Server Information Server Name: Mu-inferno Server Version: 97d Drops: 30% Exp: x35 Create Guild Level: 200 LVL SM,ELF,BK: 5 Point MG 7 Point Reset Level: 350 LVL Vip Reset Level: nnLVL Max Level: 400 LVL Max Stats: 32767 Max Zen: Up Time: 24/7 New map server /move stadium (from 220) Mix Rates Jewel Of Soul succes rate: 40% Jewel Of Soul succes rate +luck: 250% Jewel Of Life succes rate: 320% Item +10 succes rate: 45% Item +11 succes rate: 40% 2nd level Wings Success rate : 56% Security Server
LİVE Guard Anti Guild Crash Anti Vault Dupe - Improved! Anti Bad Symbols in Character Name Anti Guild Notice Inject - New! Anti NPC Trade Crash - New! Anti Trade Hack - New! Anti Zombie Hack - New! Anti Twisting Slash Hack - New! Anti Shadow Bug - New! Anti Trade Dupe - Unique! Anti Syn Flood - New!