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!!! Medieval 2 : Total War (1.2 Yaması Çıktı 644 MB) !!! (159. sayfa)

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  • Beyler oyunda kaydettigimiy savaler nerde saklı tutuluyor?
    Yedegini almak istiyorum da.

    Ha birde yukarıda bir arkadas oyun suresının uzatabılecegımızden bahsetmıs.
    Bunu yapabılen oldu mu, dogru mu bu?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi lupus16 -- 19 Ocak 2009; 22:08:39 >
  • Oyunun yüklendiği klasörde tutuluyor.


    Orjinalden alıntı: lupus16

    Beyler oyunda kaydettigimiy savaler nerde saklı tutuluyor?
    Yedegini almak istiyorum da.

    Ha birde yukarıda bir arkadas oyun suresının uzatabılecegımızden bahsetmıs.
    Bunu yapabılen oldu mu, dogru mu bu?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: otobar

    Oyunun yüklendiği klasörde tutuluyor.


    Orjinalden alıntı: lupus16

    Beyler oyunda kaydettigimiy savaler nerde saklı tutuluyor?
    Yedegini almak istiyorum da.

    Ha birde yukarıda bir arkadas oyun suresının uzatabılecegımızden bahsetmıs.
    Bunu yapabılen oldu mu, dogru mu bu?

    Her yere baktım ama yok. Gizlenmis dosyaları da gorunur yaptım, bılgısayarda defalarca arattım ama bulamıyorum.
  • Vista mı kullanıyorsun?
  • benim oyun korsan..kursam bi bokluk olur mu?
  • @SirSarp,
    Niye bir şey olsun ki.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: DRACON1C

    Niye bir şey olsun ki.

    ana olaya bak kurdum 1.2yi saveli oyunumu bi açtım reputationslar uçmuş..demek anladılar yaptıkları hataları..o kadar uğraşmıştım rep için yükselmemişti patchle yükseldi
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: SirSarp
    ana olaya bak kurdum 1.2yi saveli oyunumu bi açtım reputationslar uçmuş..demek anladılar yaptıkları hataları..o kadar uğraşmıştım rep için yükselmemişti patchle yükseldi

    Oyunun 1.3 ve 1.5 patch'leri var.
    Onları da kurmanı tavsiye ederim. (1.5 kingdoms için gerçi, onu kurmasan da olur)
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: SirSarp

    benim oyun korsan..kursam bi bokluk olur mu?

    Birşey olmaz ama mp den yoksun kalırsın
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Çöl Tilkisi


    Orjinalden alıntı: SirSarp

    benim oyun korsan..kursam bi bokluk olur mu?

    Birşey olmaz ama mp den yoksun kalırsın

    mp ne? multiplayer mi..bu arada acayip kolaylaştırmışlar oyunu patchlerle : /
  • Evet
    Bence 30 ytl verip oyunu almalısınız
    Orjinal olarak alınmayı hak eden bir oyun
  • [simage][/simage]
     !!! Medieval 2 : Total War (1.2 Yaması Çıktı 644 MB) !!!

    arkadaşlar şu soruna yardım lütfen ekran böyle oluyor ve oyundan çıkıp geri giriyor,ne yapmam gerek,sanırım konsol açık,birde f1 tuşuna basınca aynı böyle oluyor,oyundan çıkıp tekrar giriyor bunu nasıl çözeceğim ne yapmam gerek lütfen yardım

  • Resim yok
  • Bilgisayarın s.çtığı an Yaklaşık 6000 kişilik dev gibi bir savaş. 1440x900 her şey full. Bu kalabalıkta saniyede 3-4 fps alıyorum. Umarım yakında böyle savaşları oynatabilecek sistemler çıkar da asıl savaş zevkine o zaman varırız

    Not: Normal savaşlarda hiç kasma yok. Yani dandik bir bilgisayara sahip değilim, yandan bakabilirsiniz. Bu resmi öylesine koydum.

     !!! Medieval 2 : Total War (1.2 Yaması Çıktı 644 MB) !!!

  • Rome TW'de paneldeki sistemle FPS düşüleri yaşıyorum, medieval'da düşmesi anormal değil(Rome TW neden kasar anlamadım. İşlemci gibi kafasına taş düşsün!(5000'lik alan, herşey yüksek, 25'in altına düşebiliyor)
  • Ben 10bin kişilik savas yapmısdım 1680x1050 de süper kasmısdı 3fps :D
    Bu hangi map acaba?
  • Grand Unit Addon Mod 6.0 modun linki sağlam değil galiba.
  • Oyunu ilk defa oynuyorum şimdi hangi yamaları yüklemem lazım?
  • @foreverkobe,
    Tavsiye istersen, 1.0 (yamasız hali) üstüne 1.2 kur ve ardından "Kingdoms" ek paketini kur (yoksa mutlaka indir), son olarak da Kingdoms 1.5 yamasını kur.

    > Medieval 2 TW 1.2 Patch <

    > Kingdoms 1.5 Patch <

    Retrofit modunu (Eğer Kingdoms yüklü ise) tavsiye ediyorum, "Grand Unit Addon Mod" var "Retrofit 1.0" üzerine kuruluyor oyuna 100 birim daha ekliyor,özellikle tapınakçılar ve kutsal topraklarda üretilen birimler süper ,oyunun ana senaryosunu oynuyorsun, yapay zekayı da biraz düzeltiyor, çarpışma sahneleri çok güzel.

    Retrofit 1.0 :

    NOT: Kingdoms gerektirir.

    Grand Unit Addon Mod 6.0 :

    NOT: Kingdoms + Retrofit 1.0 gerektirir.

    :::: Grand Unit Addon Mod 6.0 Birimleri ve Modun Getirdiği Diğer Özellikler ::::
    Over 100 units are added, including:

    - Pronoia Infantry
    - Byzantine Gunners [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Archontopoulai
    - Alamanoi
    - Greek Firethrower
    - Mangonels

    - Al-'Ashair Infantry
    - Khasseki Infantry
    - Al-Haqa Infantry
    - Abid al-Shira
    - Mamluk Handgunners [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Sibyan al-Khass
    - Dismounted Ghulams
    - Ghulams
    - Khassaki
    - Mangonels

    - Ahdath
    - Turkish Crossbowmen
    - Dismounted Hasham
    - Hasham
    - Kurdish Auxiliaries
    - Iqta'dar
    - Mangonels

    - Andalusian Cavalry [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats as Turkish Quapukulu unit]
    - Andalusian Infantry [renamed Egyptian Khasseki Infantry unit, has the same stats]
    - Moorish Swordsmen [renamed Egyptian Al-Haqa Infantry unit, has the same stats]
    - Dismounted Tuareg [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Mutatawwi'a [recruited at Masjid and above]
    - Mangonels

    - Sami Axemen
    - Gotland Footmen
    - Svenner
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Chivalric Knights [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Mangonels

    - Dragoons [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Santiago Order Sergeants [recruited at Knights of Santiago Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Marshall of St. James [recruited at Knights of Santiago Headquarters, unique unit]
    - Trecenezago [retextured and renamed Dismounted Halbbruder, recruited at Knights of Santiago Major Chapterhouse]
    - Knights of Calatrava [retextured and renamed Marshall of the Templars unit, stats similar to Chivalric Knights]
    - Mangonels

    - Dragoons [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Santiago Order Sergeants [recruited at Knights of Santiago Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Marshall of St. James [recruited at Knights of Santiago Headquarters, unique unit]
    - Trecenezago [retextured and renamed Dismounted Halbbruder, recruited at Knights of Santiago Major Chapterhouse]
    - Mangonels

    - Pikemen
    - Musketeers [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - New World Cuirassers [requires America]
    - Mounted Cuirassers [requires America]
    - Armoured Sergeants [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Mounted Longbowmen
    - Mangonels

    - Musketeers [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - New World Cuirassers [requires America]
    - Mounted Cuirassers [requires America]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Chivalric Knights [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Dismounted French Archers [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Mangonels

    Holy Roman Empire:
    - Dismounted Halbbruder [recruited at Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Halbbruder [recruited at Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Dismounted Ritterbruder [recruited at Teutonic Knights' Headquarters]
    - Ritterbruder [recruited at Teutonic Knights' Headquarters]
    - Dismounted Gothic Knights [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Knechten
    - Mangonels

    - Calivermen [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Mounted Calivermen [requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Mangonels

    - Dismounted Broken Lances [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Sailors of the Italian States [renamed Pisan and Genoese Sailors unit from Crusader Campaign]
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - Mangonels

    - Russian Heavy Infantry [renamed Lithuanian Giltines Chosen unit from Teutonic Campaign]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Tartar Lancers
    - Dismounted Tartar Lancers
    - Mangonels

    - Sailors of the Italian States [renamed Pisan and Genoese Sailors unit from Crusader Campaign]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Halberd Militia
    - Late Crossbowmen (Crossbowmen from Americas campaign, renamed to avoid confusion with regular crossbowmen)
    - Mangonels

    - Sailors of the Italian States [renamed Pisan and Genoese Sailors unit from Crusader Campaign]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Dismounted Italian Men at Arms
    - Italian Men at Arms
    - Mangonels

    Papal States:
    - Sailors of the Italian States [renamed Pisan and Genoese Sailors unit from Crusader Campaign]
    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Mangonels

    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Polish Foot Knights
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Mangonels

    - Sergeant Swordsmen
    - Hungarian Foot Knights
    - Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Dismounted Late Armored Knights [renamed Late General Bodyguard, same stats, available in late era]
    - Mangonels

    - Dismounted Light Lancers [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]
    - Dismounted Heavy Lancers [for recruitment in campaign, previously only in custom battles]

    England, Scotland, France, Denmark, Milan, Venice, Papal States, Sicily, Poland, Hungary:
    - Templar Confrere Knights [recruited at Templars' Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Templar Sergeants [recruited at Templars' Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Templar Crossbowmen [recruited at Templars' Major Chapterhouse]
    - Templar Gunners [recruited at Templars' Major Chapterhouse; requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Marshall of the Templars [recruited at Templars' Headquarters, unique unit]
    - Hospitaller Sergeants [recruited at St Johns' Minor Chapterhouse]
    - Hospitaller Crossbowmen [recruited at St Johns' Major Chapterhouse]
    - Hospitaller Gunners [recruited at St Johns' Major Chapterhouse; requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Marshall of the Hospitallers [recruited at St Johns' Headquarters, unique unit]

    England, Scotland, France, Denmark, Milan, Venice, Papal States, Sicily, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, HRE, Spain:
    - Knights of Jerusalem [recruitable only in Jerusalem]
    - Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem [recruitable only in Jerusalem]
    - Canons of the Holy Sepulchre [recruitable only in Jerusalem, unique unit]
    - Knights of Antioch [recruitable only in Antioch]
    - Dismounted Knights of Antioch [recruitable only in Antioch]
    - Antioch Militia [recruitable only in Antioch]
    - Knights of Tripoli [recruitable only in Acre]
    - Squires of Tripoli [recruitable only in Acre]
    - Pisan and Genoese Sailors [recruitable only in Acre and Jerusalem, except by Italian factions]
    - Knights of Edessa [recruitable only in Edessa]
    - Edessan Guards [recruitable only in Edessa]
    - Edessan Squires [recruitable only in Edessa]
    - Templar Knights [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Hospitaller Knights [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Templar Sergeants [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Hospitaller Sergeants [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Templar Crossbowmen [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Hospitaller Crossbowmen [recruitable only in Outremer]
    - Templar Gunners [recruitable only in Outremer; requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Hospitaller Gunners [recruitable only in Outremer; requires gunpowder discovery]
    - Sword Brethren [recruitable only in Riga, Stettin, and Thorn]
    - Livonian Auxiliaries [recruitable only in Riga, Stettin, and Thorn]
    - Christ Knights [recruitable only in Riga, Stettin, and Thorn]

    Mercenary Units:
    - Armenians of Cilicia [for hire around Outremer and Cilicia, Catholic and Orthodox factions only]
    - Frankish Axemen [for hire around Outremer, Germany, and France]
    - Frankish Swordsmen [for hire around Outremer, Germany, and France]
    - Burgher Pikemen [for hire in northern Europe]
    - Prussian Archers [for hire around Prussia]
    - Samogitian Axemen [for hire around Lithuania]
    - Sudovian Tribesmen [for hire around Lithuania]
    - Calivermen [requires gunpowder discovery, for hire in Scotland and Ireland]
    - Mounted Calivermen [requires gunpowder discovery, for hire in Scotland and Ireland]
    - Alamanoi Mercenaries [for hire in Greece and Anatolia]
    - Greek Firethrowers Mercenaries [for hire in Greece and Anatolia]
    - Dismounted Ghulam Mercenaries [for hire in Outremer, Egypt, and Arabia]
    - Ghulam Mercenaries [for hire in Outremer, Egypt, and Arabia]
    - Norse Axemen Mercenaries [for hire in Britain and Scandanavia]
    - Viking Mercenaries [for hire in Britain and Scandanavia]
    - Sherwood Archer Mercenaries [for hire in England and to a lesser extent in Scotland]
    - Gwent Raiders [for hire in England and Wales]
    - Irish Squires [for hire in Scotland and Ireland]
    - Pisan and Genoese Sailors [for hire in Outremer]
    - Apachean Braves [for hire in North America only, once you discover the New World]
    - Apachean Onde's Men [for hire in North America only, once you discover the New World]
    - Apachean Koitsenko [for hire in North America only, once you discover the New World]
    - Apachean Scouts [for hire in North America only, once you discover the New World]
    - English Huscarls [for hire in England]
    - Dismounted Frankish Knights [for hire in Europe and Outremer during the early and high eras]
    - Dismounted Mercenary Knights [for hire in Europe in the late era]
    - Dismounted Mercenary German Knights [for hire in Germany and Northern Europe in the late era]
    - Mongol Mercenary Archer [for hire in the Middle East, Russia, and Anatolia, Islamic factions only]

    Other Features:
    - All cannons can now fire grape shot [except Serpentines]
    - Some updated skins, including the mount skins for Templar and Hospitaller Knights.
    - Several spelling/grammar corrections for the unit descriptions.
    - Unlocked all playable factions.
    - Minor changes to mercenary pools.
    - Included Venetian Archers and Retinue Longbowmen armor upgrade fixes.
    - Included pikemen formation fix.
    - Minors changes to recruit priority offset.
    - Updated Swordsmith and Alchemist Guild triggers for new units.
    - Added four new custom battle maps: Village Vilinus, Broken Teeth Sands, Highland Loch, and Lake Choctaw.
    - Added new Middle Eastern culture interface from Crusades Campaign.
    - Added the campaign map castle models from the Brittania Campaign.
    - Included Kingdoms faction leader strat map models for all factions (except Timurids).
    - Replaced North American Aztec rebels with North American Apachean units from the Americas Campaign.
    - Four Apachean units are now available for Custom Battles, located in the Aztec unit roster.
    - Added the following event movies from Crusades campaign: Greak Mosque, Capture Jerusalem, and Declare Jihad movies.
    - Added new Kingdoms' battlemap models for Faction Leaders for all playable factions.
    - Incorporated various adjustments from the Kingdoms 1.5 patch, namely:
    Included new Kingdoms unit shield value balance adjustments.
    Updated unit banner corrections.
    Included unit cost and attack/defense value adjustments (except those that were intended for their respective campaigns only).
    Updated several unit recruit priority values.
    Note that I did not include the "arrow type" changes as I prefer those in the Retrofit Mod over Kingdoms.
    - Buildable stone forts are a seperate optional addon.

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