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Mu Linkzero Reload 15x - 5x | 20% | PPL 5/7 | [0.99b+ Premium]

Bu Konudaki Kullanıcılar:
2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
5 sn
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  • Oppening 08/01/17 (Days,Month,Year)

    21:00 argentina
    21:00 chile
    20:00 venezuela
    19:00 peru / Chicago usa
    18:00 Mexico / Denver usa
    17:00 Phoenix Usa / Los Angeles Usa
    16:00 Anchorage
    12:00 Honolulu Usa
    01:00 españa

    Mu Linkzero Reload
    0.99b+ Premium Progresive

    Exp Dinamica:
    lv1 - 150: 15x
    Lv151 - 300: 10x
    Lv301+ : 5x
    Drop: 20%
    Shop: +3+0+Luck
    Spots Normal: 3-4 mobs
    Spot Arena: 5 mobs
    Hot Spot SOLO MAPAS!: 6 mobs
    Mg lv: 220
    Dl lv: 250

    Reset Lv Dinamico:
    Rr 1 Lv 350
    Rr 2 Lv 375
    Rr 3 Lv 380
    Rr 4+ Lv 390
    Maximo Reset: 5 (Se Libera Cuando 10-15 Lleguen /
    It Will Be Released When 10-15 Arrive)
    Reset Zen: 30.000.000

    Reset Reward:
    1º RR: Ring + 9 + 3 Opt
    2º RR: Gloves + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    3º RR: Arma + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    4º RR: Boots + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    5 º RR: Pendal + 9 + 3 Opt
    6º RR: Pants + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    7º RR: Ring + 9 +3 Opt
    8º RR: Helm + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    9º RR: Arma/Shield + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    10º RR: Armor + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt
    11º RR: Wing S2 + 9 + Luck + 3 Opt

    Custom System:
    Reconnect System
    AutoParty System
    Offattack System
    OffStore System
    MU HELPER!!!!
    Vip System

    Custom InGame:
    Happy Exp: 100% Exp
    Happy Drop: 10% Drop
    Happy Special Drop: 5% Drop
    Drop Event: Lorencia

    Blood Castle
    Devil Square
    Chaos Castle
    Gold Invation
    White Wizard Invation
    Red Dragon Invation
    Skeleton king Invation
    Lunnar Rabbits Invation
    Christmas Invation
    Silver Medal
    Gold Medal
    Heart of Love
    Box of Heaven
    Ribbon Box (Solo por Mes de Navidad / Only For Christmas Month)

    Events Reward:
    Blood Castle: Kundun Box +1 a/to +5
    Devil Square: Item EXE
    Chaos Castle: Item Acc
    Kalima: 2 Item Exe
    Gold Invation: Kundun Box +1 a/to +5
    White Wizard Invation: Jewel of Life - Jewel of Soul
    Red Dragon Invation: Jewel Of Chaos - Jewel of Bless
    Skeleton king Invation: Jewel of Bless - Jewel of Soul
    Lunnar Rabbits Invation: Jewel of Bless
    Christmas Invation: Santa Invitation, Ribbon Box
    Silver Medal:
    Sets BK: Leather , Bronce , Scale
    Sets SM: Pad , Bone
    Sets ELF: Silk , Vine
    Sets ELF ENERGY: Violent
    Gold Medal:
    Sets BK: Brass , Plate
    Sets SM: Sphinx
    Sets ELF: Wind , Spirit
    Sets ELF ENERGY: Red Wing
    Heart of Love:
    Sets BK: Red Dragon
    Sets SM: Legendary
    Sets ELF: Guardian
    Sets ELFENERGY: Ancient
    Box of Heaven:
    Jewels: Soul , Life
    Ribbon Box:
    Jewels: Bless , Chaos

    Web System:
    Lottery System
    Vote System
    Exchange System
    Friend System (Referidos)
    Exchange System
    Vip Web System

    Web: http://lzr.linkygames.com/
    Fan Page: https://web.facebook.com/Mu-Linkzero-Reload-734272436730353/
    Group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/linkzeroreload/

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi linkzero14 -- 18 Aralık 2016; 10:36:11 >

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