Güzel biLqiler. E-posta adreslerini kaybedenlerin bayağı bir işine yarayacak heralde
hakikaten çok güzel.Allah razı olsun...
Hello Kazim,
Thank you for writing to Windows Live ID Technical Support. My name is Mary Grace, and I would like to apologize first for the delay in answering your e-mail. I have read from your e-mail that someone has compromised your Windows Live ID, kaynaci_@hotmail.com. I can imagine how inconvenient this can be for you, but I am pleased to assist you in getting back your account.
To help you in retrieving your password, we will need your cooperation by verifying your account ownership. To do this, please provide the following information completely and accurately:
1. Your Windows Live ID (username@hotmail.com) 2. Your first name and your last name 3. Your date of birth (month/date/year) 4. Your country 5. Your state (if applicable) 6. Your postal code 7. Your IP address (List the IP addresses from each computer that you use to access your account)
To determine your IP address, visit the following Web site:http://www.whatismyip.com . The numbers that appear at the top of this Web page are your IP address.
8. The answer to your secret question (if applicable) 9. The "alternate e-mail address" that is on file for the account (if applicable) 10. Your Internet Service Provider (home or work)
An ISP is a company that provides an end user with a connection to the Internet and other similar services, such as e-mail. Examples include MSNIA, EarthLink, and Comcast.
11. The last date and time that you successfully signed in
More information that may help us verify account ownership:
A. Windows Live Mail customers
1. The names of any folders that you created in addition to the default folders 2. Names of contacts in your address book 3. Subjects of any old mail that is in your inbox or mail folders
B. Windows Live Messenger customers
1. Names of contacts on your contact list 2. Your Windows Live Messenger nickname (display name)
When we receive and verify this information, we can give you the procedures that you would need to reset your password. We look forward to your response.
Mary Grace C. Windows Live ID Technical Support
If you are currently located in United States, find out how easy all-in-one PC care can be with the 90-day free trial of Windows Live OneCare. To get started, paste this link in your browser:http://www.windowsonecare.com/?sc_cid=SPT_ppt
--- Original Message --- From: emre_berkay_@hotmail.com Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 12:41:35 AM UTC To: LV_ID.WNLV.EU.UK.EN.MSF.SEA.TS.T01.RTG.00.EM Subject: Windows Live ID:I need to know how to do :Reset Password:Reset Password by sending
Service : [Service:] Windows Live ID
What type of problem do you have? [What type of problem do you have?] I need to know how to do something. [] Reset Password [] Reset Password by sending me Email []
Full Name: [Full Name:] kazim
What e-mail address would you like a response sent to? [What e-mail address would you like a response sent to?] emre_berkay_@hotmail.com
Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you are inquiring about: [Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you are inquiring about:] kaynaci_@hotmail.com
Be specific when describing your problem. The details that you include enable us to promptly send you the most likely solution to your issue. [Be specific when describing your problem. The details that you include enable us to promptly send you the most likely solution to your issue.] To ensure a quick resolution, provide as many details as possible, including the date and time the problem occurred, a description of what you were trying to do, the detailed steps you took that led up to the problem, and details on any error messages that you received: '' my mail is hacked ''
What is the frequency of the problem? [Frequency of the issue:] First time
How do you access your account? [How do you access your account?] Computer
Who is your ISP? [Who is your ISP?] MSN
What type of internet connection do you have? [Type of Internet connection:] DSL
Have you recently installed any new software (if you enter yes please add more comments in the text box above)? [Have you recently installed any new software (if you enter yes please add more comments in the text box above)?] Yes
Which operating system are you using?Windows XP: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) [Which operating system are you using?]
Which browser are you using: IE6 [Which browser are you using]
Location: en-gb - English (Great Britain) [Location: en-gb - English (Great Britain)]
Type of Support: E-mail Support Type of Support: E-mail Support
bundan sonra ne yapacaz
7 inci maddeye kadar doldura bildim diğerlerini anlayamadım türkçe açıklamalarını bilen var ona göre doldurup yollayacağım msn ye
1. Your Windows Live ID (username@hotmail.com) 2. İsmin ve Soyismin 3. Doğum tarihin (ay/gün/yıl) 4. Ülken 5. Eyalet(şehir) 6. Posta Kodu 7. IP adresi. (www.whatismyip.com 'dan bakabilirsin=
8. Gizli sorunun cevabı nedir 9. alternatif (ikinci) eposta adresin nedir? (eğer seçenekler bölümünden ayarladıysan) 10. İnternet Servis sağlayıcı firman nedir( ==> Turk Telekom )
11. En son başarılı girişini ne zaman yaptın.
sanki ben bunların türkçesini daha önce yazmıştım..
Orjinalden alıntı: MaviAteş
1. Your Windows Live ID (username@hotmail.com) 2. İsmin ve Soyismin 3. Doğum tarihin (ay/gün/yıl) 4. Ülken 5. Eyalet(şehir) 6. Posta Kodu 7. IP adresi. (www.whatismyip.com 'dan bakabilirsin=
8. Gizli sorunun cevabı nedir 9. alternatif (ikinci) eposta adresin nedir? (eğer seçenekler bölümünden ayarladıysan) 10. İnternet Servis sağlayıcı firman nedir( ==> Turk Telekom )
11. En son başarılı girişini ne zaman yaptın.
sanki ben bunların türkçesini daha önce yazmıştım..
çok saol arkadaş isdedikleri soruları cevaplandırıp e posta atacağım umarım msn adresimi geri alabilirim çok saol
ben tüm bilgileri yazıp göndermiştim bana yeni şifreyi göndermediler :(
Orjinalden alıntı: onurdag89
ben tüm bilgileri yazıp göndermiştim bana yeni şifreyi göndermediler :(
umut yokmu demek istiyorsun
Emeğine sağlıık
bu şekilde e posta geldi acaba türkçesini bilen varmı
Hello Kazim,
Thank you for writing back to Windows Live ID Technical Support. We appreciate the time you have spent in providing the information we need to confirm your account ownership in order to help you with your password issue. My name is Genalyn and I am here to rectify this issue for you.
After thoroughly checking the account profile information you provided, I regret to inform you that it does not match the information stored in the account.
Please understand that MSN Hotmail enforces its policies to help protect the privacy and security of its member accounts. Since you have failed to confirm the profile information stored in your MSN Hotmail account, we cannot provide additional assistance. I recommend that you create another MSN Hotmail account. To do this, please follow these steps:
1. Visithttp://account.live.com/ 2. Click "Sign up for Windows Live!" link located at the left hand side of the page. 3. Click "Sign up" button. 4. Type the name that you want to use for your Windows Live ID or the e-mail address you would like to use. You may click "Check availability" to determine if your preferred sign-in name is available for registration. 5. Fill in the "Choose your password," "Enter password reset information," and "Your information" sections. 6. In the "Type Characters" box, type the characters that you see in the "Picture" box. For more information, click "Help Central" located at the bottom of the page. In the "Search for" text box, type "Match the characters in the picture." 7. Read the "Service Agreement" and the "Privacy Statement", and then click "I accept."
For your reference, below are the online reset password options:
A. By providing account information and answering your secret question:
If you know the answer to your secret question, you can reset your password instantly online.
B. By e-mail
If you have previously added an alternate e-mail address to your MSN Hotmail.com or MSN.com passport profile, you can reset your password by e-mail. This lets you have another option to reset your password by utilizing the "Password Reset by E-mail" feature.
Kazim, you are a valuable customer to MSN and we are glad to give you consistent and effective service. Thank you for using Windows Live ID.
evet varmı bir fikri olan
sanırım parolanızı sıfırlayın diyor gizli soruyu cevaplandırdıktan sonra fakat gizli soruyu bilmiyorum değiştirilmiş anladığım buysa bundan sonra ne yapmam gerekiyor çalınan msn geri almam
Orjinalden alıntı: kaynaci
sanırım parolanızı sıfırlayın diyor gizli soruyu cevaplandırdıktan sonra fakat gizli soruyu bilmiyorum değiştirilmiş anladığım buysa bundan sonra ne yapmam gerekiyor çalınan msn geri almam
Hem msn hackleyen kişi’ hemen gizli soru ve diger msn adresleri degistirmiş
bu soruyu ingilizce nasıl yazıp yollarım geriye
bu epostada diyor ki;
gönderdiğiniz bilgiler ile verdiiniz eposta adresinin bilgileri doğrulanmadı. bu yüzden size yeni bir şifre gönderemiyoruz. siz en iyisimi kendinize yeni bir hesap açın. ondan sonra da maddeler halinde nasıl yeni hesap açılacağını anlatmışlar.
bu yaptığımız yöntem zaten gizli soru ve ikinci eposta adresi değiştikten sonra yapmanız gereken birşey. siz eski bilgilerinizi yazarken yanlış veya EKSİK yazmışsınız. veya çok türkçe karakter falan vardır, karşı taraftaki kişi okumakta zorlanmıştır. bilgilerin yanlış oludğunu düşünmüştür.
bu söylediklerim aklıma gelen ihtimaller. anlattıklarımı en baştan tekrar deneyin. kolay gelsin.
tekrar deneyim yolayacağım saol neticeyi yazarım
7. maddenin türkçesi ile 8.maddenin türkçesinin yer değişmesi lazım
arkadaşlar merhaba bu hotmailde çöp kutusundan sildiğim mesajlara ulaşma imkanın var mı bilgisi olan varsa yardım etsin lütfen
Orjinalden alıntı: METAL
7. maddenin türkçesi ile 8.maddenin türkçesinin yer değişmesi lazım
düzelttim teşekkürler.
Orjinalden alıntı: coelecant
arkadaşlar merhaba bu hotmailde çöp kutusundan sildiğim mesajlara ulaşma imkanın var mı bilgisi olan varsa yardım etsin lütfen
maalesef, şimdiye kadar böyle birşey duymadım,görmedim.
açıkcası böyle bir duruma karşı pekte ümitli değilim.
böyle e posta geldi tekrar 11 maddeye kadar doldura bildimi diğer maddeelerde ne istiyorlar türkçe açıklamalarını bilen arkadaşların yardımlarını bekliyorum
For us to investigate your concern, we will need your cooperation by verifying your account ownership. To do this, please provide the following information completely and accurately:
1. Your Windows Live ID Sign in name: 2. Your First and Last Name 3. Date of Birth (Month/date/year): 4. Country or Region: 5. State (if applicable): 6. Zip or Postal Code: 7. Your IP address (List the IP's from each computer that you used to access your account). You can go tohttp://www.whatismyip.com to find this information: (The numbers that appear at the top of this page will be your IP Address). 8. Answer to your Secret Question (if applicable): 9. Alternate Email address on account (if applicable): 10. Your Internet Service Provider (home or work): 11. Last date and time you successfully signed in:
Additional Information that may assist us in verifying you.
Windows Live Mail Customers:
1. Any folders you created (aside from the default folders): 2. Contacts in your address book: 3. Subjects of any old mail that is in your inbox or mail folders.
Windows Live Messenger Customers:
1. A list of Contacts in your buddy list. 2. Your Windows Live Messenger Nickname (your Messenger Display name)
When we receive the answers that you provide, we will review the information and reply.
We look forward to receiving your response.
Tyrone Rodney Windows Live ID Technical Support
If you are currently located in United States, find out how easy all-in-one PC care can be with the 90-day free trial of Windows Live OneCare. To get started, paste this link in your browser:http://www.windowsonecare.com/?sc_cid=SPT_ppt