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Lol custom skin-skin hataları

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  • Arkadaşlar merhaba lol custom skin yükledim ancak tüm adımları doğru yapmama rağmen oyun açıldığında ya karakterim mavi görünüyor yada karakterim görünmüyor kaç gündür bunla uğraşıyorum Dh den yardım gelir umuduyda buraya yazdım yardımlarınızı bekliyorum tşkler.

  • Repair yap

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Hocam repair 3-4 kere yapmışımdır ama malesef aynı sonucu alıyorum daha önce 4-5 kere yüklediğimde bi sıkıntı olmuyordu.Yeni patch geldikden sonra bu hatayı aldım gurur meselesi oldu artık yapmalıyım :)
  • aynen bende aynı sorundan muzdaripim
  • şimdi lolu sildim yeniden yüklüyorum eğer çözüm buysa buradan bildiririm kardeşim.
  • Oyunu silip tekrar yükledim ama nafile karakter yine görünmüyor yada mavi olarak çıkıyor yardım edebilecek varsa çok makbule geçer.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: deathbokk

    Oyunu silip tekrar yükledim ama nafile karakter yine görünmüyor yada mavi olarak çıkıyor yardım edebilecek varsa çok makbule geçer.

    Kardeş bir sürü championship heron oldu keyfine bak.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    LOL ve Drop Hack
    10 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Hit-Man


    Orijinalden alıntı: deathbokk

    Oyunu silip tekrar yükledim ama nafile karakter yine görünmüyor yada mavi olarak çıkıyor yardım edebilecek varsa çok makbule geçer.

    Kardeş bir sürü championship heron oldu keyfine bak.

    Ne demek istedin anlıyamadım kardeşim
  • +++++ yardım
  • beyler bi yardım edin lütfen...
  • bi bilirkişi yardım etsin :)
  • hocam yardım edilceği yok sorun devam ediyor.Ama leaguecraft sıtesınde bır cok kişi bu sorunla karşılaşmış yenı sürümü gelene kadar beklicez galiba :(
  • EDIT 7/29:
    For you guys who are having problems with Repair not working, could you try running lol.launcher.admin.exe and running Repair from that? It can be found wherever you installed LoL -- one way to find it is to right-click on your LoL shortcut, then click on "Open file location". Let me know if that works for you, that would be some interesting information to know.

    EDIT 7/28 #2:
    Players are reporting that the following works to fix it:

    "Just move the Riot Games folder into your Program Files one and see if that lets you start up. Worked for me, and honestly I can't believe it was such a simple and silly thing."

    Thanks to noobswillownu for figuring that out (and Cenerae for clarifying it) !

    EDIT 7/28:

    We've deployed a fix that should stop any *new* people from being afflicted with the blue boxes. Those of you still stuck with them, it's possible that reinstalling will work for you now, though I'm not sure.

    I'm still uncertain as to why a true clean reinstall would not fix the issue. If you resintall, update, launch right into a (solo, practice) game and have it still crash on you, your rads_user_kernel.log file would be *incredibly* helpful to me if you could post it.


    EDIT 7/27: I think these issues are caused by the patcher's internet connection being interrupted in the middle of the update (or the computer going to sleep, etc)

    Running Repair from the launcher should work, but players are reporting issues with that as well (likely a separate bug, arg!).

    A solution that should work for everyone while we work on a proper fix is to do a full clean reinstall:

    1. Uninstall the game
    2. Go to the folder you had the game installed to and MAKE SURE the game is gone. If it's not, delete the folders. Some older uninstallers have issues actually cleaning everything out.
    3. Reinstall
    4. Run lol.launcher.admin.exe in the game's directory (instead of just lol.launcher.exe) and reupdate
    5. Start up a one-player practice game as Zilean, Nunu (both free right now), Taric, Tryndamere, Rammus, or Monkey King
    6. If you don't have a blue portrait at the loading screen or an "[Unlocalized]" in your champion name, I'm pretty sure you should safely be able to play (though no guarantee, hop in a practice game or two first if you're worried about leaves!)

    I realize it's a HUGE PAIN to reinstall like this. We're working on a proper fix, but testing stuff like this takes time, and the last thing we want to do is release a half-baked fix and make the problem worse!

    Also, if this "clean reinstall" method worked for you (and you tried reinstalling before, with no luck) please let me know in this thread, since it will help me to confirm the issue.

    Original Post:
    There's a nasty crash that's been in the wild for a while now, and while we're dedicated to tracking it down, we've also had no luck getting it to happen in-house. That's why I'm asking you guys for help!

    First off, I'd like to apologize for the bad experience around it -- crashing out and getting a leave sucks, and is why we want to get this fixed as soon as possible.

    The title is roughly what I understand the symptoms to be -- after a patch, suddenly certain assets (load screens, certain characters, etc) fail to load, and the game crashes. I've also heard of players crashing mid-game all of a sudden, and being unable to reconnect after that.

    Basically, if you got a BugSplat and it pointed you to this thread, if you haven't logged out and relaunched the patcher yet, please find the following file on your computer and attach it to your post ASAP (if you log out and relaunch, it will overwrite the log and it's gone forever ) :
    C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\rads_user_kernel.log
    (Or wherever you installed the game to. It might be a .log2 file, whichever one has a "modified date" that's most recent). If it's called log2, rename it to .txt before uploading, or the forum won't take it. Silly forum.

    Either way, if you think this thread is describing your problem, please let me know exactly your experience:

    1) When did it start happening?
    2) What exactly did you see before the game crashed?
    3) Did you do anything odd with the patcher during the update? Did you close and relaunch it? If so, at what part, and why?

    And finally, if you are getting the problem, try running the Repair option in the PVP.net patcher (in the "gear" menu at the top right), and launch the game, preferably in a practice or solo game in case it's still broken.

    If Repair fixes your game, please post here about it, so I can know!

    If Repair does NOT fix your game, please attach this log file from your computer, before restarting the game client:
    C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\rads_user_kernel.log
    That will have the log results from the repair itself, and I can hopefully figure out why it's broken.

    Thanks for all your help! Hopefully we can solve this one together! Again, sorry for the crashy experience, we really do strive for a crash-free game.

    -Rabid Llama, Engineer, Riot Games

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Cross Marian -- 23 Eylül 2013; 7:47:57 >

  • Yeni güncellemede geçer farklı skinler deneyin

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Hocam custom skine gerek kalmadı lolskins gibi bomba bir program buldum denendi ve çalışıyor isteyen olursa pm atsın
  • deathbokk D kullanıcısına yanıt
    Direk ismini yazsan ?
  • hocam pardon valla link atılıyormu bilmiyorum ondan pm dedim forumlarla aram pek yoktur.

    http://lol.mkjogo.com/ site bu arkadaşlar.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m7yNrg1nSo yardımcı kaynakda bu burdan bakarak yapabilirsiniz.Sadece portekizce birde japonca dilini destekliyor program tek sıkntı bu ama ezbere yapabilirsiniz.
    Takıldıgınız biyer olursa yazın ben dönerim iyi oyunlar herkese.:))

  • Bide bazı arkadaşlar doğal olarak virüs falan vardır gibi pmler attı.2 gündür kullanıyorum bir sıkıntı yok sadece size yardımcı olmak için paylaştım arkadaşlar bende günlerce böyle bir program arıyordum anlıyorum çoğu kişiyi elimden geldiğince screen çektim umarım olmuştur :)
     Lol custom skin-skin hataları Lol custom skin-skin hataları Lol custom skin-skin hataları
     Lol custom skin-skin hataları Lol custom skin-skin hataları

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi deathbokk -- 25 Eylül 2013; 17:05:19 >

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