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new updates regarding xerath

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  • http://leaguecraft.com/discussions/2143-new-updates-regarding-xerath.xhtml Arkadaşlar yazıyı kopyalayamadim kusura bakmayın isterseniz sadece yazıyı alın yeni konu açın.birde çeviri yapabilcek bir arkadaş çevirebilirmi veya kısa özet geçebilirmi

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    New Updates Regarding Xerath

    So what's happening with Xerath?
    •Basic VFX direction is solid
    •Design direction is complete
    •Ability design is basically locked in
    •Balancing phase is starting

    We almost cut the auto-attack replacer, but after several playtests where playtesters insisted it was the most fun thing on his kit, we decided to keep it.

    What is Xerath now?


    Xerath's Q is still a line-nuke which instantly deals damage along the entire length.


    Live Xerath only has 2 spells with an obvious flow. E->Q. W->Q. Then his ultimate combo E - R - Q - R - R. To resolve this, we "split" Locus of Power's play pattern into two parts.
    •The W -> Q poke combo has been baked into "Q". Arcanopulse (Q) can be charged, charging the attack takes slightly longer than W-Q, but you can move while charging.
    •The W -> R total annihilation combo has been moved into the new "R". Read down to see more.

    New W)

    We've given Xerath a new basic spell, name TBD, which works like 1 pulse of Arcane Barrage with a mild slow on a short cooldown. However, it has a "bullseye" effect in the center which deals bonus damage.


    The new "E" has all of the old range W gave to Mage Chains baked in baseline, plus its now a skillshot missile that stuns, making Xerath's targeting paradigms line up smoothly.


    During the new Locus of Power, you are immobilized and your spells are free, but you drain mana over time. You can remain in R as long as your mana lasts. Your spell ranges increase dramatically.

    Instead of 3 huge pulses, you have a very large number of smaller attacks that bombard the target location with aoe explosions. R has a reasonable, but high cooldown.


    Xerath's passive provides early game mana regen, plus bonus spell penetration as he purchases mana items. This gives him early game sustain, allowing him to farm into a large-game mage hypercarry if left unchecked.

    Problem we've run into and their solutions:
    1.Major Mindshare during ultimate is insane
    2.Major 3000 range with nearly unlimited duration is overwhelming.
    3.Major Xerath is regularly unaware when he is under attack in locus.
    4.Minor Xerath E isn't reading naturally as a stun.
    5.Minor Xerath ultimate auto-attack replacer was impossible to land.

    1) Mindshare

    Old Xerath has 2 spells, plus a bursty moment when R was up. New Xerath (Xerath 2.0) has enough spells to keep him busy. So much so that during his ultimate, getting a free 5th spell has proven almost overwhelming.

    One option was to cut the auto-attack replacer completely, but it was so consistently positively reviewed that we instead decided to make it cost additional mana during Locus of Power. This means that casting your spells is your primary task, but if you need to finish someone off, you can drain your mana pool to fire a rapid sequence of small attacks to finish them off.

    2) 3000 range with unlimited duration is overwhelming.

    When we made Xerath's R duration limited by his mana pool, it meant that the length of time he could remain in Locus was much, much higher, based on build. So to counter it, we are allowing Xerath to be knocked out of locus of power when stunned.

    During Locus of Power, Xerath is immune to knockups/knockbacks and pulls. However, they will cause him to be stunned briefly and end Locus of Power. This gives enemy teams a strong objective. Get to Xerath and stop his ultimate!

    His max rank range has been slightly reduced so that seeing Xerath attack you means you can reasonably reach him.

    3) When Xerath is under attack during R, he doesn't notice.

    We're hoping that by allowing opponents to stop locus, it makes the moments where you need to turn and fight the guy attacking you more clear.

    4) Xerath E isn't reading as a stun.

    We're going to make the new effect more lightning "shocky" feel and perhaps steal some visual queues from Syndra.

    5) Xerath's R is too hard to hit.

    As an auto-attack replacement, Xerath's R attack was too hard to consistently time and land. We've since removed the effect from his auto-attack timing. Instead, during Locus of Power (R), he cannot auto-attack, but his right and left clicks will trigger a missile under his cursor every 0.5 seconds.

    These attacks can be queued up by dragging your cursor across the screen while holding down right click.


    I'm feeling *very* positive about this direction. His R feels like the same "blow up the world" feel, but less toxic and frustrating than his old R. It brings area domination on a good cooldown. His new "W" gives him a fun core experience without his ultimate. His new passive, while needing good tuning, makes him feel like the same strong late-game character.


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  • Niye böyle bir şey yapma gereği duydun ki?Adam direk link vererek bitirmiş olayı.
    Türkçe'ye çevirsen anlarız da amaç ne? Post kasmak mı?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: exp16

    Niye böyle bir şey yapma gereği duydun ki?Adam direk link vererek bitirmiş olayı.
    Türkçe'ye çevirsen anlarız da amaç ne? Post kasmak mı?

    Hayır da, konuyu açan arkadaş, isterseniz yazıyı alıp yeni konu açın demiş. Onun yerine böyle yaptım. Hem mobilden girenler başka linke tıklayarak olası gif veya boyutu büyük olan sitelere gitmekten korkuyor olabilirler. Post kasmayı amaçlamak için fazlasıyla olgunum dostum

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Dağhan.


    Orijinalden alıntı: exp16

    Niye böyle bir şey yapma gereği duydun ki?Adam direk link vererek bitirmiş olayı.
    Türkçe'ye çevirsen anlarız da amaç ne? Post kasmak mı?

    Hayır da, konuyu açan arkadaş, isterseniz yazıyı alıp yeni konu açın demiş. Onun yerine böyle yaptım. Hem mobilden girenler başka linke tıklayarak olası gif veya boyutu büyük olan sitelere gitmekten korkuyor olabilirler. Post kasmayı amaçlamak için fazlasıyla olgunum dostum

    Doğru söylüyorsun kusura bakma benim hatam.Mobilden girenlerin bu tarz sıkıntı yaşadıklarını bilmediğimden kaynaklandı.
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