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Into The Wild (2007) (3. sayfa)

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    Orjinalden alıntı: 20burak1991


    Orjinalden alıntı: unconscious

    Doğru bende biraz etkilendim ama filmi pek fazla beğenmedim mutlu sonla bitsin isterdim

    gerçek hayat hikayesi olmasından kaynaklanıyor bu.adamın sırtını araca verip çektirdiği fotograf yeter mutlu bir son için.en sonda gösterilen foto.yüzündeki ifade aşırı mutlu oldugunu ve birşeylerin farkında olarak yaşadıgının göstergesi.sanki sizin yaşadıgınız sekli yasadım ama siz bu şeklin verdiği hazzı bilmiyorsunuz der gibi.sanki az önce insan olmanın gerçeklerini keşfetmiş gibi bir gülümseme.

    Adam tercihini yapmış ve mutlu bir hayat yaşamış o belli birşey.Ben sadece filmi kendime yakın bulmadım yani tabiki gerçek hikaye olmasa mutlu sonla biteceğine eminim.

  • Aylardır arşivimde olan bu muhteşem filmi bu sabaha akrşı izliyebilidim;

    Happiness only real when shared!!!Mutluluk ancak paylaşıldığında gerçektir!!!

    Sözü herşeyi ifade ediyor.Ben Chris Mccandless için asla üzlmüyorum çünkü o istediği hayata istediği şekilde kavuştu ve istediği şekilde aramızdan ayrıldı umarım herkes bukadar özgür bir hayata kavuşabilir...

    İyi sabahlar...
  • @sendenbenden, sana da iyi sabahlar olsun.

    Film güzeldi gerçekten, benim hoşuma gitti. Aslında bir yandan X@nder'e de katılıyorum ama sonuçta gerçek bir hikâyeden uyarlanmış film. Değiştiremezler ki?

    Ayrıca film boyunca çalan müzikler de güzeldi. Yerine uygun ve özenle seçilmiş parçalar.
    Ne olursa olsun, arşivlik bir film diye düşünüyorum.
  • Forumdaki tavsiyelere kulak verip geçenlerde izledim. Gerçekten çok etkileyici bir film. Herkese tavsiye ederim.
  • gerçek olduğunu öğrendiğim zaman yüzümdeki ifadeyi görmenizi isterdim.
  • Filmdeki Tracy Tatro'nun gerçek olanı ile yapılmış bir röpörtaj var (Soldaki kız).

     Into The Wild (2007)

    Weekly Webb: Absarokee woman portrayed in new film by Sean Penn

    Of The Gazette Staff

    A scene in Sean Penn's film "Into the Wild" has a long-legged Tracy Tatro Gates strumming a guitar and putting her poetry to music a la Joni Mitchell.

    That's the one scene that the real Tracy, a wife and mother of three living in Absarokee, doesn't particularly like about the film.

    "Everybody thinks I can sing now and I don't sing unless I'm drunk," she said.

    Her story is almost as wild as that of her friend, Christopher McCandless, whom she met in early 1992. At the time Tracy was 16 and living with her family in the California desert in an area known as Slab City, a hippie commune of sorts on the edge of civilization.
    "My brother and I grew up at the Slabs. It was a bit of everything. When I was 13, I watched a guy get shot. I could walk down the street there, though, and I knew everybody. Absarokee is that way, too."

    In the film, McCandless, played by Emile Hirsch, sets out on a journey of discovery giving away his life savings before he hitchhikes across the country, penniless and relying on the kindness of strangers. McCandless created a new identity for himself, using the name Alex, the only name Tracy knew him by.

    "He was a nice guy, but some of the stuff he did was just stupid. Who takes a kayak down the Colorado into Mexico? He was a really smart guy, but he just wasn't ready for Alaska. It would have been great if he'd made it out alive, but he didn't."

    Tracy is portrayed as a young woman in the film, smitten by McCandless and offering herself to him. Tracy said she had a crush on him, but was never in love with McCandless.

    "I knew he was crazy," she said.

    Soaring vistas of Alaska, the Grand Canyon, and South Dakota wheat fields pair nicely with vignettes from McCandless's insightful journal; and Eddie Vedder's deep vocals help narrate the story and set the mood.

    Tracy said she learned of McCandless's death watching "The Today Show" in 1993 and bought the book about McCandless written by Jon Krakauer as soon as the first edition came out in 1994. She said she was disappointed that the author hadn't talked to more people before writing "Into the Wild," and complimented Penn for doing so before making the film.

    "When I got that book I noticed I was in it because I was in his journal. I wrote a 10-page letter to Jon Krakauer and told him I didn't think he got the whole story. It was returned to me unopened. He never got it," Tracy said.

    Penn brought a variety of people into the film project, including McCandless' South Dakota boss Wayne Westerman, who is played by Vince Vaughn in the film. Tracy met both Vaughn and Westerman when she traveled to South Dakota for filming in 2006. She saw Vaughn as "a bit full of himself," but she and Westerman have since become friends. She also attended a premier of "Into the Wild" in Aberdeen in September.

    Tracy said her early life was a struggle and she was forced to grow up fast. Her family once lived in a hearse and she and her brother once traveled from Texas to California in the trunk of her parents' car.

    While she developed a strong sense of survival and a healthy dose of cynicism, McCandless' life was quite sheltered, she learned from long talks with him around the campfire.

    It's not surprising that when Penn's artistic manager for the film initially contacted Tracy in 2006, asking for permission to portray her in the film, Tracy demanded to speak with Penn.

    "He called me 10 minutes later. I didn't even think it was Sean Penn, so I said, 'How do I know it's you?' We talked for a while and I asked him all these questions about his films until I was sure it was him. He asked me to send him a current picture. My husband and I are big hunters to I sent him pictures of Harry and I with animals we'd shot. I don't think he liked them that much because he doesn't like hunting. But when I got to South Dakota, he stood outside his trailer and had a cigarette with us. He was really nice."

    Throughout McCandless's adventures - living in a cave for a month in Mexico, running a combine in South Dakota, and, finally, trying to live off the land in Alaska - he offers wisdom to help other people but can't seem to get past his own demons.

    A retired veteran, who becomes so attached to McCandless in California that he offers to adopt him, tells McCandless, "When you forgive, you love, and when you love God's light shines on you."

    It's an important message for McCandless, who spends the entire film running from his past and his parents. But, unfortunately, it's one that doesn't sink in until it's too late.

    "If he had pointed that wisdom of his more inward, this wouldn't be happening," Tracy said.

    Actor's dog survives adventure
    A Billings dog survived his adventure into the wild Saturday, reuniting with his owner David Ginn.

    Ginn, a local actor who played the lead in Billings Studio Theater's fall production "Grease," said he's been telling the incredible story of his terrier Chewie all week.

    "Everybody is just amazed," Ginn said.

    Ginn was involved in a traffic accident Saturday on North 27th Street near Montana State University Billings. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt and was thrown into the windshield, and Chewie ended up on the dashboard. In all the commotion after the wreck, Chewie jumped out of the car and started running up North 27th toward the Billings Logan Airport.

    Chewie was adopted by Ginn from an animal rescue shelter in Southern California a year a half ago. Ginn said he spent hours looking for adoptable dogs on the Internet and fell in love with Chewie before they even met.

    "He was an abused dog," Ginn said. "He was shy at first, but he's become very attached to me."

    Ginn's face bleeding from lacerations from the accident, he said he searched for Chewie in the area of the accident before heading to the emergency room at Billings Clinic for stitches. He then called his parents and other family members to look for Chewie. One report indicated that a small terrier was seen on the Rims being chased by a buck deer.

    Ginn was starting to lose hope when his girlfriend's mother walked into the emergency room with Chewie in her arms.

    "I asked her where she found him and she said, 'He was sitting outside the door to the emergency room, waiting for you.' "

    Published on Friday, November 16, 2007.
    Last modified on 11/16/2007 at 12:59 am

    Copyright © The Billings Gazette, a division of Lee Enterprises.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi osstation -- 22 Kasım 2008; 20:07:53 >

  • Mutlaka izlenilmesi gereken bir film
  • Biraz önce izledim, mükemmel bir film. Son andaki resim de baya ilginçti.
  • Kızın röportajında 2 şey dikkatimi çekti ;

    1-Ondan hoşlanmıştım ama sevmemiştim aşık olmamaıştım demesi;
    2-Onun ALASKA dan dönememesi beni hayal kırıklığına uğrattı demesi.

    Samimiyetten uzak bir kız gibi geldi bana...
  • Samimiyetsizlik yok bence, aslında gayet samimi açıklamalar olmuş. Olayı abarta abarta anlatabilirdi ama gayet yalın, olduğu gibi anlatmış. Kaç gün beraber geçirdiler ki bir de aşık olsun değil mi? Zaten olayın üzerinden yıllar geçmiş, kadının bütün hayatını bu olayın ve adamın etkilemesi beklenemezdi.
  • Çok iyi filmdir. Zaten biyografi dramlardan kolay kolay kötü film çıkmaz.
  • Filmin etkileyici tek unsuru, yaşanmış olması. Onun dışında fazla bir özelliği yok..
    Hayata dair habire bir mesaj vermeler falan.. Birde 2,5 saat sürüyor..Biraz bayıyor..

    Hayatta kalma mücadelesine dair fazla birşey göstermiyor..
    O tarz şeylerden hoşlanan varsa Ultimate Survive'ı seyretsin discovery'de. Ya da Castaway'i.


    Sonunda biraz burkuyor haliyle..

  • Bu arada çok ahlaklı bir insanmış, hatunu eliyle itiyor, 16 yaşında diye. 18 olsa yatacaktı..

    Ekleme: Film'deki oyunculuğun hakkını vermek lazım.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi LSG -- 25 Kasım 2008; 20:02:59 >
  • en sevdiğin film sorusuna cevabım bu film ...
  • ben böyle bir şey görmedim.. İnanılmaz... İnanılmaz..
  • Hayatımda izledigim en saglam filmlerdendir.Mutllaka izlenmesi gereken bir film
  • in to the blue filmi ile hep karıştırdığım film arşivde var ama izlememiştim
    bu akşam izliyeceğim

    düzeltme : imla

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi fallofday -- 2 Ocak 2009; 13:09:50 >
  • İzleyeli çok oldu ama topic i görünce dayanamadım yazıyım dedim.
    Kesinlikle etkileyici bir film izlemeyenler kısa zamanda bu eksiği gidermeli..
  • -Hayata bakışını değiştiren film oldu mu hiç?
    -Evet: Into The Wild
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