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NetFramework 4.0 Yüklenmiyor [Sorun çözüldü.]

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Sayfa: 1
  • Arkadaşlar uzun süredir bu sorunu çözemedim.Netframework bir türlü yüklenmiyor ki ekran kartının ayarlarına girmek için dahi 4.0 sürümünü istiyor.Bir şekilde acilen halletmem lazım bu işi...Konuyla ilgili yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.SS ekte.

     NetFramework 4.0 Yüklenmiyor [Sorun çözüldü.]

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Doqac. -- 4 Kasım 2012; 23:58:57 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet

    Arkadaşlar uzun süredir bu sorunu çözemedim.Netframework bir türlü yüklenmiyor ki ekran kartının ayarlarına girmek için dahi 4.0 sürümünü istiyor.Bir şekilde acilen halletmem lazım bu işi...Konuyla ilgili yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.SS ekte.

    Eğer bu bir modifiye Win7 ise, bu gibi sorunlar kaçınılmaz kardeş(herkes modifiyeci oldu şu dönemde). Bu hatayı almamak için, temiz bir Win7 bulup kuracaksınız.

    Update klasörünü onarmak için aşağıdaki kodları kopyalayıp bir metin belhesine yapştırarak, Farklı kaydet seçeneği ile uzantısını .bat şeklinde yazarak kaydedin.. Dosya içinde en üstteki quote: olmayacak şekilde düzenleyin veya onu kopyalamayın.


    net stop cryptsvc
    ren %systemroot%\System32\Catroot2 oldcatroot2
    net start cryptsvc

    net stop cryptsvc
    net stop wuauserv
    ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.old
    ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

    proxycfg -d
    regsvr32 mshtml.dll /s
    net start cryptsvc
    net start wuauserv

    attrib -s -h %windir%
    attrib -s -h %windir%\system32
    attrib -s -h %windir%\system32\catroot2

    net stop wuauserv
    net start wuauserv
    proxycfg -u

    regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
    regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
    regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
    regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s
    regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s
    regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
    regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
    regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s
    regsvr32 mssip32.dll /s
    regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s
    regsvr32 msxml3.dll /s
    regsvr32 comcat.dll /s
    Regsvr32 Msxml.dll /s
    Regsvr32 Msxml2.dll /s
    regsvr32 mshtml.dll /s
    regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /s
    regsvr32 browseui.dll /s
    regsvr32 msjava.dll /s
    regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /s
    regsvr32 cdm.dll /s
    regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /i /s
    regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
    regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
    regsvr32 asctrls.ocx /s
    regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
    regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
    regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
    regsvr32 oleaut32.dll /s
    regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /I /s
    regsvr32 Shell32.dll /s
    regsvr32 browseui.dll /s
    regsvr32 browseui.dll /I /s
    regsvr32 msrating.dll /s
    regsvr32 mlang.dll /s
    regsvr32 hlink.dll /s
    regsvr32 mshtmled.dll /s
    regsvr32 urlmon.dll /s
    regsvr32 urlmon.dll /i /s
    regsvr32 plugin.ocx /s
    regsvr32 sendmail.dll /s
    regsvr32 scrobj.dll /s
    regsvr32 mmefxe.ocx /s
    regsvr32 corpol.dll /s
    regsvr32 jscript.dll /s
    regsvr32 imgutil.dll /s
    regsvr32 thumbvw.dll /s
    regsvr32 cryptext.dll /s
    regsvr32 rsabase.dll /s
    regsvr32 inseng.dll /s
    regsvr32 iesetup.dll /i /s
    regsvr32 actxprxy.dll /s
    regsvr32 dispex.dll /s
    regsvr32 occache.dll /s
    regsvr32 occache.dll /i /s
    regsvr32 iepeers.dll /s
    regsvr32 cdfview.dll /s
    regsvr32 webcheck.dll /s
    regsvr32 mobsync.dll /s
    regsvr32 pngfilt.dll /s
    regsvr32 licmgr10.dll /s
    regsvr32 icmfilter.dll /s
    regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx /s
    regsvr32 inetcfg.dll /s
    regsvr32 tdc.ocx /s
    regsvr32 MSR2C.DLL /s
    regsvr32 msident.dll /s
    regsvr32 msieftp.dll /s
    regsvr32 xmsconf.ocx /s
    regsvr32 ils.dll /s
    regsvr32 msoeacct.dll /s
    regsvr32 inetcomm.dll /s
    regsvr32 msdxm.ocx /s
    regsvr32 dxmasf.dll /s
    regsvr32 l3codecx.ax /s
    regsvr32 acelpdec.ax /s
    regsvr32 mpg4ds32.ax /s
    regsvr32 voxmsdec.ax /s
    regsvr32 danim.dll /s
    regsvr32 Daxctle.ocx /s
    regsvr32 lmrt.dll /s
    regsvr32 datime.dll /s
    regsvr32 dxtrans.dll /s
    regsvr32 dxtmsft.dll /s
    regsvr32 WEBPOST.DLL /s
    regsvr32 WPWIZDLL.DLL /s
    regsvr32 POSTWPP.DLL /s
    regsvr32 CRSWPP.DLL /s
    regsvr32 FTPWPP.DLL /s
    regsvr32 FPWPP.DLL /s
    regsvr32 WUAPI.DLL /s
    regsvr32 wups2.dll /S
    regsvr32 WUAUENG.DLL /s
    regsvr32 ATL.DLL /s
    regsvr32 WUCLTUI.DLL /s
    regsvr32 WUPS.DLL /s
    regsvr32 WUWEB.DLL /s
    regsvr32 wshom.ocx /s
    regsvr32 wshext.dll /s
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll /s
    regsvr32 scrrun.dll mstinit.exe /setup /s
    regsvr32 msnsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s
    regsvr32 msapsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s

    Bu dosyaya sağ tıklayın ve Yönetici olarak çalıştır seçeneğinden çalıştırın. Windows içinde oluşacak SoftwareDistribution.old isimli klasörü de silebilirsiniz.
    Kolay gelsin..

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet
    Anladım.Deneyeceğim fakat anlamadığım şey "windows modifiye" kavramı ilk defa duyuyorum açıklayabilir misiniz ?
    Windows'un içeriğini değiştirmek, çıkan güncellemeleri eklemek(entegre) veya sürücü yüklemek gibi vs. işlere modifiye deniyor veya diyorlar kardeş.
    Aslında bu yeniden kodlamaktır ama modifiye diyorlar her nedense. Bizlerde herkesin dediği gibi yazmak durumunda kalıyoruz. Çünkü; Yeniden kodlama desek kişi anlamıyor veya nasıl yani gibi sorular soruyor.

    Bilginize ve kolay gelsin..
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Bay_KG


    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet
    Anladım.Deneyeceğim fakat anlamadığım şey "windows modifiye" kavramı ilk defa duyuyorum açıklayabilir misiniz ?
    Windows'un içeriğini değiştirmek, çıkan güncellemeleri eklemek(entegre) veya sürücü yüklemek gibi vs. işlere modifiye deniyor veya diyorlar kardeş.
    Aslında bu yeniden kodlamaktır ama modifiye diyorlar her nedense. Bizlerde herkesin dediği gibi yazmak durumunda kalıyoruz. Çünkü; Yeniden kodlama desek kişi anlamıyor veya nasıl yani gibi sorular soruyor.

    Bilginize ve kolay gelsin..

    Aşağıdaki kod içerisinde verdiğim hatayı verdi bu sefer.Sorun hala devam ediyor.Önerebileceğiniz başka bir şey var mı ?

    OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1 
    OS Description = Windows 7 - x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1
    CommandLine = C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\\Setup.exe /x86 /x64 /ia64 /web
    TimeZone = Turkey Standard Time
    Initial LCID = 1033
    Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
    Operation: Installing
    Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
    Package Version = 4.0.30319
    User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled
    Number of applicable items: 13
    Exe (C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
    Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
    ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    Item Failed. OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Continue.
    Exe (C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu) failed with 0x240006 - (null).
    Exe (C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
    Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
    MSI (C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_20121104_230314035-MSI_netfx_Core_x64.msi.txt
    Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:09:40).

    Ayrıntılı hata raporu :

    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3] OS Version Information: 
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3]OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3]OS Description = Windows 7 - x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3] OS Version Information
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3] Environment details:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3]CommandLine = C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\\Setup.exe /x86 /x64 /ia64 /web
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3]TimeZone = Turkey Standard Time
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:3]Initial LCID = 1033
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4] Environment details
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Loading localized engine data for language 1033 from C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4] Entering Function: LocalizedData::CreateLocalizedData
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4] exiting function/method
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4] succeeded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4] Entering Function: EngineData::CreateEngineData
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Current SetupVersion = 1.0
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]SetupVersion specified in ParameterInfo.xml is '1.0'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Adding Item type "MSI", local path RGB9RAST_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Adding Item type "MSI", local path RGB9RAST_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not applicable)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:4]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not applicable)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not applicable)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not applicable)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:5]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:6]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:6]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:6]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:6]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:6]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "File", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "Exe", local path Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:7]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:8]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:8]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:8]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:8]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Core_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:9]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "Exe", local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "Exe", local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:10]Adding Item type "Exe", local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not applicable)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]No ProcessBlock element
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]No ServiceBlock element
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Disabled CommandLineSwitch added: createlayout
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:11]Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] exiting function/method
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] succeeded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] MaintenanceMode determination: evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:12]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {394244F5-63DB-3B52-A1AB-3FF407A07E9B} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] MaintenanceMode determination evaluates to 'not in maintenance mode'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Operation Type:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13]Operation: Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Operation Type
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Package details: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13]Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13]Package Version = 4.0.30319
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] Package details
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13] User Experience Data Collection Policy:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:13]User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] User Experience Data Collection Policy
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] Entering Function: UiDataT::CreateUiDataT
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Loading file - C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\UiInfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Add to schema collection schema file - C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUi.xsd
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Successfuly found file C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Successfuly found file C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Strings.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] exiting function/method
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] succeeded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] Global Block Checks: Checking for global blockers
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] BlockIf: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already a part of this operating system. You do not need to install the .NET Framework 4 redistributable. More information.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already a part of this operating system. You do not need to install the .NET Framework 4 redistributable. More information.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\CBS does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14] BlockIf: Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4 has already been installed on this computer.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:14]Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4 has already been installed on this computer.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf: The setup cannot run in compatibility mode. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]The setup cannot run in compatibility mode. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]Not In OS Compatability Mode
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already a part of this operating system, but it is currently turned off. To enable the .NET Framework 4, use Turn Windows features on or off in Control Panel. More information.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already a part of this operating system, but it is currently turned off. To enable the .NET Framework 4, use Turn Windows features on or off in Control Panel. More information.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\OS Integration\v4 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] BlockIf: You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this operation for all users of this computer. Log on as an administrator and rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this operation for all users of this computer. Log on as an administrator and rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:15]IsAdministrator: IS a member of the Administrators group
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] BlockIf: The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and the .NET Framework 4 Extended must be removed separately. Please use Control Panel to uninstall these programs. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and the .NET Framework 4 Extended must be removed separately. Please use Control Panel to uninstall these programs. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] BlockIf: Setup cannot continue because a previous installation requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your computer and rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]Setup cannot continue because a previous installation requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your computer and rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]RebootPending: No reboot pending
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:16]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf: You cannot use this setup program to install the .NET Framework. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]You cannot use this setup program to install the .NET Framework. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf: This setup program requires IA64 or x86 computer. It cannot be installed on x64 computer. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]This setup program requires IA64 or x86 computer. It cannot be installed on x64 computer. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf: This setup program requires x64 or x86 computer. It cannot be installed on IA64 computer. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]This setup program requires x64 or x86 computer. It cannot be installed on IA64 computer. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf: This setup program requires an x86 computer. It cannot be installed on x64 or IA64 computers. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]This setup program requires an x86 computer. It cannot be installed on x64 or IA64 computers. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17] BlockIf: The .NET Framework 4 is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:17]The .NET Framework 4 is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] BlockIf: The .NET Framework 4 is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]The .NET Framework 4 is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see the Readme file.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallationType contains 'Client'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18] BlockIf: Cannot install the .NET Framework 4. Other applications on your computer are not compatible with this program. For more information, see Release Notes.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]Cannot install the .NET Framework 4. Other applications on your computer are not compatible with this program. For more information, see Release Notes.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:18]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Full\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Core\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] BlockIf: You must install the 32-bit Windows Imaging Component (WIC) before you run Setup. Please visit the Microsoft Download Center to install WIC, and then rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]You must install the 32-bit Windows Imaging Component (WIC) before you run Setup. Please visit the Microsoft Download Center to install WIC, and then rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]FileVersion for C:\Windows\system32\windowscodecs.dll is 6.1.7601.17514
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] BlockIf: You must install the 64-bit Windows Imaging Component (WIC) before you run Setup. Please visit the Microsoft Download Center to install WIC, and then rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]You must install the 64-bit Windows Imaging Component (WIC) before you run Setup. Please visit the Microsoft Download Center to install WIC, and then rerun Setup.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]evaluating BlockIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:19]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]FileVersion for C:\Windows\system32\windowscodecs.dll is 6.1.7601.17514
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] BlockIf evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:20] Global Block Checks no blocking conditions found
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]OpenFileMapping fails with last error: 6
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]The handle to the section is Null
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]OpenFileMapping fails with last error: 6
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]The handle to the section is Null
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]Successfuly found file C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\EULA.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Applicability for Installing: evaluating each item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\RGB9RAST_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:21]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\RGB9RAST_x86.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\RGB9RAST_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:22]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\RGB9RAST_x64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.50727.4927
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Determining state of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 - payload not required for this item to perform action.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:23]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.50727.4927
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Determining state of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64 - payload not required for this item to perform action.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe is 4.0.30319.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Determining state of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32 - payload not required for this item to perform action.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:24]FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe is 4.0.30319.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Determining state of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 - payload not required for this item to perform action.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:25]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:26]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-ia64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:27]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:28]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:29]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] GreaterThan evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:30]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-ia64.msu - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:31]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz - to be downloaded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}, returned: 4.0.30319
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:32]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi - to be downloaded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8846F987-82AA-3412-BDD2-2EBBEE0F57AA} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_ia64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_ia64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz - to be downloaded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:33]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x86.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x86.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x86.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:34]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x64.msi - to be downloaded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:35]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_x64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:36]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {394244F5-63DB-3B52-A1AB-3FF407A07E9B} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_ia64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended_ia64.msi - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]Current Lcid value is 1033
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86en.exe - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:37]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]No FileVersion found for C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]Current Lcid value is 1033
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64en.exe - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Determining state: of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]No FileVersion found for C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64en.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:38]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Current Lcid value is 1033
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state of C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64en.exe - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified yet
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state: of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.20506 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.20506 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.21006 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30128 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30128 does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Or evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state of C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - not applicable
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state: of MSIServer
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Determining state of MSIServer - payload not required for this item to perform action.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39] GreaterThan: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:39]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThan evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version contains '4.0.30319'
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Not evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:40]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]TargetArchitecture is x64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] GreaterThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] GreaterThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]Current Operation value is Installing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Equals evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Or evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]evaluating ApplicableIf:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]TargetOS is 6.1.1
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]all numeric characters - canonicalizing
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Not evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] And evaluated to true
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Applicability for Installing determination is complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Applicability Result Count:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41]Number of applicable items: 13
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:41] Applicability Result Count
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: System Requirement Checks
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Disk space check for items being downloaded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Drive:[C:\] Bytes Needed:[2206158411] Bytes Available:[124306059264]
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Enumerating incompatible processes
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]No Blocking Processes
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Enumerating incompatible services
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]No Blocking Services
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Launching Download and Install operations simultaneously.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Downloading and/or Verifying Items
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Copying Items
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1025\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1025\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1025\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1025\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1028\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1028\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1028\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1028\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1029\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1029\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1029\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1029\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1030\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1030\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1030\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1030\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1031\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1031\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1031\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1031\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1032\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1032\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1032\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1032\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1033\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1033\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1035\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1035\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1035\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1035\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1036\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1036\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1036\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1036\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1037\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1037\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1037\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1037\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1038\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1038\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1038\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1038\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1040\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1040\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1040\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1040\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1041\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:47]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1041\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1041\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1041\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1042\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1042\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1042\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1042\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1043\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1043\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1043\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1043\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1044\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1044\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1044\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1044\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1045\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1045\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1045\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1045\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1046\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1046\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1046\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1046\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1049\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1049\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1049\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1049\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1053\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1053\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1053\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1053\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1055\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1055\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\1055\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\1055\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2052\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2052\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:48]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2052\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2052\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2070\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2070\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\2070\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\2070\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3076\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3076\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3076\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3076\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3082\eula.rtf to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\eula.rtf
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\eula.rtf, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3082\LocalizedData.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\LocalizedData.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\LocalizedData.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\3082\SetupResources.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\SetupResources.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\3082\SetupResources.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Client\Parameterinfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Client\Parameterinfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Client\Parameterinfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Client\UiInfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Client\UiInfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Client\UiInfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\DHtmlHeader.html to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\DHtmlHeader.html
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\DHtmlHeader.html, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\DisplayIcon.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\DisplayIcon.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\DisplayIcon.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Extended\Parameterinfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Extended\Parameterinfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Extended\Parameterinfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Extended\UiInfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Extended\UiInfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Extended\UiInfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Print.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Print.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Print.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate1.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate1.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate1.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate2.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate2.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate2.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate3.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate3.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate3.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate4.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate4.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate4.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate5.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate5.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate5.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate6.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate6.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate6.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate7.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate7.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate7.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Rotate8.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate8.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Rotate8.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Save.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Save.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Save.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\Setup.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Setup.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\Setup.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\stop.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\stop.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\stop.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\SysReqMet.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\SysReqMet.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\SysReqMet.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\SysReqNotMet.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\SysReqNotMet.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\SysReqNotMet.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Graphics\warn.ico to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\warn.ico
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Graphics\warn.ico, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\header.bmp to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\header.bmp
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\header.bmp, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:49]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\ParameterInfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\ParameterInfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\ParameterInfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Setup.exe to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Setup.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Setup.exe, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupEngine.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupEngine.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupEngine.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUi.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUi.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUi.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUi.xsd to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUi.xsd
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUi.xsd, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SplashScreen.bmp to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SplashScreen.bmp
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\SplashScreen.bmp, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\sqmapi.dll to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\sqmapi.dll
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\sqmapi.dll, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\Strings.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Strings.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Strings.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\UiInfo.xml to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\UiInfo.xml
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\UiInfo.xml, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Copying C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\watermark.bmp to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\watermark.bmp
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\watermark.bmp, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe: Verifying signature for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu: Verifying signature for Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu - Signature verified successfully for Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu Signature verified successfully for Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Signature verification succeeded for Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe: Verifying signature for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File lock postponed for C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe: Verifying signature for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]File C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe: Verifying signature for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Starting install of item 'necessary components for .NET Framework' at tickCount = 49117881
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe - Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]File C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Verifying Digital Signatures: C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/ to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: Downloading Item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Starting download attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164184&clcid=0x409 using None
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164184&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Starting install of item '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile' at tickCount = 49119192
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Starting install of item 'necessary components for .NET Framework' at tickCount = 49120268
    [11/4/2012, 23:4:11]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:4:30]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:5:10]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:6:2]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:7:59]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:9:4]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:10:31]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:16]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP7B5A.tmp.exe: Verifying signature for netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19]C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP7B5A.tmp.exe - Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP7B5A.tmp.exe Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19]Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Core.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19]Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164184&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:19]Launching CreateProcess to Decompress: TMP7B5A.tmp.exe /Q /X:"C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP7B5A.tmp.exe.tmp"
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:25]Decompression successfully completed with code: 0
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:25]Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/ to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:25] Action: Downloading Item
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:25]Starting download attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164178&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:25]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26] Action: Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164178&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP55F4.tmp: Verifying signature for netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP55F4.tmp - Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\TMP55F4.tmp Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164178&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/ to C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Extended.mzz
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Action: Downloading Item
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Starting download attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164187&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_BITS.log does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Action: Downloadinghttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164187&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Starting install of item '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile' at tickCount = 49659813
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]returning false
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]evaluating IsPresent:
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Exists: evaluating
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Exists evaluated to false
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]calling PerformAction on an installing performer
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46] Action: Performing actions on all Items
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:46]Wait for Item (SetupUtility.exe) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]SetupUtility.exe is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:50]Creating new Performer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Created new ExePerformer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: Performing Action on Exe at C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Launching CreateProcess with command line = SetupUtility.exe /aupause
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Exe log file(s) :
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_SetupUtility.txt
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_SetupUtility.txt exists and will be added to the Watson upload list
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Exe (C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: ServiceControl - Stop clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64 is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: ServiceControl - Stop clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32 is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: ServiceControl - Stop clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]ServiceControl operation succeeded!
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51] Action: ServiceControl - Stop clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:51]OpenService returned: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Error 0x80070424 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Item Failed. OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Continue.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Wait for Item (Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Creating new Performer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Created new ExePerformer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]WU Service was already enabled or was running
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]WU Service: EnsureWUServiceIsNotDisabled succeeded
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52] Action: Performing Action on Exe at C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:52]Launching CreateProcess with command line = wusa.exe "C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Exe (C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu) failed with 0x240006 - (null).
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]PerformOperation on exe returned exit code 2359302 (translates to HRESULT = 0x240006)
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Error 0x240006 is mapped to Custom Error: Success
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Overwrite the current error to S_OK.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Wait for Item (SetupUtility.exe) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]SetupUtility.exe is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Creating new Performer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Created new ExePerformer for Exe item
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53] Action: Performing Action on Exe at C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Launching CreateProcess with command line = SetupUtility.exe /screboot
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Exe log file(s) :
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_SetupUtility.txt
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_SetupUtility.txt exists and will be added to the Watson upload list
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Exe (C:\784c1d51c7f2cb05bb\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
    [11/4/2012, 23:3:53]Wait for Item (netfx_Core.mzz) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26]netfx_Core.mzz is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26]Created new DoNothingPerformer for File item
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26]No CustomError defined for this item.
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:26]Wait for Item (netfx_Core_x64.msi) to be available
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]netfx_Core_x64.msi is now available to install
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Creating new Performer for MSI item
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52] Action: Performing Action on MSI at C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Log File C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_20121104_230314035-MSI_netfx_Core_x64.msi.txt does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:52]Calling MsiInstallProduct(C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi, EXTUI=1
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [A later version of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile is already installed.]
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]MSI (C:\Users\ERZASC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x64.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_20121104_230314035-MSI_netfx_Core_x64.msi.txt
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]PerformOperation returned 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action: Performing actions on all Items
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]User cancelled download attempt 1 of 4 forhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164187&clcid=0x409 using BITS
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53]Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:09:40).
    [11/4/2012, 23:12:53] Action complete
    [11/4/2012, 23:15:4]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Doqac. -- 4 Kasım 2012; 23:18:13 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet
    Aşağıdaki kod içerisinde verdiğim hatayı verdi bu sefer.Sorun hala devam ediyor.Önerebileceğiniz başka bir şey var mı ?
    Buradaki eklediklerinizden şu satır; User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled kapalı olarak gözüküyor.
    Tam kesin değil ama bu kurulmamasına neden olabilir.

    Şunu http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164187&clcid=0x409 indirip kurun ve bilgisayarı yeniden başlattıktan sonra tekrar updateyi deneyin..
    Fakat verdiğim kodu tekrarlayın ve gizli dosyaları açarak kullanıcı adınız altındaki Temp klasörüne girerek orada ne varsa silin.
    Kolay gelsin..

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Bay_KG


    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet
    Aşağıdaki kod içerisinde verdiğim hatayı verdi bu sefer.Sorun hala devam ediyor.Önerebileceğiniz başka bir şey var mı ?
    Buradaki eklediklerinizden şu satır; User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled kapalı olarak gözüküyor.
    Tam kesin değil ama bu kurulmamasına neden olabilir.

    Şunu http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164187&clcid=0x409 indirip kurun ve bilgisayarı yeniden başlattıktan sonra tekrar updateyi deneyin..
    Fakat verdiğim kodu tekrarlayın ve gizli dosyaları açarak kullanıcı adınız altındaki Temp klasörüne girerek orada ne varsa silin.
    Kolay gelsin..

    Sorun çözüldü.
    Sizin dediklerinizi yaptım.Fakat yine hata verdi.
    Bunun üzerine verdiğiniz kodu kullanıp yeniden başlattım.Bu sefer 4.0 değil de 4.5'i yüklemeye çalıştım sorunsuz bir şekilde tamamlandı.Yardımlarınız ve ilginiz için teşekkürler.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ErzaScarlet
    Sorun çözüldü.
    Sizin dediklerinizi yaptım.Fakat yine hata verdi.
    Bunun üzerine verdiğiniz kodu kullanıp yeniden başlattım.Bu sefer 4.0 değil de 4.5'i yüklemeye çalıştım sorunsuz bir şekilde tamamlandı.Yardımlarınız ve ilginiz için teşekkürler.

    Sorunun çözüldüğüne sizin adınıza sevindim. Siz Framework 4.0 da israrlı olunca bir kaç uygulama yapmanızı önerdim..
    Aslında 4.5 sürümünü kurun da diyebilirdim. Zaten imzamda linki de var bu yazılımın.

    Neyse; İşiniz görüldüğüne sevindim kardeş..
    Kolay gelsin..

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