Hidden Through Time (12 Mart) MLB The Show 20 (13 Mart) My Hero One's Justice 2 (13 Mart) Dead or School (13 Mart) Nioh 2 (13 Mart) Doom Eternal (20 Mart) Doom 64 (20 Mart) Moons of Madness (24 Mart) Granblue Fantasy: Versus (27 Mart) One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 (27 Mart) The Complex (31 Mart) Persona 5 Royal (31 Mart)
The Division 2: Warlords of New York (3 Mart) The Elder Scrolls Online: Harrowstorm (10 Mart) Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock (26 Mart) Control: The Foundation (26 Mart) Two Point Hospital: 'Sandbox Mode' & 'The Superbug Initiative' (31 Mart) Code Vein - DLC 3 (?? Mart)