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Ininal kartla amazondan alisveris sorunu yardim gerekli

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  • arkadaslar lutfen yardim ediniz asagidaki olayi 2 defa yasadim param olmasina rağmen rezil oluyorum ve indirim firsatlarini kaciriyorum.

    oncelikle bir eposta aciyorum.sonra
    amazona o epostayla kaydoluyorum.amazon
    hesabimda adress line 1 ve addres line 2 ye
    adres bilgilerimi giriyorum.istanbul turkey ve
    34000 posta kodunu giriyorum.sonra kart
    secenegi geliyor oradan ininal.kartimin 16
    hanesi ve son kullanma tarihini soruyor bende
    giriyorum.sonra son adimda usdmi yoksa trt
    uzerindenmi alisveris yapacagimi
    soruyor.bende usdyi seciyorum.ve sonrasinda
    345.50 dolar diyor(yani dun vg248qe 220$ ken
    umarim yine black fridayda yarin fiyati
    duser)neyse toplam 345.50 diyor.parayida 2.35
    den ceviriyor.yani usd yada try sevmenin
    burada ne farki var birkere bunu
    anlamiyorum.ikiside ayni fiyat yapiyor ben
    yinede usdyi seciyorum.ve amazon current
    bilmemneyi disabled etmis oluyorum.sonra
    siparise devam etmek icin continue diyorum ve
    thank for order diyor.ve hesabimin kayitli
    oldugu emaile thanks for order diye ve
    siparisimin nunarasini yolluyor.ardindan ise
    sorun burada baslayacak... 2-3 saat sonra bu
    mail geliyor.tam olarak anlayamiyorum.fakat
    kredi karti tamamen bana ait bunu 2. Kez
    yasiyorum ilki ablamin kredi kartiydi ondada
    hesabimi engelledi hesabima birdaha giris
    yapamadim bu sefer ininal aldim yine ayni sey
    oluyor. Buyrun 2. Gelen eposta(2-3 saat sonra)
    Amazon.com order cannot be shipped
    Hello from Amazon.com.
    We have placed a hold on your account
    because the card issuer has declined
    our request to confirm your billing
    details for your MASTER CARD ending in
    03 citing legal and privacy reasons. You
    will not be able to access your account
    or place orders with us until we confirm
    your information.
    To resolve this matter, please allow the
    card issuer to grant our request, or send
    this information to our secure fax line at
    206-266-1838 (US) or 001-206-266-1838
    - A copy of your statement for the
    payment card used, including the billing
    - The last two digits of the payment card
    - Your name, phone number, and e-mail
    We will convert your fax to a secure
    electronic image. For your security, we
    restrict access to your billing details to a
    team of account specialists.
    Our Customer Service team cannot
    access these details, view your fax, or
    provide you with more information on
    this matter. They can only verify that we
    sent this request.
    You can expect a response from us
    within 24 hours of sending your fax.
    If you would like us to confirm your
    information with the card issuer, reply to
    this message from the e-mail address
    registered to your Amazon.com account
    after you have arranged for them to
    grant our request.
    Your financial institution can use our fax
    number to send us the name and
    number of a representative we can
    contact by phone.
    We ask that you do not open new
    accounts as any new order you place
    may be delayed.

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