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    Enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use Program


    PayPal offers an Expanded Use option to help you get the most out of your PayPal account. Just complete our easy enrollment process to enjoy these Expanded Use benefits:

    No Account Sending Limit - send unlimited funds from your PayPal account.
    No Withdrawal Limit - withdraw unlimited funds from your PayPal account.

    How to Enroll in the Expanded Use Program

    You're just three steps away from the freedom of Expanded Use:

    Step 1:
    Authorize PayPal to charge a $1.95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your card. (You will receive a $1.95 USD bonus in your PayPal account after you complete enrollment.)

    Step 2:
    On your next credit card statement (monthly transaction history), find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number that will be printed in the item description section of the charge. It may take 3-4 business days for the number to appear on your statement.

    Step 3:
    Log in to your PayPal account, click the Complete Expanded Use Enrollment link on your Account Overview, and enter your Expanded Use Number.

    When you enter your Expanded Use Number, your enrollment will be complete. You'll have access to unlimited sending and withdrawals, and you will become a Verified Member of PayPal!

  • Herhalde paypalda bir çe$it sınır var ona takıldın.

    1-) Kredi kartinla $1.95 (calisiomu diye bakmak icin) odeme yapacaksin.
    2-) Aylık Kredi karti Faturanda paypal international yazacak yanında 4 haneli bir numara var onu paypal acc`ne girip yaziyosun.
    3-) Sistem aldigi $1.95 kurusu paypal acc`ne ekliyor ve sinirin yukselmis oluyor.

    sinirin tam ne oldugunu bilmiyorum aylik giden gelen para olabilir bilen varsa yazsin
  • Şu an da sen sınırlı paypal üyesisin...
    250$ limtin var...
    Eğer bir sonraki ekstren de paypal in cektiği paranin yaninda 4 harf/rakam olacak onu yazarsan limitin kalkıyo..
    Sonuç olarak şu an kullanabilirsin,yani alabilirsin...(Ekstre yi beklemene gerek yok)

    (1.95 usd kredi karti başına aldığı ücret..1 defa ödüyosun bunu)

    Siteden alma... oyunda iken al derim!
  • No Account Sending Limit - send unlimited funds from your PayPal account.
    No Withdrawal Limit - withdraw unlimited funds from your PayPal account.

    Burda yazilana gore para gonderme ve cekme limiti sinirsiz oluyomus bolece bu sorunla birdaha karsilasmiyomussun.
  • evet biraz karıştırdım ve sonuç galiba kotu

    Add Credit Card or Debit Card Secure Transaction


    This credit card is disabled for entry into the PayPal website. Please add a different credit card instead.

    If you would still like to use this card, you may fax us a copy of the credit card statement with your PayPal Expanded Use Number on it and a copy of your driver's license or other photo I.D. You must use this form for your fax cover sheet.*

    *Note:Not using the fax cover sheet when submitting your documents could result in a delay of processing your faxed items.

    American Express cards will be charged in USD. Paying with American Express will result in currency conversion fees if your card is not denominated in USD and/or if you send a non-USD payment.

    Debit Cards (also called check cards, ATM cards, or banking cards) are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo.

    Number of cards active on your account: 0

  • son mesajımda ne diyo bunlar şimdi bu kartı yine aktif edebirmiyim?
  • lutfen yardımm pls banada aynısı oldu
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • ben onları geçtim geçmesine ama hesap hareketlerini göremiyom :D bu yüzden istediği 4 numarayı bulamıyom
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