrcot clients again and the game use to under cotton smoothness is possible.
Client down clicks which it receives
[Detailed update contents]
※ [su] [theys] initially the anger NPC enemy (only once possibility)
Oh [ley] B clicks - Oh the [ley] not to be born and reverse 3 appendices (round down receive and hell of valley and despair of forest and blood of field sleep) - [khil] Before the guild of [su] core form [mayp] (round down to receive and forest of field sleep) appendix - Ell car [pun] in shadow (each 2 pieces) [khil] [su] core score - [khil] It stands in [su] core extra innings the place [ssu] - [khil] In [su] core victory guild daily schedule timely right of ownership human nature (test server 5 hour) - [khil] [su] core condition start and simultaneously the star [thing] with point transit - Oh from inside [ley] or field/at resurrection use hour from penetration gate of log area resurrection - Oh from inside [ley] or field at connection end hour in log area transit - Oh the [ley] it is not born the gate system appendix for a reverse transit - Oh the [ley] it is not born reverse penetration restrictive rule (level and wave mote, guild) - Oh the [ley] it is not born systematic it follows in reverse property (memoing byte/bean-curd refuse [thu] being not right which is with this [cu] being not right and outside) - [phu] [li] [khil] area 2 appendices (all level and 1~20 level) - Oh the [ley] it is not born experience worth 20% augmentation of reverse - Oh the [ley] it is not born specific item of reverse, smallness the item [tu] which will cry [lap] ratio rise - Electrification application hour guild secession and expulsion, dissolution being not right
smallness the system which will cry - Smallness with the seat which will cry smallness it used the [su] tone which will cry smallness it will cry in the blacksmith and, [chayn] [thu] appendix - Smallness it follows in 1~5 grade of the item which will cry, attack power and defensive strength appendix shame - Smallness it will cry and and [chayn] will sprout and and smallness the item destructive probability which will cry with the grade star the enemy
characters - Attack power formula fringe land - Defensive strength formula fringe land - Attack successful ratio formula fringe land - Magical attack power appendix ([thu] which is with level, in item it receives effect) - Magical defensive strength appendix ([thu] which is with level, in item it receives effect) - Jump hour [su] reel American you it is not consumed - High ell [phu] and right [tu] ell [phu] modeling one revision (south, about) - High ell [phu] and right [tu] ell [phu] basic clothing relief (south, about)
NPC - The public [su] sprouting 14 appendices which drive - The boss [su] sprouting 4 appendices which drive - Magical defensive strength - Acquisition experience it follows in each Cabinet conference NPC property which it will pay, grade - Whole NPC ([su] which it drives to sprout, tactics, [pheys]) physical strength and attack power and defensive strength newly with fortune balance the enemy - One issue NPC speed of travel looking downward regulations - [pheys] Artificial intelligence reinforcement of tactics
[su] [khil] - Speed of travel augmentation [su] [khil] application mode fringe land - The whole [su] [khil] place MIJI looking downward regulation - The whole [su] [khil] hour wartime for decrease - Maintenance timely rise of buff system - Buff system it rolls up but the amount used decrease - The [ik] hour [tu] effectiveness will rise and the maximum level eight [tin] 40, the [ley] which will grow [lik] with 50 the fringe land - The [ley] which will grow [lik] the [li] [pu] [su] [khil] until 40 to regulate a level at all, experience worth restoration - PC and NPC [su] [khil] this peck [thu] one revision/appendix - It will dawn, option [su] [khil] the middle fire it will grow, right [tu] bug fix
ITEM - [wan] In [tu] and [su] reel [phu] magical attack power appendix - [wan] In [tu] physical attack power appendix - In all room phrase magical defensive strength appendix - Smallness item weapon 20 appendices which will cry - Smallness the item room phrase 6 bell appendix which will cry - General room phrase 3 bell appendix - General room toe 9 bell appendix - Guild mantle 2 bell appendix - Attack power of all weapons newly with fortune balance the enemy - Speed option before magical hour [su] [khil] at speed before hour name change - The old item is sold and the [tu] [lap] it does not become
interfaces - Existing GUI whole fringe land - Balloon help and help appendix - It is big the very [tu] interface mode fringe land (left click:Registration, right click:Uses and edit buttons:Revision) - Smallness it will cry in the blacksmith and, [chayn] [thu] appendix - Analog technique, coordinated technical timing interface fringe land (on screen center upper direction it appears)
game systems - Screen filter ring effective (bloom effect) appendix - The writing Low peck [thu] appendix (smallness item which will cry, recall water) - Misconduct NPC enemy If - the character selective mode fringe land (click it does daily schedule reverse zero of character with mouth, it comes to be selected) - Presses an attack height Q and the [su] which hides [khil] the actual condition revision where [yu] they whom it writes is visible - Character, [pheys] death hour experience worth depreciation nil - From game field mobile hour data the bug fix save
background musics - Game background music 7 music appendix
appendix facts - Every [cik] [ley] [e] [tu] [lap] ratio rise (test server) - Oh wife [su] [khil] path [thu] [len] best level with 30 regulation - Path [thu] [len] with the [hey] redundancy [su] [thu] and the [hey] [pun] the [cu] [pul] the [lay] [sing] this not to be, revision - From the distant earth, the child it froze, [win] maintenance timely upward regulation of the [tu] - From reinforcement professional [phey] lobe appendix (south, about) - Revision the above the whole aspect anger weapon speed - The whole aspect [sya] bell price revision - The reinforcement [ik] [su] ladling [thu] lobe seat with the crew-serve which will remain revision - Reinforcement plate pitch bug fix - In item every [cik] option magical attack power, magical defensive strength (Every [cik] and [ley] [e] item become, or [tu] [lap], [khu] lev they sprout, corresponding option) - Tactics interface bug fix - [lwu] [thing] bug fix - Smallness the defense nine seat bug fix which will cry - Level star mantle sale - Level star guild mantle sale - Tactics and [pheys] balance regulation - Oh wife foot unit place MIJI regulation
※ it is a contents which is prearranged, there is a possibility becoming the fluctuation.
The [hey] [lu] which changes newly [khos] with together fine time send.
It thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Genel anlamda son aciklamanin onemli kismini pasteliorm sadece;
The various expense back for a game service phyey a little by little was becoming bigger charge in the company, compared to it continues an above service, into the arrangement process of service consequently to become with difficult and today (from 2006 November 3rd) after He lu khos it entered crossroad it decided. In small quantity is in the member in meantime but the hazard 1 month for it requites will continue a service in present status a plan which will end the operation of 2006 December 4th all servers, after 1 months it is.
Oyun icinde de surekli konusulan bir konu zaten. 04.12.2006 da kapanicak.
Bak Nocaed acıkladı guzel bi şekilde!! kapancak işte peki ne zamn ne acılcak bilen war mı?
sadece oyunun 1 ay kadar kapanacagı soleniyor oyunun tamamen kapanması degil hem zaten bu oyunun ingilizce versiyonunu cıkarmayarak (ferentus degil) ve acc. almak icin illede kore kimlik id sine ihtiyacınızın olması en buyuk hatalarıydı.
Dipnot: Hatırlarsanız Ferentus icinde solenen seyler vardı ama sonunda bir anda kapandı sadece mali durumdan dolayı kapandıgı bilgisi var ama acılacak mı o bilinmiyor bence aynı durumu herrcotta yasayabilir yada yasamayabilir
Arkadasim oyunun 1 ay kadar kapanacagi degil 1 ay daha acik kalicagi soyleniyor.Oyunda money hack nedeniyle koreliler artik power shoptan item almiyor ve bu maddi sıkıntı yaratti oyunda.Oyunda money hack yapildigini biliyosundur buyuk ihtimalle ilgili gorunuosun.
OOOO money hack warsa bu iş biter abi!!! haklısın 1 ay sonra kapanıyoo!!!
Arkadaslar oyun madii durumdan dolayı kapanmadı sadece bildigim kadarıyla el degisti ve ferentus vol2 sekline giriyor yani anlayacagınız oyun uzerinde buyuk degisiklikler oluyor ayrıca oyun ferentus vol2 ye tamamen benziyor yeni haritada oynanacak vede herrcotta bulunan bazı skillerin kaldırıldıgını biliyorum ayrıca yenisinde de necro bulunmadıgı gozume carptı sonuc olarak ferentusu oynamak isteyipte oynayamayanlar artık bunu oynayabilir ama gmlerin dedigine gore diger race ve classları acaklardı ama oyunun yeni sitesini inceledigimde gordugum tek sey oyunun ferentustan farksız oldugu
ornegin ferentusta celeric ler lvl 35 te grow up acabiliyordu herrcotta ise lvl 50 de acılıyordu bu oyunun yenisinde de bu sekilde oldu ayrıca diger class larda ki bazı pasif skillerin ortadan kalktıgını gordum. Sanırım oyun aynı ferentusa dondu yani yenisinde itemlara +1 bile yapamayacagız gibime geliyor hangi daha iyi derseniz bence herrcottaki bazı skillerde duzenleme yapılsaydı cook daha iyi olurdu. neyse ben size daha sonra yeni bir baslık altında nasıl acc. alınacagı konusunda yeni bir baslık olarak acıklayacagım
Bu bilgileri nerden aldigini sorabilirmiyim, oyunun yeni sitesi nedir ? Ana sayfada ve oyunun icinde ve tum diger herrcot forumlarinda 04.12.2006 da tamamen kapanacagi biliniyor.Senin dediklerinin dogrudur umarim cunku bircok kisi yeni oyun arayislarina girdi ama ben hic bi oyundan bu kadar tat almamistim.
Ewt bn de bu oyun super di arkadşlar şimdi napcz lutfen soleyin!! ne zamn acılck sitesi ne? lutfen bilgilendirn!
yeni oyun xiones ferentus un son beta hali yani isim degisiyor ama ferentus bitmiyor
haaa oke!
beyler ben Bu®Kİ varmı herrcot ta tanıyan bilen
Ewet Burki nasıl tanımam :) bende Zety.. :D Ezüğün teki .... bu arada herrcot fottoları kide war ?
lan Bu®Ki ben senin reklamını yiyim emi :D sani tanıyan varmıymış, noolcak lan tanısalar :D komik yaratık oyun gitti sen hala beni tanıyan varmıdasın ulan sen gelmedin beni yalnız bıraktın ya o oyunda ben sana sorucam tek başıa korelilerle uğraştırcam seni hıyar ağası :D:D
Orjinalden alıntı: egenetbilgisayar
beyler ben Bu®Kİ varmı herrcot ta tanıyan bilen
konuyu hortlatmis
Orjinalden alıntı: egenetbilgisayar
beyler ben Bu®Kİ varmı herrcot ta tanıyan bilen
cevap vernlerin hepsi fake olabilir yani aynı kişi kendikendine kkonuşuolar heralde