PostalCode (posta Kodu) : Comments (Sorununuzu ingilizce yazın) : CustomerName (Maile Kayıtlı olan Ad, Soyad) : CUBirthdate (Maile Kayıtlı olan Doğum Tarihi) : BrowserVersion (Tarayıcının versiyonu) : OperatingSystem (İşletim Sistemi) : ErrorMessage (Alınan Hata Mesajı) : SignInAddress (Çalınan Mail Adresiniz) : Country (ülke) : FirstName (Ad) : LastName (Soyad) : Region (Bulunduğunuz İl) : Contact E-Mail (Size Ulaşabilecekleri E-Mail) :
evet bu maili gönderdikten sonra size böyle bir mail gelcek... Hello XXXXX,
Thank you for writing to Microsoft .NET Passport Customer Support.
I understand that you need assistance in signing in to your account, because you suspect that someone learned your password and secret question/answer. I can imagine how frustrating such issues can be. This is Aldrin and I look forward to providing you with assistance today.
I recognize the importance of gaining access on your account. To help protect the privacy and security of our members we need your help confirming the profile information stored in your MSN account before we can reset your password.
- First and Last Name (or any other name you think you have entered upon registration such as your nickname) (AD SOYAD) - Your .NET Passport account (the account you are having difficulties with, (ÇALINAN ADRESİNİZ) - Date of birth (Month/Date/Year) (DOĞUM TARİHİNİZ) - Country or Region (ÜLKE) - State (EYALET Kİ TÜRKİYEDEYSİNİZ GEREK YOK) - ZIP or Postal Code (POSTA KODU) - Approximate date of last successful sign in (SORUNSUZ GİRİŞ YAPTIĞINIZ YAKLAŞIK TARİH. hafta ay falan farketmez) - Approximate date of account registration (MAİLİ ALDIĞINIZ TARİH GEÇEN YAZ VS. DİYEBİLİRSİNİZ) - List as many former passwords you used with this account as far back as you can remember (KULLANDIĞINIZ ŞİFRELER) - List as many of your Folders as you can remember (inbox, trash, sent, etc.) (İNBOXUNUZDAKİ DOSYALAR Kİ GEREK YOK) - The name of your Internet Service Provider. If you access your account from outside your home (for example, from school or work) please include the name of the organization. (İNTERNET SERVİS SAĞLAYICINIZ
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