-- Plugin Shockwave Flash - allows you to view Flash-animation on web pages; -- Plugin DevalVR - allows you to view 3D-documents; -- Plugin Intel Indeo - allows you to view video files; -- Plugin DivX Web Player - allows you to view video files; -- Plugin RealPlayer - allows you to view files with the extension *. rpm *. rhp *. rpj etc.; -- Plugin MicrosoftWindows Media Player - allows you to view video and audio files *. asf *. asx *. wmv *. wma *. wvx *. wm; -- Plugin Mozilla ActiveX - allows you to view elements of pages obtained under Mozilla; -- Plugin MeadCo's Neptune - allows you to use Windows Explorer from the Opera; -- Plugin Quick Time - allows to work with streaming audio / video files; -- Plugin Netscape iPIX Viewer - allows to work with iPIX-ready images, placed on a web page; -- Plugin InterTrust Redemption Wizard - provides access to PDF documents, certificates of secure DRM; -- Plugin DjVu Browser - allows you to view files with the extension *. djvu; -- Plugin Shockwave for Director - needed for the files Director Netscape; -- Plugin Acrobat Reader - allows you to view files with the extension *. pdf; -- Plugin-ignore.ini - file "blacklist" plug-ins.
Forumda 2.71 sürümü vardı , Firefox severi olarak son sürüm paketini 3 siteden hizmete sunuyorum